[GA - Sponsorship] Repeal Restrictions on Hydraulic Fracturing


Peasant Wizard
TNP Nation


Repeal Restrictions on Hydraulic Fracturing
Category: Repeal | GA #417
Proposed by: Veniyerris | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Applauding the notable efforts by member nations to protect the environment.

Recognizing that, in some cases, hydraulic fracturing (widely known as “fracking”) has negative impacts on local environments, many of which are mentioned in the target resolution.

Noting that these impacts are not widely observed across hydraulic fracturing operations, especially given the wide range of environments in WA member nations.

Aware that the target resolution is detrimental to the economies of WA member nations, especially those that are reliant on the sale and transfer of oil and natural gas to other nations. This makes such member nations non-competitive against other, non-member nations not following the restrictions set out in the resolution.

Noting the resolution is intentionally vague, using terms like "close range" and "significant threat" without defining such terms, making it impossible to ensure compliance in WA member states.

Believing this to be an issue that can be solved by member nations, with little to no guidance from this esteemed World Assembly.

Hereby repeals GA#417 "Restrictions On Hydraulic Fracturing."

This would repeal "Restrictions On Hydraulic Fracturing" because it decreases industry and is somewhat pointless. Additionally fracking doesn't always harm the environment, especially given the variety of WA nations.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote Aye if you support sponsorship of this proposal.
  • Vote Nay if you do not support sponsorship of this proposal.
For details on the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs Sponsorship Program, click here.

Remember, sponsoring a proposal takes significant effort, including halting all mass-telegrams for 8 hours. Please read the proposal carefully, and be sure to share any concerns you may have in this thread.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged! Voting will close (time=1524873600) (your local time).
Voting on this sponsorship application has ended, having received majority support the application will be presented to the Office of the Delegate for final approval forthwith.