by Malphe, Deputy Minister of Communications and Lead Gameside Advocate
Candidates for Delegate Siwale (left) and Bootsie (right). The North Pacific prides itself on species diversity in government.
Election fever gripped the North Pacific a little earlier than expected this time around- a few weeks before the formal start of the election multiple candidacy announcements threads were made for Vice Delegate and Delegate by many future candidates, including Bootsie and Siwale for delegate. This practice drew some complaints from members of TNP's community, claiming it was subverting the process of democracy through citizens pledging their votes behind candidates before the election began and before they saw their platforms, giving the first people to announce their candidacy an advantage in votes. In light of this, Vice Delegate candidate Darcania archived their early announcement thread.
The candidacy declarations began at the start of May; for delegate six people were running- Vice Delegate Siwale, Minister of Culture Bootsie and Citizens Yuno, Bobberino, The South Falls and Mall.
Siwale - Siwale- the standing Vice Delegate- ran on an extensive campaign with goals set for each sector of government which totaled at approximately 4137 words and 25250 letters. This set out goals and promises for each sector of government, such as that the NPA would hopefully break the barrier of 40 troops deployed in an operation and that the Ministry of Communications would publish 4 TNL issues and four NBS broadcasts in the coming term. Siwale also promised to expand the Gameside Advocate program and increase TNP's presence on the world stage.
Bootsie - Bootsie has a storied history in TNP, and this wasn't the first time they'd run for delegate. They were most recently Minister of Culture under Gladio but also a former Vice Delegate and a standing Security Councillor. Their platform was shorter than Siwale's- 1749 words- focusing on Bootsie's ideals and hopes for the term on each of the Ministries as well as the Security Council. There were fewer concrete promises in Bootie's platform than Siwale's, but Bootsie promised increased activity in the NPA, making the Diplomatic Corps more active and engaged and to reestablish TNP as a world leader in cultural activities and community building.
Bobberino, The South Falls and Yuno - Bobberino, The South Falls and Yuno, the latter of which the delegate of the East Pacific, declared their candidacy for delegacy but didn't post a campaign thread or campaign through other methods to a noticeable extent.
Mall - Mall, as is tradition, ran for delegate on the basis of couping the region and calling in raider groups to support his rogue delegacy (excluding Nazis and the Dutch).
For Vice Delegate, Dinoium, Brendog, Darcania and Deropia ran.
Deropia - The standing Minister for World Assembly Affairs and an NPA officer, Deropia ran for Vice Delegate under goals and promises including capitalizing off the summer population boom to get all Security Council endorsements up to over 900, implementing another iteration of TNP for #1 (where TNP pushes for first place in regional WA endorsements) and processing all citizenship applications within 12 hours of their posting.
Brendog - Brendog was the Minister of Home Affairs and former Minister of Communications, having been in TNP since November 2016. They ran under similar goals as Deropia, such as organizing a reiteration of TNP for #1, processing citizenship applications within 8 hours, promoting the endorsement tool on TNP's forums to increase the endorsements in TNP and organizing themed weeks on the RMB.
Dinoium - A newcomer to TNP and NPA soldier, Dinoium ran an enthusiastic campaign for Vice Delegate, promoting himself as "A Humble Nation for the Job!".
Darcania - Darcania- TNP administrator and Speaker at the time- ran for Vice Delegate but dropped out of the race before voting had commenced. Darcania would later take a break from TNP, distancing himself from NS temporarily.
For Speaker, ABC ran and for Attorney General Goyanes ran. There was no competition for either of these positions.
ABC (Speaker) - ABC, otherwise known as TNP's resident duck, ran for speaker on the platform of continuing citizenship checks as they were, public polls on the future of the RA digests and promoting the Regional Assembly through dispatches and references.
Goyanes (Attorney General) - Goyanes had been elected as Attorney General in the previous term, and ran for reelection. No particular platform was posted, but it's logical to think that Goyanes' goals were more of the same, or what was promised in the previous election.
