The 1st Vampiric Rebellion [1974]


Factbook Addict
TNP Nation
Arrandal, 1974

In the early hours of the morning it was announced: the Waiczyn had been disbanded.

The average Arrandalian read the news and rolled their eyes. The political deadlock had reached critical mass. Now the government had shut down. The economic downturn would continue.

The king’s planned reforms had only served to widen the divide between the monarch and his vassals. Truthfully the reforms were nothing more than a power grab by the king. The Lords Paramount were unimpressed and so standing before the king, five Paramounts stood in unison and officially disbanded the Waiczyn. The elected representatives were informed that their services were no longer required and that they should return home.

Mirek took the news stoically, but he would not take it lying down. He stormed out of the Palat Roz and returned to Tolstaf Manor, the royal residence, considering his next move.
The storm had turned eastward out to sea, heading across the Argent Sea and towards Benolia. The royal car pulled up to Mystzhal, accompanied by a modest procession of only twelve armored vehicles.

Two weeks had passed since the Waiczyn was disbanded and King Mirek had spent it traveling across his kingdom trying to convince the Lords Paramount to recall the government. He had struck out. Too many of them saw him as the enemy, seeking only to grab power.

Mirek tried to convince them that they were too disunified. Communism was flourishing, fascism was once again on the rise, and the old empires were creating new alliances with their former colonies. Conflict was coming. Arrandal needed to be prepared, and he couldn’t achieve that when he couldn’t even rule in his own nation.

Elgaz Saponariak, the Viscount of Argintdrast, greeted the king warmly. Mirek returned the greeting and as soon as they were somewhere quiet he began speaking about his dream for Arrandal and his fears of the growing instability throughout the world.

“Craviter will be plunged into conflict, mark my words,” Mirek warned.

The viscount nodded in agreement. “Disbanding the Waiczyn was an error,” he agreed. “But you’re asking us to give up our autonomy, which is guaranteed under the Charter of Unification.”

“The charter means nothing if we start fighting each other,” the king stated firmly.

They continued to discuss the current situation for the rest of the day, but in the end the viscount relented. “Perhaps there is another way,” he said. “An option without precedent, but not specifically against the Charter.”