List 11: WA Voters for Endotarting


Just a blob chasing cars
TNP Nation
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WA Voters for Endotarting
Hey there!

I noticed that you are an active, voting member of the World Assembly (WA). The WA is a great part of NationStates that allows nations to propose and vote on legislation that affects the thousands of nations with WA membership. But this isn't the only way to influence the World Assembly.

Unlike many other Game Created Regions (GCR), The North Pacific encourages active endorsing of others and has no limit for endorsements (as long as you have less than the Vice Delegate). Maintaining a high endorsement count not only helps ensure the security of The North Pacific as a whole and the amount of influence we have in the WA, but also lets you rank in the top of the world for endorsements, and get to know other nations better through exchanging endorsements. Not only that, but through the WA Developement Program, you can receive awards for keeping high endorsement counts.

[spoiler=Important Links][list][*]More on the benefits of keeping high endorsement counts:
[*]Generate a list of nations in TNP that you haven't endorsed yet:[/list][/spoiler]

Actively exchange endorsements in TNP and challenge yourself to see how many endorsements you can give and get.

Thank you,

[Your Name]
