The TNP Regional Assembly saw a flurry of activity this month as many of the debates from March carried on into April, and new debates began.
Lord Lore's Security Council Application
Status: Passed
Lord was nominated unanimously by the Security Council and has been an active member of the nation states for over three years. Lord Lore also holds a laundry list of positions in a just as many regions. He currently serves the North Pacific as lead cartographer for the Eras RP setting, and as a Justice on the Court of the North Pacific. Lord Lore was confirmed by the Regional Assembly on April 27th, 2018 with 29 citizens voting Aye, 1 Nay, and 6 Abstaining from the vote.
Gladio's Security Council Application
Status: Passed
Gladio, the current Delegate of the North Pacific has been a familiar face in the region since 2012, and had served the North Pacific faithfully as Minister of Defense for six full terms before deciding to make his run for Delegate. He was nominated unanimously by the security council, and was confirmed by the Regional Assembly on April 18th, 2018 with 34 citizens voting Aye, 4 Nay, and 7 Abstaining from the vote.
Election Commissioner Confirmations
Status: Closed
On April 10th, 2018 the Delegate nominated Ark, and BMWSurfer to serve as election commissioners. Both nominees currently serve as Deputy Ministers in the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs respectively, and are respected members of the community. The citizens affirmed this by confirming both Ark and BMW. Ark received 29 votes Aye, 0 votes Nay, and 3 Abstentions. BMW received 30 votes Aye, 0 vote Nay, and 2 Abstentions.
R3naissanc3r's SC Application
Status: Passed
R3naissanc3r is an old name in the North Pacific and has served the region in a myriad of ways since joining the community in 2007. Most recently he serves as an administrator and as an adviser to the delegate. While this was not his first time being nominated to the Security Council, he was nominated unanimously by the current members. He was confirmed on April 26th, 2018 with 36 citizens voting Aye, 1 voting Nay, and 4 Abstaining from the vote.
Currently in debate in the Assembly is the proposed "Election Corruption Amendment." Proposed by McMasterdonia on April 17th, 2018. The aim of the amendment is to reduce election corruption by prohibiting the delegate candidates from promising ministerial positions before they are elected to office. This proposal can be here.
With the passing of the majority of the proposals brought before the Regional Assembly in April, it is likely that May will see a decline in activity with the exception of the continuing debate around the Election Corruption Amendment. However all citizens are encouraged to partake in the Assembly, and bring forth any proposal that may make the regions a better place for us all.
Lord Lore's Security Council Application
Status: Passed
Lord was nominated unanimously by the Security Council and has been an active member of the nation states for over three years. Lord Lore also holds a laundry list of positions in a just as many regions. He currently serves the North Pacific as lead cartographer for the Eras RP setting, and as a Justice on the Court of the North Pacific. Lord Lore was confirmed by the Regional Assembly on April 27th, 2018 with 29 citizens voting Aye, 1 Nay, and 6 Abstaining from the vote.
Gladio's Security Council Application
Status: Passed
Gladio, the current Delegate of the North Pacific has been a familiar face in the region since 2012, and had served the North Pacific faithfully as Minister of Defense for six full terms before deciding to make his run for Delegate. He was nominated unanimously by the security council, and was confirmed by the Regional Assembly on April 18th, 2018 with 34 citizens voting Aye, 4 Nay, and 7 Abstaining from the vote.
Election Commissioner Confirmations
Status: Closed
On April 10th, 2018 the Delegate nominated Ark, and BMWSurfer to serve as election commissioners. Both nominees currently serve as Deputy Ministers in the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs respectively, and are respected members of the community. The citizens affirmed this by confirming both Ark and BMW. Ark received 29 votes Aye, 0 votes Nay, and 3 Abstentions. BMW received 30 votes Aye, 0 vote Nay, and 2 Abstentions.
R3naissanc3r's SC Application
Status: Passed
R3naissanc3r is an old name in the North Pacific and has served the region in a myriad of ways since joining the community in 2007. Most recently he serves as an administrator and as an adviser to the delegate. While this was not his first time being nominated to the Security Council, he was nominated unanimously by the current members. He was confirmed on April 26th, 2018 with 36 citizens voting Aye, 1 voting Nay, and 4 Abstaining from the vote.
Currently in debate in the Assembly is the proposed "Election Corruption Amendment." Proposed by McMasterdonia on April 17th, 2018. The aim of the amendment is to reduce election corruption by prohibiting the delegate candidates from promising ministerial positions before they are elected to office. This proposal can be here.
With the passing of the majority of the proposals brought before the Regional Assembly in April, it is likely that May will see a decline in activity with the exception of the continuing debate around the Election Corruption Amendment. However all citizens are encouraged to partake in the Assembly, and bring forth any proposal that may make the regions a better place for us all.