ABC for Speaker
Hello great nations of The North Pacific!
I shall be running for Speaker of the Regional Assembly. Ever since I got involved in Regional Government over a year ago, I've had the privilege to serve in many positions in this region and I believe this experience will prepare me for taking on the duties of Speaker if I am elected. The most relevant experience to this position, would of course be my 2 terms as a Deputy Speaker; first under Owenstacey and now under Darcania. However, I also believe my experience as Minister of Home Affairs has well prepared me to lead such a vital branch of our government.
In the time I have been here, we have had many great Speakers such as our current one, Darcania, our now former Delegate Pallaith, and Owenstacey - a newcomer, but a very capable leader. In recent months though there have been issues concerning the duties of the Office of the Speaker that need to be addressed. Below, I have outlined my plans to fix these issues and make the Regional Assembly and The North Pacific the best they can be.
Under Darcania, citizenship has been faster and easier to obtain than ever. Because of their role as both an Admin and as Speaker, citizenship checks now only require the approval of the Vice Delegate and the Speaker. We also saw them introduce a tool they had created themselves to verify that oaths of citizenship match the required text. Of course, as Darcania is running for Vice Delegate now, citizenship checks won't be nearly as fast. That does not mean that they have to be slow though.
If elected, I will ask Darcania for the program so that I as well can use it and citizenship checks will remain very efficient. Additionally, I will try my very best to do the Speaker Checks on all applications at least once a day so that they remain fast and easy to obtain.
If elected, I will ask Darcania for the program so that I as well can use it and citizenship checks will remain very efficient. Additionally, I will try my very best to do the Speaker Checks on all applications at least once a day so that they remain fast and easy to obtain.
I will admit that this term, there have been very few RA Digests released. This is due in part to the 1+ month time of inactivity in the RA, but I will address that issue later. The main problem is that when activity came back, there were many times where Deputy Speakers (myself included) forgot to release them on time. Additionally though, I have received word that many people either trash or don't read the digest. This raises the question of whether the digest itself needs to be improved, or if the method of distribution needs to be changed. If elected, I would hold a public poll to decide what needs to be changed. In this poll, people could make the decision: should the content of the digest be made more interesting or should the digest be something that only people who subscribe to it would receive? Of course if people were unsure, there could always be a middle ground.
Next, I move to the issue of low activity in the RA itself. The Regional Assembly has for the past few months either had no activity at all or has had very little activity. There is definitely a reason for this. I believe that one of the main reasons is that our Constitution is near perfect. When someone wishes to draft a bill now, they actually have to look hard to find something worth changing. On one hand there are some things that need more clarification, however some area for interpretation is always necessary.
Another reason though is that the vast majority of people in The North Pacific either haven't heard of the RA or have no idea how it works. To solve this, I propose working with another Ministry - possible the Ministry of Communications to form dispatches and references to help people both know that the RA exists, and help them know how it works.
Another reason though is that the vast majority of people in The North Pacific either haven't heard of the RA or have no idea how it works. To solve this, I propose working with another Ministry - possible the Ministry of Communications to form dispatches and references to help people both know that the RA exists, and help them know how it works.
I want to make The North Pacific a better place for all citizens. There are things that need to be changed in the Regional Assembly and I believe that both my experience and my vision can help make this happen. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them; I will try to respond to them as soon as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to read my campaign (or at least skim through it) and I hope I have what it takes to become the next Speaker!
Candidate for Speaker
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