by Malphe, Deputy Minister of Communications and Lead Gameside Advocate

Judge Zyvetskistaahn, before promptly losing citizenship and being dragged out of the courtroom by the bureaucracy police, who would then proceed to panic that there weren't enough judges in the courtroom anymore.
Panic gripped the nation as esteemed Justice Zyvetskistaahn lost their citizenship due to not posting on the forums in the last 30 days, leaving the court incomplete and calling for a special justice election to bring the court back into full standard. As such, the election commissioners were whipped into action and an official announcement was posted! Now the opportunists of the North Pacific would show themselves in a race for a single justice position, qualifying this special election as a candidate for the most underwhelming elections to date competition.
Four opportunists stepped forward. The first of which is Blue Wolf II (otherwise known as [any other nation containing the word wolf, and maybe kitty]), an individual so gracious and commended that he saw no need to make a campaign thread. Second of all was Romanoffia, who ran into the election declarations on his morning jog before climbing back into his coffin, and elected to throw his hat into the ring. When writing down his campaign post, windows crashed so it was elected that one line would do the trick. Third was Dinoium, whose name I have only recently learnt to consistently spell correctly. Opting for their signature tactic of incredibly large images and unbridled enthusiasm, Dinoium also elected to post their campaign thread halfway through the voting period, in a shrewd move I assume I'm just too primitive to comprehend. Last of the four was Limerick1, whose campaign thread received the most replies, which has to be a good sign.
Voting showed a clear bias to Limerick1, at a notable 32 votes (just under half of total votes cast) compared to runner-up Romanoffia's 13 votes. Blue Wolf II still recieved 5 votes, as being commended is a platform unto itself, whereas Dinoium received 6 as though they had a platform they didn't have the benefit of being commended, a great burden to bear in elections. Limerick1 was elected to the office of Court Justice despite not having a commendation, truly a testament to their courage and vitality.
by BMWSurfer, Minister of Home Affairs
This term has been filled with exciting changes, fun events, funny quotes, and a lot of work. Here is a report from each ministry:Home Affairs: The Ministry of Home Affairs has been hard at work informing nations of the opportunities available to them in TNP and providing the necessary assistance to new nations still learning the ropes. They have reached out to over 8,000 nations through manual telegram efforts and over 100 new members of our regional forum through the newly revived forum mentoring program. Additionally, the ministry has restarted the Press Release program in an effort to provide nations with frequent updates from the executive government. With the revival of these neglected programs and maintenance of the existing ministry functions, it is easier than ever to get information and help from the government.
Gameside Advocates: Home Affairs has also undergone an expansion of its Gameside Advocate program. The eight newly appointed gameside advocates have been working to help keep The North Pacific's Regional Message Board (RMB) a safe and welcoming environment through enforcing rules and providing assistance to players seeking help. The Gameside Advocates have just completed their first season of The North Pacific RMB Trivia which engaged the RMB in a friendly competition regaring TNP history. Additionally, they have run a regional survey to gather nation feedback on various government programs in an effort to enhance these program. We look forward to continued success of this program in the latter half of the term.
Foreign Affairs: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under minister Plembobria, has been working to maintain activity in all of our embassies regions. In addition, the minister has been working to formalize existing relationship as well as develop new alliances. One of the largest accomplishments this term is the non-aggression pact between The Rejected Realms and The North Pacific, which just recently passed in our Regional Assembly as well as The Rejected Realms's Assembly. This proposed treaty has been met with a plethora of positive feedback from both communities and will hopefully open the door to further collaborations between our regions as we work to strengthen this relationship.
Defense: Under General Zazumo, the Ministry of Defense has maintained considerable activity but little diversity in operations, almost all operations conducted being detags with the exclusion of a raid and hold on Warzone Africa. Despite this, the North Pacific Army (NPA) has displayed attentiveness to important operations with other regions, including aiding Wabbitslayah's delegacy transition in the Rejected Realms and aiding Stargate in the event of a petty raid on the region with several NPA puppets. Furthermore, with the passing of the WFE/Flag Removal Change allowing Defense to conduct tag operations, diversity in operations may increase in the future. The raid on Warzone Africa displayed that the NPA's pile numbers currently hover around a reasonable 16 nations.
Culture: Culture, under Minister McMasterdonia, has functioned incredibly admirably so far in this term. The ministry's greatest success this term involved organizing and executing the The North Pacific-Greater Dienstad Roleplay and Cultural Exchange - a Roleplay-centered interregional event which was met with a tremendous amount of participation from both The North Pacific and Greater Dienstad communities. The ministry has also published multiple issues of the Eras Magazine to highlight our regional forum RP community and all of their acomplishments. Additionally, McMasterdonia's aptitude for ideas has given rise to "Theme Thursdays", where every Thursday a new theme is chosen on TNP's Discord server, including Progressive Theme Thursday and Aussie Theme Thursday. These have been met with great involvement from TNP's community in the events. Besides the traditional ministry functions, The North Pacific University is also continuing to development this term under the newly appointed chancellor with a number of new lectures and other educational pieces.
World Assembly Affairs: The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, under minister Pallaith, has maintained their committed to providing to nations in TNP with some insight into proposals currently at vote. The ministry has drafted a number of recommendations for the various proposals that the General Assembly and Security Council have recently voted on. The ministry has additionally fostered many in-depth discussions and debates on various in-queue proposals and forum drafts both among our regional community and our allies in the World Assembly Legislative League. We look forward to many more quality recommendations from the Ministry in the second half of the term.
Communications: Communications, under experienced Minister Brendog, has done an astonishing job this term. the ministry has been successful at fostering new ideas for articles, in addition to helping new writers bring their ideas to life. Two issues of The Northern Lights (TNL) have already been published and more are in the works for this term. In addition to TNL, the ministry is also working to keep our radio station, the Northern Broadcasting Service, alive. The station has had one broadcast so far this term and we hope to see more activity from this area of the ministry in the near future.

