The Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia, the Jewel of Icenia and the Rána Sea, is a nation steeped in a centuries old history fraught with times of peace and times of bloodshed and conquest. The Realms of Kaltí, Calenfjor, and Alcária have unique histories and traditions but today share the same history since the unification of the realms in 1545 C.E. while the Alieria Isle is a constituent country of the Kingdom of Merilia which shares much of its history with the Realm of Alcária. Visitors to the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia will find numerous sights to visit, both old and new, from castles, chateaus, and ancient battlefields to museums, concert halls and national parks, to bustling marketplaces, both ancient and modern.
Welcome to the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia
About the Kingdom of Merilia
Merilia, officially the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia or the Kingdom of Merilia for short, is a Parliamentary Democratic Constitutional Monarchy located in Eras on the continent of Icenia which consists of three realms, the Realm of Kaltí, the Realm of Calenfjor, and the Realm of Alcária. The Kingdom covers 680,804 square kilometers, has a population of approximately 125 million people, and has four bodies of water under it's jurisdiction... the Bay of Arien, the Bay of Isilme, the Arca Channel, and the Ohtar Straits.
The Meril Alliance, led by the House of Varangr, united the disparate peoples of Kaltí, Calenfjor and Alcária together once more in 1545 C.E. following a more than four hundred year long split after the collapse of the Reykr Empire in 1144 C.E.. Today, the nobility of Merilia still retain power though much of it is symbolic due to sharing much of their power with democratically elected Chancellors, Jarls and Mayors who serve and represent the will of the people.
Today the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia is renowned for its compulsory military service, its strong social democratic policies, its welfare system and social safety net, its high civil and political freedoms and its stance on peace and conflict deterrent. The people have been granted a large say in the governance of the Kingdom of Merilia through democratically elected representatives, mandatory referendums, and popular initiatives though the monarchy, under the rule of the House of Varangr, still holds considerable power and is considered the supreme authority in all affairs of state.
Merilia boasts a powerhouse economy, considered by many to be one of the stronger and more stable economies in Eras, based primarily on the services sector which is focused on information technology services, machinery, and electrical products and equipment while still maintaining a strong manufacturing sector alongside a sizeable agricultural sector. The Kingdom of Merilia has maintained neutrality since the early to mid 1800's and despite this it still boasts a well funded and sized military due to the mandatory conscription of all young adults, both male and female.
Capital: Reykholm
Demonym: Merilian
Official Languages: Merilian (Icelandic) / Mercanti (English)
Motto: Ancient, Prosperous, Free
National Anthem: My Home
Government: Parliamentary Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
Monarch: High Queen Solveig
Executive: Chancellors Council
Legislature: Parliament of Merilia
Judicial: Courts of Justice
Area: 680,804 km2
Population: 125,000,000
Population Density: 184/km2
Currency: Crown Florin
GDP: ƒ7.5 Trillion
GDP/Capita: ƒ60,000
Religion: Elenathism
Time Zone: Merilian Standard Time (MST)
National Animal: Raven

About the Kingdom of Merilia
Merilia, officially the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia or the Kingdom of Merilia for short, is a Parliamentary Democratic Constitutional Monarchy located in Eras on the continent of Icenia which consists of three realms, the Realm of Kaltí, the Realm of Calenfjor, and the Realm of Alcária. The Kingdom covers 680,804 square kilometers, has a population of approximately 125 million people, and has four bodies of water under it's jurisdiction... the Bay of Arien, the Bay of Isilme, the Arca Channel, and the Ohtar Straits.
The Meril Alliance, led by the House of Varangr, united the disparate peoples of Kaltí, Calenfjor and Alcária together once more in 1545 C.E. following a more than four hundred year long split after the collapse of the Reykr Empire in 1144 C.E.. Today, the nobility of Merilia still retain power though much of it is symbolic due to sharing much of their power with democratically elected Chancellors, Jarls and Mayors who serve and represent the will of the people.
