Once more, it has been a relatively quiet month for The Versutian Federation.
Our region concluded its regular elections earlier this month, opening the door for three ministries to receive new leaders (in terms of no incumbents seeking re-election). For some background information about our ministry election cycle: the Ministries of Domestic Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and Immigration are elected every two months; the Speaker and Delegate are elected every four months; and the Chief Justice is elected every six months. In August, every position but the Founder and Chief Justice will be on the ballot.
Here is our current government:

Parliament hasn't seen any significant action in the past month. There was a brief albeit intense discussion regarding Discord Ownership and who it should belong to. The discussion eventually stalled when the author requested to table his proposal until a later date. Aside from that, there is talk of lowering our citizenship naturalization from seven days to potentially five, but no formal proposal has been drafted yet.
Our Roleplay took a strange in-character turn when Jonorio's president annexed part of a sovereign nation (but didn't invade, so it accomplished nothing) and then blew up a tank on the border. Immediately after, Jonorio's president was impeached by their Parliament and a new leader assumed office after the defending nation invoked a defense treaty with one of our superpowers. The nation who was attacked and had land annexed received a hefty restitution payment for all damages suffered and decided not to retaliate. (Spoiler: I was the nation who was attacked by Jonorio)
Furthermore, the ongoing civil war in Ustiomeria has led to the terrorist faction seizing a nuclear missile and detonating it over a strategic area filled with coalition forces. Only time will tell if this bloody conflict will end or escalate further.
Additional Information
I would like to once again extend a warm invite to anyone, especially our receiving ambassador from your region, to join and participate on our forum. Once the ambassador registers an account, our Foreign Affairs Ministry can assist them with creating a embassy in our Embassy Row section. This is also a nifty place for any reports or information that you wish to send to us. You can find the forum here as well as our Discord here.
Speaker of The Versutian Federation