By Brendog, Minister of Communications
Passed - Election Commissioner Confirmations
Eluvatur, Artemis and I were confirmed by the Regional Assembly to serve our region’s Electoral Commision. Eluvatur and I received 17 ayes and 6 abstains whilst Artemis received 18 ayes and 5 abstains.
- Bootsie's Security Council Application
Bootsie was admitted to the security council by a vote of 24 ayes, 1 nay and 7 abstains.
- Election Commissioner Confirmations ( again)
Due to Eluvatar's nation CTE's, he was no longer an election commissioner. As a replacement Malphe was elected as the replacement. Malphe was confirmed by a vote of 22 ayes, 0 nays and 4 abstains.
- NPA Doctrine Change
Longly discussed in the Army, the army now has the option to do tag-raiding. The bill was discussed and changed multiple time to provide the means of natives to restore the region. It passed with 53 ayes, 7 nays and 11 abstains.
- The Unicorn Star Accord
The Unicorn Star Accord, being discussed for a very long time is a treaty with The Rejected Realms. It received 42 ayes, 4 nays and 4 abstains
- Vice Delegate Recall Motion
Finally, due to the inactivity of our Vice delegate, the regional assembly has decided to remove Dereopia from the position, triggering a special election for the Vice Delegacy. This received 33 ayes, 11 nays and 11 abstains.
In discussion
- Constitutional Amendment to Relocate Forums
We are planning to move to xenforo, and thus a constitutional amendment is needed to change the website our forums will be moved to.