Today the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia is renowned for its compulsory military service, its strong social democratic policies, its welfare system and social safety net, its high civil and political freedoms and its stance on peace and conflict deterrent. The people have been granted a large say in the governance of the Kingdom of Merilia through democratically elected representatives, mandatory referendums, and popular initiatives though the monarchy, under the rule of the House of Varangr, still holds considerable power and is considered the supreme authority in all affairs of state.
Merilia boasts a powerhouse economy, considered by many to be one of the stronger and more stable economies in Eras, based primarily on the services sector which is focused on information technology services, machinery, and electrical products and equipment while still maintaining a strong manufacturing sector alongside a sizeable agricultural sector. The Kingdom of Merilia has maintained neutrality since the early to mid 1800's and despite this it still boasts a well funded and sized military due to the mandatory conscription of all young adults, both male and female.
Capital: Reykholm
Demonym: Merilian
Official Languages: Merilian (Icelandic) / Mercanti (English)
Motto: Ancient, Prosperous, Free
National Anthem: My Home
Government: Parliamentary Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
Monarch: High Queen Solveig
Executive: Chancellors Council
Legislature: Parliament of Merilia
Judicial: Courts of Justice
Area: 680,804 km2
Population: 125,000,000
Population Density: 184/km2
Currency: Crown Florin
GDP: ƒ7.5 Trillion
GDP/Capita: ƒ60,000
Religion: Elenathism
Time Zone: Merilian Standard Time (MST)
National Animal: Raven
Welcome to the Alieria Isle
About the Alieria Isle
Alieria, officially the Alieria Isle, is a Parliamentary Representative Democratic Dependency and a constituent country of the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia founded in 703 C.E. by explorers and settlers from the Reykr Empire. It is located roughly halfway between the continents of Icenia and Gothis in the Rána Sea. For much of the island's history, it was ruled and governed as a way station and trade colony but today the Alieria Isle is a thriving island metropolis supported by an economy built on the back of the islands oil, shipping, agriculture, light manufacturing and services sectors. Due to the island's location between the continents of Icenia, Meterra and Gothis it has become a favorite destination among tourists and a renowned flight layover.
For much of the island's early history, it was ruled by a Jarl who was appointed and dispatched by the Reykr monarchs to oversee affairs of state. This Jarl was supported by a legislative and judicial Assembly which consisted of the various island chieftains and later on, wealthy merchants. By 1545 C.E. and the creation of the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia, the government of the Alieria Island had shifted with the Jarl being renamed to Governor-General who was now supported by an elected legislature, headed by a Speaker, that replaced the rule of the chieftains and merchants. This style of governance lasted until the early half of the 20th century which saw the rise of the Alierian People's Union in 1907, a centrist-left regionalist party in favor of either independence or more autonomy and it steadily gained strength in the Assembly until it was the minority governing party in a coalition with the Social Party of Alieria, the predecessor party to The People's Isle. By 1949, a little over forty years since their rise to power, the Alierian People's Union managed to force a vote on whether the island should be granted more autonomy and independence or to maintain the status quo. The referendum failed 42% for and 58% against but it was enough to prompt High King Erik, who had ascended the throne in 1917, to consider dissolving the Alierian Assembly and calling for a new election on the island. The Royal Council had the foresight to talk the High King down due to their realization that dissolving the Assembly would only add fuel to the fire and give the Alierian People's Union more propaganda to push for independence. Over the next few years, negotiations between High King Erik, the Royal Council, the Parliament of Merilia and the Alierian Assembly were started, halted, cancelled, restarted and finally settled upon with a final agreement being reached in 1953 C.E. which also coincided with the island's 1,250th birthday. With the passage of the Alierian Home Rule Act of 1953, the islands government was once again changed with the post of Governor-General being renamed to High Commissioner, the formation of an executive in the form of a Law Speaker and a Deputy Speaker and the continuance of judicial affairs being the realm of the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia.
