Before reading this, I want you to know that im not a good writer.
Chapter 1: "End of Rule"
It was a cold, rainy day in Minas Morgul (a village) near Ruskaland. It is the home of the long forgotten civilization "Solus". They were lead by a tyrant leader named "Soculus" until one day they had enough of him. They grabbed their Spears and Swords and rallied at his house demanding that he leaves the village and never comes back. He refused, went up to a window of his mansion, opened it and said:
-"You people don't understand how life works! You can't just come here and throw me out because you don't like how I ru-." He got hit by a flying spear in the neck while talking, killing him almost instantly.
The people rallied under a new leader "Cerulea". She was "The Choosen One" for them to lead them in the future. The next day, she gave a speech that changed everything:
-"People of Solus! Now, we are no longer under the rule of that tyrant Soculus! We are free, we are free, WE ARE FREE!! The only problem is, how can we live under a name of a civilization that was led by a tyrant? People will think that we are the same! I say, once for all that we change our name to..."Shiavania" and exit the dark age! I am here to lead you all into the future! Our main goal should be to unite all the tribes and show the world as we know it what we can do! Again, I say this once and for all...LET'S SHOW THE WORLD WHAT WE CAN DO!!"
People started cheering her, and shouting "HUUZAH".
Chapter 2: "The New Dawn for Shiavania"
It's been 10 years. Shiavania has evolved a lot. They were no longer in the past. They had everything: Food, Cars, Weapons, Planes, Houses, Roads..(etc). Cerulea was still in power. She was the same. Loved her people, helped them, cared about them. Everything was good, until 2.3.2834(Shiavanian Years). After seeing how Shiavania grew in power, other tribes have united under one country so called "Empire of the Sunrise" and declared war against her. They were brainwashed by their tyrant leader. The only thing Cerulea wanted was freedom for her people and peace.
It's been a harsh war with huge losses from both sides. It has been called "The Great Union War". The enemy "Empire" was winning but every changed at Nova Cerrule(Current Shiavanian Capital).
"Battle of Nova Cerrule"
The 44th Paratrooper Regiment assaulted Nova Cerrule with help from the The 23Mechanized Division lead by Sergent Grasoftki and The 67th Infantry Regiment lead by Commander Zukov. The Morale was low, after so many losses. Zukov didn't like this, so he tried to raise the morale by giving a speech:
-"Soldiers, how do you think we made it all the way here in Nova Cerrule? The sacrifice of our fellow comrades helped us reach the final point in this war. Why Final Point? Because we are going to win this City and end "The Empire of the Sunrise" once for all! We are going to get what is rightfully ours and become a full, like the old times! At my SIGNAL you are all going to charge!
The city is littered with wounded fighters, blood and weapons. Red, brown and gray are the new colors of what was once a beautifiul city, which has now become the stage of a tragic war.
The air which would normally be vibrant with the sound of work, trade and craftsmanship is now thick with the stench of gunpowder, blood, gore and death, hell has descended upon this area.
Two barely trained groups of the Empire fight each other because of a betrayal, but at this point it's undeniable which side will win. The dead and wounded of the losing side(The Empire) lay in large groups across the city and the faces of the fighters are grim with agony and anguish, they want to give up, but somehow keep fighting.
With a certainty of victory the winning side(Shiavania) has gained a morale boost and is fighting their enemies with more determination. Some have succumbed to a frenzy and are recklessly charging towards the enemy with only the aim to kill all, while others fight by only focusing on their enemy and not the carnage around them.
The toll on both nature and humanity is devastating. It'll likely take generations before this city will have recovered. It's clear blood, bodies and broken siege engines have taken the place of monuments, schools and market stalls.
Chapter 1: "End of Rule"
It was a cold, rainy day in Minas Morgul (a village) near Ruskaland. It is the home of the long forgotten civilization "Solus". They were lead by a tyrant leader named "Soculus" until one day they had enough of him. They grabbed their Spears and Swords and rallied at his house demanding that he leaves the village and never comes back. He refused, went up to a window of his mansion, opened it and said:
-"You people don't understand how life works! You can't just come here and throw me out because you don't like how I ru-." He got hit by a flying spear in the neck while talking, killing him almost instantly.
The people rallied under a new leader "Cerulea". She was "The Choosen One" for them to lead them in the future. The next day, she gave a speech that changed everything:
-"People of Solus! Now, we are no longer under the rule of that tyrant Soculus! We are free, we are free, WE ARE FREE!! The only problem is, how can we live under a name of a civilization that was led by a tyrant? People will think that we are the same! I say, once for all that we change our name to..."Shiavania" and exit the dark age! I am here to lead you all into the future! Our main goal should be to unite all the tribes and show the world as we know it what we can do! Again, I say this once and for all...LET'S SHOW THE WORLD WHAT WE CAN DO!!"
People started cheering her, and shouting "HUUZAH".
Chapter 2: "The New Dawn for Shiavania"
It's been 10 years. Shiavania has evolved a lot. They were no longer in the past. They had everything: Food, Cars, Weapons, Planes, Houses, Roads..(etc). Cerulea was still in power. She was the same. Loved her people, helped them, cared about them. Everything was good, until 2.3.2834(Shiavanian Years). After seeing how Shiavania grew in power, other tribes have united under one country so called "Empire of the Sunrise" and declared war against her. They were brainwashed by their tyrant leader. The only thing Cerulea wanted was freedom for her people and peace.
It's been a harsh war with huge losses from both sides. It has been called "The Great Union War". The enemy "Empire" was winning but every changed at Nova Cerrule(Current Shiavanian Capital).
"Battle of Nova Cerrule"
The 44th Paratrooper Regiment assaulted Nova Cerrule with help from the The 23Mechanized Division lead by Sergent Grasoftki and The 67th Infantry Regiment lead by Commander Zukov. The Morale was low, after so many losses. Zukov didn't like this, so he tried to raise the morale by giving a speech:
-"Soldiers, how do you think we made it all the way here in Nova Cerrule? The sacrifice of our fellow comrades helped us reach the final point in this war. Why Final Point? Because we are going to win this City and end "The Empire of the Sunrise" once for all! We are going to get what is rightfully ours and become a full, like the old times! At my SIGNAL you are all going to charge!
The city is littered with wounded fighters, blood and weapons. Red, brown and gray are the new colors of what was once a beautifiul city, which has now become the stage of a tragic war.
The air which would normally be vibrant with the sound of work, trade and craftsmanship is now thick with the stench of gunpowder, blood, gore and death, hell has descended upon this area.
Two barely trained groups of the Empire fight each other because of a betrayal, but at this point it's undeniable which side will win. The dead and wounded of the losing side(The Empire) lay in large groups across the city and the faces of the fighters are grim with agony and anguish, they want to give up, but somehow keep fighting.
With a certainty of victory the winning side(Shiavania) has gained a morale boost and is fighting their enemies with more determination. Some have succumbed to a frenzy and are recklessly charging towards the enemy with only the aim to kill all, while others fight by only focusing on their enemy and not the carnage around them.
The toll on both nature and humanity is devastating. It'll likely take generations before this city will have recovered. It's clear blood, bodies and broken siege engines have taken the place of monuments, schools and market stalls.