By Brendog, Minister of Communications

General Assembly
Improving the world one resolution at a time
Improving the world one resolution at a time
-:Proposal: Preventing DesertificationRecommendation: Preventing Desertification is an attempt to address the damaging consequences of desertification with a call to action on member states to confront the phenomenon within their nation and a grant of authority to the WA Environmental Council to oversee such efforts. We find the measures urged by this proposal both weak and non compulsory, and the duties granted to the WAEC insufficient to address the magnitude of the issue, thus leaving a proposal that is both fiscally unproductive and blocks stronger potential legislation on the subject. Therefore, the Ministry advises a vote against the proposal.
Status: Passed
Delegates Vote: Against
Total Votes (World): For: 11 231 Against: 6 921
Total Votes (TNP): For: 228 Against: 357 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.9%
-:Proposal: Repeal "Freedom Of Expression"Recommendation: This call for the repeal of GA Resolution #30 is designed to open debate around amendments to the law relating specifically to a nation's right - for the public benefit - to regulate false, misleading, and potentially harmful forms of advertising. Given the importance of clear language around this controversial aspect of expression, and since direct amendments to existing law are not an option, repeal/replacement is the only means by which to expand the rights of nations in this regard. The author places faith in the GA to make these amendments while keeping the spirit of the law intact, and the Ministry shares confidence that a suitable and similar replacement, with slightly expanded rights for nations, will result from this repeal.
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Total Votes (World) For: 13 246 Against: 3 680
Total Votes (TNP) For: 473 Against: 84 Percentage of WA nations voting: 34.2%
-:Proposal: Preventing The Illicit Trade Of Cultural Artefacts
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Total Votes (World) For: 13 521 Against: 1 968
Total Votes (TNP) For: 450 Against: 49 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32%
No Recommendation
-:Proposal: Asbestos Consumption, Disposal And Worker ProtectionRecommendation: Calling for worker safety and standards for asbestos is a laudable cause. The substance of the resolution alone seems to be rather harmless in and of itself, however setting arbitrary execution deadlines as well as a lack of any real need - noting that worker safety is already blanket covered by GAR 7 - creates an awkward and improperly executed proposal. Such proposal should be better attuned to addressing building standards and safety to help prevent asbestos leaks from following society into the future.
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Total Votes (World) For: 8 720 Against: 5 516
Total Votes (TNP) For: 207 Against: 292 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32%

Security Council
Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary
Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary
-:Proposal: Condemn The League Of Conservative NationsRecommendation: We suspect this is a condemnation based on a distaste for the ideology espoused, rather than anything warranting an actual condemnation. The reasons cited are common for many regions, a region is not anti-democratic for having relations with a non-democratic region, and the government identified by this resolution can be understood to be a cabinet, much like the one TNP employs. This flimsy, poorly constructed window dressing does not hide what we deem to be the true motivation for condemning this region, and we support regions on both sides of the political aisle. Condemnations should be made of stronger stuff, and actually condemn something of substance.
Status: Defeated
Delegate's Vote: Against
Total votes (World): For: 2 397 Against: 14 881
Total votes (TNP): For: 50 Against: 484 Percentage of WA nations voting: 33.1%
-:Proposal: Commend Guy
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Total votes (World): For: 12 970 Against: 4 587
Total votes (TNP): For: 466 Against: 48 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32%
No Recommendation
-:Proposal: Commend Helaw
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Total votes (World): For: 12 781 Against: 2 257
Total votes (TNP): For: 428 Against: 38 Percentage of WA nations voting: 29.6%
No Recommendation
-:Proposal: Liberate BostonRecommendation: Boston is a region that will always be culturally significant and a prime target for raids due to its name. The recent invasion was assisted in part by Nazi-affiliated regions and the occupying force failed to remove them from the region when they had ample opportunity. Regardless of any dispute over whether the Nazi involvement is completely fair, liberations ought to protect communities from total destruction when no other option will succeed in preventing that destruction. Size and geopolitical significance are irrelevant. As long as there are displaced natives wishing to save their region, a liberation ought to be supported.[/b]
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Total votes (World): For: 13 493 Against: 1 552
Total votes (TNP): For: 470 Against: 39 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32.7%
-:Proposal: Repeal Liberate The Monarchist EntenteRecommendation: The Monarchist Entente was raided by a group of raider regions, which are internationally blacklisted for their previous abhorrent behavior, in a pile that exceeded 100 endorsements on the delegate. This raid lasted for a little over a month, and was thwarted by the passing of a WA liberation preventing the raiders from placing a password upon the region. Now the region is under defender control, but that same liberation currently prevents the natives of TME from placing a password on the region to prevent further raids (a notion supported by a former delegate and native of the region). Repealing this liberation and allowing the natives to place a password upon their region is the first step to ensuring the wellbeing of The Monarchist Entente's native community by preventing potential raids in the future.
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Total Votes (World): For: 15 122 Against: 1 301
Total Votes (TNP): For: 495 Against: 35 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32.7%