Capital: Vethyr
Demonym: Alierian
Official Languages: Alierian (Icelandic) / Mercanti (English)
Motto: Under the Stars I Thrive
National Anthem: This Fair Land of Mine
Government: Parliamentary Representative Democratic Dependency
Monarch: High Queen Solveig III
Executive: Speaker of Law & Deputy Speaker
Legislature: Assembly of Law
Judicial: Supreme Court / Administrative Supreme Court
Area: 9,700 km2
Population: 750,000
Population Density: 77/km2
Currency: Crown Florin
GDP: ƒ31.5 Billion
GDP/Capita: ƒ42,000
Religion: Elenathism
Time Zone: Alierian Island Time (AIT)
National Animal: Golden Eagle

About the Alieria Isle
Alieria, officially the Alieria Isle, is a Parliamentary Representative Democratic Dependency and a constituent country of the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia founded in 703 C.E. by explorers and settlers from the Reykr Empire. It is located roughly halfway between the continents of Icenia and Gothis in the Rána Sea. For much of the island's history, it was ruled and governed as a way station and trade colony but today the Alieria Isle is a thriving island metropolis supported by an economy built on the back of the islands oil, shipping, agriculture, light manufacturing and services sectors. Due to the island's location between the continents of Icenia, Meterra and Gothis it has become a favorite destination among tourists and a renowned flight layover.
For much of the island's early history, it was ruled by a Jarl who was appointed and dispatched by the Reykr monarchs to oversee affairs of state. This Jarl was supported by a legislative and judicial Assembly which consisted of the various island chieftains and later on, wealthy merchants. By 1545 C.E. and the creation of the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia, the government of the Alieria Island had shifted with the Jarl being renamed to Governor-General who was now supported by an elected legislature, headed by a Speaker, that replaced the rule of the chieftains and merchants. This style of governance lasted until the early half of the 20th century which saw the rise of the Alierian People's Union in 1907, a centrist-left regionalist party in favor of either independence or more autonomy and it steadily gained strength in the Assembly until it was the minority governing party in a coalition with the Social Party of Alieria, the predecessor party to The People's Isle. By 1949, a little over forty years since their rise to power, the Alierian People's Union managed to force a vote on whether the island should be granted more autonomy and independence or to maintain the status quo. The referendum failed 42% for and 58% against but it was enough to prompt High King Erik, who had ascended the throne in 1917, to consider dissolving the Alierian Assembly and calling for a new election on the island. The Royal Council had the foresight to talk the High King down due to their realization that dissolving the Assembly would only add fuel to the fire and give the Alierian People's Union more propaganda to push for independence. Over the next few years, negotiations between High King Erik, the Royal Council, the Parliament of Merilia and the Alierian Assembly were started, halted, cancelled, restarted and finally settled upon with a final agreement being reached in 1953 C.E. which also coincided with the island's 1,250th birthday. With the passage of the Alierian Home Rule Act of 1953, the islands government was once again changed with the post of Governor-General being renamed to High Commissioner, the formation of an executive in the form of a Law Speaker and a Deputy Speaker and the continuance of judicial affairs being the realm of the Most Serene Kingdom of Merilia.
Capital: Vethyr
Demonym: Alierian
Official Languages: Alierian (Icelandic) / Mercanti (English)
Motto: Under the Stars I Thrive
National Anthem: This Fair Land of Mine
Government: Parliamentary Representative Democratic Dependency
Monarch: High Queen Solveig III
Executive: Speaker of Law & Deputy Speaker
Legislature: Assembly of Law
Judicial: Supreme Court / Administrative Supreme Court
Area: 9,700 km2
Population: 750,000
Population Density: 77/km2
Currency: Crown Florin
GDP: ƒ31.5 Billion
GDP/Capita: ƒ42,000
Religion: Elenathism
Time Zone: Alierian Island Time (AIT)
National Animal: Golden Eagle
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