Treatment of the Deceased
Category: Moral Decency | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Erithaca | Onsite Topic
The General Assembly,
Reaffirming General Assembly resolution #136 Convention on Wartime Deceased.
Noting that many people have specific desires as to how their remains shall be disposed of, desires that may be irrelevant in the face of the abilities and standards of member states.
Taking into account the disruption to economies and building development caused by the presence of cemeteries.
Further taking into account that authorities may find it necessary to exhume remains for a criminal investigation.
Observing the disruption, destruction and movement of remains and tombs.
Realising that remains can be irretrievable or unidentifiable.
1. Demands that member states enforce laws that protect remains and tombs younger than 65 years from molestation unless ashes have been scattered.
2. Defines molestation of a grave as:
(a.) opening of the grave unless unless permitted by the deceased or their immediate family
(b.) destruction or defacing of headstones or markers unless permitted by the deceased or their immediate family
(c.) mutilation of the interred remains, except in the requirements of an autopsy or a criminal investigation
(d.) destruction or removal of the interred ashes or in exception of a required criminal investigation
2.1. Defines immediate family as parents, siblings, spouse, children or grandchildren.
2.2. Defines mutilation as dismemberment or unnecessary scarring.
3. Authorizes member nations to protect tombs for longer.
4. Authorizes member nation authorities to exhume and investigate remains if deemed necessary as part of a criminal investigation or autopsy.
5. Designates the supreme authority of the will as to how the writer of the will shall be disposed of unless the request is unreasonable.
5.1 Defines unreasonable burial requests as requests that would:
(a.) cause damage to property
(b.) be impossible to finance by the relations of the deceased
(c.) break national or World Assembly laws
7. Demands that member nations require the declaring of death within 14 days of the discovery of remains.
8. Authorizes governments to leave remains in situ if they are irretrievable without unreasonable efforts.
9. Authorizes governments to handle the remains against the wishes of the deceased or their family in the event of an epidemic, catastrophe, major accident or other compelling situation.
10. Removes the authority of family members in clause 2 if stated in the will.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!