The voting period ended on May 11 2018 and the results came in shortly afterwards; for Delegate, Siwale was elected, with Bootsie taking in a surprising lack of votes compared to Siwale. For Vice Delegate, Deropia was elected. For Speaker and Attorney General, ABC and Goyanes were elected, as you'd probably expect.
by Limerick1, Court Justice
This column does not represent the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
The importance of participating in the elections for Delegate and Vice Delegate as a candidate and a voter are well known. Most people are well aware of the importance of our various ministers; their responsibilities and the standard to which they must be held. The question that needs to be answered is whether or not the Court's responsibilities are widely known and if the extent of the Court's power is well understood. Perhaps it is anecdotal evidence but consider this, in the recently closed election to fill a vacancy in the court, 66 votes were cast in total, 10 being abstentions. The sobering fact is that in the General Elections, 68 votes were cast for one candidate for the Delegacy alone. The title of this article is "Tu iudex eris" which is “You be the judge” in latin. This title was inspired by the sobering participation in our recent elections. Why latin you may ask. It is simply because it allows me to feel like a legal scholar, so please indulge my self confidence booster.
First we will enumerate the responsibilities of the court. Court officials are called on to be as close to experts as possible regarding the different legal documents enacted by The North Pacific. This would include the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Legal Codes, various procedures, and a host of different treaties negotiated with other regions. Why is this important? Well as anyone who has taken a gander around our legal archives would know, there's a lot to know. Many people simply do not have the time nor the willpower to read, dissect, and understand these documents. They do not have the knowledge to contemplate the context in which they were enacted. It is imperative however that candidates for Justice and Attorney General do put in the time and work to do this as it is vital for them to perform their duties. It is the Court's responsibility to protect the integrity of these documents and to give citizens a platform to challenge government overreach. By interpreting these documents and ruling on ambiguities in the law, it allows weaker legislation to remain flexible. And the legislation doesn't necessarily need to be weak for this to hold true. Legislation cannot account for all happenings and situations different than the ones contemplated when the bill was passed by the Regional Assembly. Once again, it is the Court that allows these pieces of legislation to be flexible and to have their ambiguities addressed. The Court's "Request for Review" function allows citizens to bring forward laws they feel to be unjust or unconstitutional, and to have the Court review the actions of Government officials in an effort to keep the Government accountable for their actions and overreach.
While this overview of the Court's responsibilities is quite brief, I urge the reader to consider further review and contemplation of the Court's responsibilities outlined in our legal documents. I can only hope that by encouraging this kind of research, we as a region will see greater voter participation in our judicial elections. The truth is that we as a region cannot afford to neglect these elections. The Court has major responsibilities and the power to set precedent that could prove influential for years to come. It is not enough to just vote for a candidate for Justice. Citizens must read and understand the candidates platforms and decide for yourself whether they are qualified for the position should they be elected. Citizens must believe that the officials they choose understand the gravity of the position and the significance of the laws they are responsible for interpretating and enforcing.
With this article, I call on those who haven't researched the topic already, to read up on our courts responsibilities. And when the time does come to elect our justices, we must remember the power we vest in our choice. And thus make the best choice for us.
I would like to note here at the end of my article that in no way was this article meant to be a commentary on the latest judicial election as this article was planned before the beginning of the election. In order to avoid possible influence on the voters in the election seeing as I was a candidate, I chose to delay the release of this article until the conclusion of the election. I am grateful for the opportunity extended to me but i will always call on our citizens to do their research and to make the best possible choice for them.
by ABC, Speaker of the Regional Assembly and Deputy Minister of Home Affairs
Activity in the Regional Assembly remained stable throughout May and hosted a few proposals that were brought to vote and many more that were discussed.
Election Commissioner Confirmations
Status: All Admitted
On May 21st, Delegate Siwale re-appointed themselves and Crushing Our Enemies to the Election Commission, after which debate on their admission began. Great debate ensued, dividing people on whether or not Siwale should be allowed to serve because of their status as Delegate. Deropia motioned for a vote which was seconded by Artemis and voting began on May 25th. Voting ended on the 28th and both were admitted. Crushing Our Enemies received 24 votes in favor of their appointment, none against, and 2 abstaining
Siwale received 22 voting in favor of them, 4 against, and 1 abstaining.
Vacancy Bill
Status: Passed
Back on March 9th, Darcania brought a proposal in front of the RA to remove the exemption of holders of government office from not logging in for two weeks during a leave of absence. Darcania motioned for a vote on April 4th, after which voting was supposed to begin on April 12th, but it never did. A month later, a second motion to vote, happened soon after which a vote did begin. Voting on the bill began on the 17th and was passed on the 21st with 30 voting Aye, 2 voting Nay, and 1 abstaining.
A Motion to Establish a New Line of Succession
Status: Passed
In Late April, Vice Delegate Siwale, proposed to the Regional Assembly a new Order of Succession. After a motion to vote was brought by Wonderess and seconded by Isimud, voting began on May 2nd. The motion was passed with 25 voting Aye, 3 voting Nay, and 12 abstaining.
