It has been a relatively quiet month for The Versutian Federation.
Now that our new Constitution and Regional Code are in effect, we aren't scheduled to have regular elections until the begining of next month. There is a special election underway, though, for the position of Minister of Immigration following Bainius' resignation. That election will end later this week.

The First Amendment to the Regional Code has been adopted by (77.78%) of the vote. This amendment was pretty small as it only addressed how we select our Roleplay Committee. This new two-step process involves applications that are reviewed by our three most senior and non-conflicted ministers followed by a Parliamentary confirmation of those they choose. Our Roleplay Committee serves a term of one (1) month.
Speaking of roleplay, ours is still going strong and gaining new participants every week. Currently, there is a civil war going on in one of the participating nations, and unsurprisingly, the international community has jumped in to defeat the terrorists, though I'm not sure the nuke-dropping government is any better (but that's just me).
In other areas of our in-character world, I am hosting an international summit to address the civil war among other fictional issues. There is also a quasi space race underway.
New Forum
Last month, I announced that we have a new regional forum. I would like to once again extend a warm invite to anyone, especially our receiving ambassador from your region, to join and participate on it. Once the ambassador registers an account, our Foreign Affairs Ministry can assist them with creating a North Pacific embassy in our Embassy Row section. You can find the forum here as well as our Discord here.
Speaker of The Versutian Federation