Constitutional Amendment to Relocate Forums, Mk II

OK, here we go again. The original Constitutional Amendment to Relocate Forums has expired without being implemented, so I'm re-proposing the same amendment, with a different window to be implemented. Specifically, the language I am using is "no earlier than the conclusion of the General Election beginning on September 1, and no later than October 25th." Obviously, we don't want to move forums in the middle of a delegate election, and I cut it off on October 25 in hopes that we'll be converted before the final lead-up to Zombie Day, so we have working links to distribute to the residents in preparation for the event. That is the only change from the previous amendment. Given that the last one passed near-unanimously, and there are no substantive changes to this version, I hereby move for a vote.

Those who are unfamiliar with the previous amendment are invited to review the discussion of it in this thread.

Forum Relocation Amendment:
1. Article 8 of the Constitution of The North Pacific will be amended to read as follows:
Article 8. The Regional Forum

1. The Regional Forum will be the XenForo forum located at, formerly .
2. Enforcement of forum Terms Of Service and moderation policies will be the responsibility of forum administration.
2. This amendment will only be enacted if and when posting is disabled on by forum administration in preparation for migration to xenForo, no earlier than the conclusion of the General Election beginning on September 1, and no later than October 25th.
3. The Regional Assembly declares that an actual emergency shall exist when this amendment is enacted, due to the need for forum users to reset their passwords before accessing their accounts. This emergency shall continue for thirty days. During the emergency, the Regional Assembly recommends that no resident be penalized for failing to take actions for which access to the forum is required. This recommendation is binding on all government officials.
4. No part of this bill shall take effect unless all parts take effect.

Forum Relocation Amendment:
1. Article 8 of the Constitution of The North Pacific will be amended to read as follows:
Article 8. The Regional Forum

1. The Regional Forum will be located at the XenForo forum located at, formerly .
2. Violation Enforcement of forum Terms Of Service and moderation policies will be the responsibility of forum administration.
2. This amendment will only be enacted if and when posting is disabled on by forum administration in preparation for migration to xenForo, no earlier than the conclusion of the General Election beginning on September 1, and no later than October 25th.
3. The Regional Assembly declares that an actual emergency shall exist when this amendment is enacted, due to the need for forum users to reset their passwords before accessing their accounts. This emergency shall continue for thirty days. During the emergency, the Regional Assembly recommends that no resident be penalized for failing to take actions for which access to the forum is required. This recommendation is binding on all government officials.
4. No part of this bill shall take effect unless all parts take effect.
The motion does not need to be seconded or thirded.

The formal debate period has now begun and will end in 5 days from the original motion to vote, meaning that this period will end on August 31 at 3:41 PM EST.

As this proposal was previously accepted unanimously in its current form (besides the change of date), if the OP wishes, they may ask for the formal debate period to be shortened.
Formal debate is now over and a vote has been scheduled to take place on September 4th.