By Bobberino, TNP Citizen and NPA officer
Minister: Pallaith
Deputy Minister: Kranostav, Stoskavanya
From the Minister's Desk: I'm happy to be back in the place where it all began for me. The ministry has changed a lot since I was last here and I want to build on all the work this team has put into making MoWA a well-oiled machine. We'll have a bigger focus this term on drafting and improving resolutions ahead of time so we're proactive as well as reactive. I look forward to the crazy summer season in the WA!
General Assembly
Improving the world, one resolution at a time.
Resolution at Vote: Agricultural Invasive Species ActIFV Recommendation: The Agricultural Invasive Species Act is a well meaning, however inherently flawed proposal. This proposal seeks to prevent the harm caused by the accidental introduction of non-native species into the environment.
However, the Ministry would note that the proposal makes no provision for goods that are contaminated in transit, mandating that fines be imposed even though were previously uncontaminated. Furthering this concern is the fact that the resolution makes no indication of who should be fined.
For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.
Resolution at Vote: Freedom of Religion
IFV Recommendation: The current proposal is an earnest attempt at securing religious rights and freedoms for citizens of WA member nations who may otherwise be forced to worship or not worship specific deities. The proposal allows member nations freedom over the specific criminalization of acts that may threaten the safety, health, or good order when brought upon by religion or persecution thereof. It is important to mention that this proposal protects the rights of citizens to legally practice religion in groups and fear no repercussions as well as the right of citizens to refuse specific religious practices that may have formerly been prescribed by the member nation. Should future application of this resolution be abused, the ministry will seek a repeal and replacement for the abused piece of legislation.
In accordance with the aforementioned reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
Resolution at Vote: Pride And Prejudice
IFV Recommendation: My Dear Bears Armed Mission,
Allow me to extend my sincere gratitude for your proposal, it was received with open mind and heart. Your affections are appreciated and I will cherish always the manner in which you expressed yourself. Truly, sir, you are a gentleman. With these sincere and positive thoughts having been acknowledged, I must now acknowledge other universal truths. I have no desire to besmirch your honour, good sir, but previous suitors have declared their intentions with more spirited prose and more binding expressions of desire for my security, growth, and well-being. While fanciful, your proposal does not seem to reflect any genuine passion to bring deeper meaning into my life and has failed to touch my heart.
For these reasons I must respectfully beseech the gentlemen and women of The North Pacific to vote Against your proposal.
Security Council
Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.
Resolution at Vote: Condemn The Communist BlocIFV Recommendation: The proposed condemnation of The Communist Bloc is a poorly written and fairly biased attempt at idelological revenge. The proposal does not substantiate its various presented arguments, but rather presents statements with what can reasonably be assessed as a confirmation bias. While we do not condone any malicious or anti-democratic acts by any region within the greater NS community, the content of this condemnation does not stand on its own to justify its passing.
Due to the reasons stated above, the Ministry of WA Affairs recommends a vote Against this condemnation.
Resolution at Vote: Liberate The Conservative Christians
IFV Recommendation: Upon recent events, the natives have brokered peace with the invading faction and have begun the rebuilding process of the region. As quoted from the regional world factbook entry, "This region is in the process of rebuilding and as such is implementing password protection. If you wish to join or are a previous member, send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." The current leader of the region may institute a password to temporarily prevent raids until more natives return to provide better security for the region. Due to these happenings, the current liberation at vote is now no longer needed.
Not wanting to hinder the rebuilding process of the region and for reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs reccomends a vote Against this liberation.
Resolution at Vote: Condemn The Communist Bloc
IFV Recommendation: The proposed condemnation of The Communist Bloc is a poorly written and fairly biased attempt at idelological revenge. The proposal does not substantiate its various presented arguments, but rather presents statements with what can reasonably be assessed as a confirmation bias. While we do not condone any malicious or anti-democratic acts by any region within the greater NS community, the content of this condemnation does not stand on its own to justify its passing.
Due to the reasons stated above, the Ministry of WA Affairs recommends a vote Against this condemnation.
Resolution at Vote: Commend Knootoss
IFV Recommendation: The current Security Council resolution-at-vote seeks to commend Knootoss for their numerous accomplishments in the General Assembly, furthering democracy and human rights the world over. Their contributions to international law include the "Read the Resolution Act", a resolution that requires that every WA member state have an office staffed by a literate, sapient individual to review proposals before voting on the proposal and "Right to Petition" which enshrined the right to petition governments without fear or reprisal into international law.
