Hello :)


Be Trans Throw Hands
Hello there :D

Nickname(s)?: Rach2

Main Nation?: Miss Bad Life Choices

RL Country?:America

Favourite Colour(s)?: Purple

Do you use Discord? Yes! My tag is Miss Bad Life Choices#6308

Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: IRL politics aren't really my thing :P

Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Forum games
Hello, I'm just trying to find a place to say hello this should be the right one :D
Hello, I'm just trying to find a place to say hello this should be the right one :D
Hey Rach! How are you? Welcome to the greatest region in the world! :tnp:
It's good to see you here. This is the Daniel from KoGB in case you're wondering.