by BMWSurfer, Minister of Home Affairs & Brendog, Minister of Communications
Brendog: Hello BMW, we finally get to you on the Spotlight, so welcome in!BMWSurfer: Thanks for having me!
Brendog: So for everyone out there who doesn't know, how did you start in NS?
BMWSurfer: Well, a friend told me about this game where he was creating a communist paradise. Clearly, I thought, I must investigate. I joined NS that day and was instantly sucked in.
Brendog: Ooh, I love that story, next questions, who has influenced you the most in TNP?
BMWSurfer: Hmmm, that's a hard one! So many people have had a huge impact on my time here, but I would have to say that Deropia had the biggest impact. He showed me how fun government could be, and was a big part of me staying in TNP.
Brendog: Interesting, for any newcomers to TNP, what do you think is the most interesting aspect of NS and TNP?
BMWSurfer: Of NS, it would have to be the WA. Of TNP, the executive staff.
Brendog: Speaking of WA, what made you gravitate towards WA?
BMWSurfer: Well, I joined the WA ministry of TNP because I was bored one day, and I was instantly sucked in by the discussion and debate. Over time, I learned some of the nuance and got a feel for different proposals, which made the WA even more interesting to me.
Brendog: With Proposals, TNP writes resolutions so what was the hardest resolution that you had to write an IFV for?
BMWSurfer: Probably my very first IFV for "Liberate Iran", mostly because I wasn't very confident in my writing abilities. To make matters worse, the proposal had our ministry divided on voting for or against, which meant I had to form a cohesive argument from hundreds of different messages and forum posts.
Brendog: Does WA Affairs experience help with Home Affairs?
BMWSurfer: It sure does! The World Assembly requires both writing and interpersonal skills, which helps when writing recruitment telegrams or talking to new players.
Brendog: That definitely helps. How has Home affairs shaped your experience of the government?
BMWSurfer: In Home Affairs I have gotten to see how TNP government really depends on everyone doing their part. Government isn’t just for super experienced players, but for all players to help out in.
Brendog: I feel the same why too! If you had to leave The North Pacific and create your own region, what five current citizens would you want with you and why?
BMWSurfer: Deropia and tlomz for their experience on Gameplay forums and in the World Assembly, McMasterdonia for his experience in forum and discord administration, Zaz for military experience, and bobberino for comedy relief.
Brendog: Very Interesting, but what about if every other nation were to CTE tomorrow morning, and you could only keep eight nations alive, who would they be?
BMWSurfer: Siwale, Deropia, McMasterdonia, Imperium Anglorium, Malphe, Bobberino, Zaz, Kranostav
Brendog: Are you planning on seeking the delegacy or vice delegacy at some point in the future?
BMWSurfer: Probably not, I'm not sure I could stand being WA-locked and not participating in the NPA.
Brendog: Even if you are not, who would your dream cabinet look life if you where the delegate?
BMWSurfer: That's a tough one! I'd probably put Tlomz as MoWAA, Brendog as MoCO, McMasterdonia as MoCU, abc as MoHA, Pallaith as MoFA, Zaz as MoD, and Deropia as Chief of Staff.
Brendog: Thanks for including me, I am honoured. What is your least favourite thing about the North Pacific? And your most favourite?
BMWSurfer: Least favourite? That's hard to answer! Probably would be the lack of applicants to HA ha ha. Most favourite? The people. Everyone here is so nice and makes the game very enjoyable.
Brendog: A couple more questions before we end, What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
BMWSurfer: Someone once said, "be a light, be different, stand out." Definitely, the best piece of advice I've ever seen. If we are just focused on doing good work and not on what other people think about us then we will be more effective.
Brendog: Finally, if you could sum yourself up in one sentence, what would that sentence be?
BMWSurfer: A hard working and sarcastic, but ultimately friendly, introvert.

by Bobberino, TNP Citizen and NPA officer and Malphe, Deputy Minister of Communications and Lead Gameside Advocate
June marked a landmark month for the North Pacific Army. Zazumo, as Minister of Defense, has done a laudable job continuing and improving upon Malphe's record of incredible activity from Special Forces, as well as increasing activity and participation within our Auxiliary. Our Deputy Ministers of Defense, Veniyerris and Konar, have also done excellent work aiding Zaz with administration, leading, and organizing operations. The NPA stands at an impressive number of detags performed so far this term- 144 to be exact - which puts the NPA well on pace to smash the pre-existing record of 312 coupled with the planned Bobulous Bonanza of 10 targets per update for a week straight. Important to note the passage of the recent RA bill that allows us to participate in tag raids. This gives us greater freedom to operate as a truly independent leading military organization as well as advertise our brand as the most active and flexible regional militaries in NationStates. 

The Northern Lights: Beauty in Truth
Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: Brendog
The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: Brendog
The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.