The Ministry, having reviewed the resolutions authored by the delegation from Knootoss believes them worthy of commendation by the Security Council.
For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.
by Lozinak, NPA Officer and Deputy Minister of Communications
Minister of Defense: Zazumo
Deputy Minister(s) of Defense: Bluiegamer & BMWSurfer
Deputy Minister(s) of Defense: Bluiegamer & BMWSurfer
May marked the first month of a new term for both TNP and the NPA. As the election results were announced, former Minister Malphe handed over Command of the North Pacific Army to Captain Zazumo. Now Minister Zazumo came into the office with the goals of maintaining the incredible level of activity seen from the Special Forces last term, and increasing the activity of the Auxiliary Force. Zazumo's opening adress can be found here. Following the precedent set by Malphe, Zazumo also appointed two deputies. The deputies aid the minister in both administrative tasks, and in leading and organizing operations. With the formalities wrapped up, the NPA jumped back into it performing detags throughout the entire month. Late in the month, TNP ally Stargate was raided in a bizarre turn of events that led to the raider being brought low by the Voice of Mod. The NPA moved into the region following this and assisted in the re-establishment of Stargate's elected delegate.
28/05/2018-Benolia & Legend were promoted to the rank of Private First Class.
29/05/2018-Peregrinum(Loz) was promoted to the rank of Major.
15/05/2018[c]Major[c]Detag[c]South Pangea
The League of Power
Siloso Beach
United League of World Nations[c]Minster Zazumo
Deputy Minister BMWSurfer
Deputy Minister BluieGamer
GEN. QuietDad
LTN. Deropia
LTN. Bobberino
SGT. Cimmerien
PFC. Dinoium[c]16/05/2018[c]Minor[c]Detag[c]The Empires of Oiria
Imperio Incaico
The Pacific Conglomerate
Advanced Human Federation[c]Minister Zazumo
GEN. QuietDad
LTN. Bobberino
SGT. Aber639[c]19/05/2018[c]Minor[c]Detag[c]Riders of Rohan
Kingdoms of the World[c]Minister Zazumo
LTN. Deropia
LTN. Bobberino
CPL. Lotion[c]20/05/2018[c]Major[c]Detag[c]Riders of Rohan
Kingdoms of the World[c]GEN. QuietDad
LTN. Bobberino[c]22/05/2018[c]Minor[c]Detag[c]Worldwide
United Bismarkian islands
Imperium of Man
Coalition of the Willing
[c]Minister Zazumo
GEN. QuietDad
LTN. Bobberino[c]24/05/2018[c]Major[c]Detag[c]Worldwide
United Bismarkian islands
Imperium of Man
Coalition of the Willing[c]Minister Zazumo
LTN. Bobberino[c]28/05/2018[c]Major[c]Detag[c]Alternis Mundi
Whoville[c]Deputy Minister BMWSurfer
GEN. QuietDad
LTN. Bobberino
PFC. Benolia
PFC. Legend[c]29/05/2018[c]Minor[c]Detag[c]I like cheeseburgers
Septem Peccatis Mortiferis
The United Nations of Freedom
The Confederation of Sovereign States
Final Fantasy[c]Minister Zazumo
GEN. QuietDad
MAJ. Peregrinum
LTN. Bobberino
PFC. Benolia
PFC. Legend[c]30/05/2018[c]Major[c]Detag[c]The Ezraltonian Region of World Affairs
The United Free Republics
Imperial Powers
The Islamic Confederation
The Pacific Conglomerate
The Reapers
New Hope
32 County Irish Republic
The Legions of Heaven And Hell[c]Minister Zazumo
Deputy Minister BMWSurfer
GEN. QuietDad
LTN. Bobberino
PFC. Legend[c]30/05/2018[c]Minor[c]Detag[c]Defensive Institution Crusading Knights
The United Powers of Foop
Nations of Christendom
GVGS Flogs
Epimethea[c]Minister Zazumo
GEN. QuietDad
LTN. Bobberino
PFC. Benolia
PFC. Legend[c]31/05/2018[c]Major[c]Defense[c]Stargate[c]Minister Zazumo
Deputy Minister BMWSurfer
Deputy Minister Bluiegamer
GEN. QuietDad
MAJ. Peregrinum
LTN. Bobberino
PFC. Benolia
PVT. Mr. Tickles
PVT. John Maynard
The Northern Lights: Beauty in Truth
Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: Brendog
The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: Brendog
The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.