McMasterdonian Political Crisis [IC] [CLOSED]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
The Democratic Union
0700 Hours.

Gregor groaned as he left the chambers of the Democratic Union. He had believed that this body would be able to achieve something when it was first formed, but since then, the body had become weak and ineffective. He had always advocated in the interest of international organisations that could form an international response to significant issues. He knew that his opponents in the Royal Caucus would be more than prepared to shout "I told you so!" even before the body of their late Queen had gone cold they were already clamoring for power and prestige. Gregor had no time for grief, he needed to hold the great dynasty together and protect it from the religious extremist and foreign powers who wanted to see McMasterdonia fall.

As Caucus Warden, it would be Gregor's duty to announce the decision of the vote of the family. The vote was already a foregone conclusion, there was little that could be done to prevent Alberts appointment as Regent. They had been outmaneuvered. He was certain that the situation in Eumenor was even more complicated than it seemed. Had Eumenor secretly worked with Albert? Have they been working with the rebels? Was it something else? The only thing that was clear was that the situation would be the subject of great debate for years, if not centuries to come.

"My Lord"
"Yes, what is it Valdemere?" Count Gregor replied
"The Cabinet is waiting for you".

Gregor had privately contacted the cabinet of the late Queen to ask for a meeting. He had hoped that they had not forgotten their loyalty to the late Queen. While it was true that Albert would be appointed Regent, Gregor fully intended to use the Government departments to mitigate the actual influence that Albert would have. This was technically speaking illegal, but it needed to be done, to give Gregor and forces loyal to Matilda enough time to locate Prince Richard and the Queen Mother.

"Ministers, Ambassadors, thank you for joining me here today"
The Minister's and Ambassadors were linked to the private office of the Democratic Union Ambassador via video link. They were located all over McMasterdonia and the North Pacific. All of them had previously sworn their loyalty to the late Queen. Many of them were not in favour with Prince Albert, but they may attempt to gain his favour if they saw a political advantage.

"My Lord, we have taken a great risk to have this meeting with you while the Caucus is meeting" said Phillip Mirabella, Minister for the Treasury.
"We have already discussed our issues with Albert, and we know what you intend to ask us" said Ambassador Whitwell,
" You do?" asked Gregor who was slightly surprised by their response
"We agree that Albert is not the man to lead McMasterdonia back to it's strength. We must find Prince Richard immediately in order to undermine his regency...." said Salman Mahmoud
"At least until the heir is found we must support Albert. He will need to defeat the rebel dogs, and restore order by any means necessary." said Helena Carman
"There is also the matter of dealing with Eumenor" interrupted Minister Strauzenberg
"Albert will wish to deal with Eumenor, they killed his sister. We should allow him to respond to them and we should use all diplomatic options available to us. First we need to ensure the return of the Queen and the King-Consort to McMasterdonia for a proper state funeral. Second, we must immediately locate the heir to the throne and not allow his disappearance to become common knowledge, and then we must respond to the insurgency. Only with the heir can we prevent our defeat"

Gregor promptly left the meeting and handed a list to the Minister for Information, Madge Willcox. It was time to announce the interim government. The Royal caucus was still meeting, and Albert would be unlikely to dismiss a recently appointed team of Minister's given the great uncertainty.


Ministry of Information Public Service Announcement
"You have nothing to fear, if you have nothing to hide"

Citizens of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia & foreign observers.

The sudden death of the beloved Queen Matilda II, her husband King-Consort Richard, and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Defence, Aviation and Transport, and Security, respectively has left the Kingdom of McMasterdonia in a period of great mourning. It is the duty of the Government to ensure that the country continues to move forward despite these tragic events. The interim government pending the announcement of the new monarch will be as follows;

The Government of McMasterdonia

Chancellor: Count Gregor
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade: Sophia Strauzenberg
Minister for Information: Madge Willcox
Minister for the Treasury: Phillip Mirrabella
Minister of Defence: Derek Summers
Minister for Aviation and Transport: Salman Mahmoud
Minister for Health: Helena Carman
Minister for Security: Jessica Whitwell
Minister for Education: Simone Walker

Effectively this also means that the Ambassadors Jessica Whitwell and Salman Mahmoud have been recalled from the nations of Salvarity and Avalon respectively. The respective governments will be informed when a replacement is appointed. We appreciate their patience on this matter.

The Government is announcing a temporary closure of borders between McMasterdonia and the nations of Anola, Lord Ravenclaw, and Great Bights Mum respectively. In addition all International Airports will remain closed until further notice. Finally, the Government will be imposing a 10:00PM curfew in Intelligentsia until the 5th of September in order to better protect the community.

Madge Willcox
Minister for Information

Count Gregor switched off the many computer screens and turned to return to his office where he intended to call Intelligentsia, before he could do so, he was interrupted by his assistant Cynthia.

"Sir, you wished to be informed right away. Prince Albert has been officially appointed Regent of the Kingdom. You are requested to announce it immediately."
King Tozian's Royal Private Jet
0700 Hours

The King stared out the window. Matilda was gone. He'd never see her again. They hadn't met face-to-face in years. She was fun to be around. They'd have political debates, even arguments. She always would beat him, but in a way that was friendly, not condescending or arrogant. Now some group of terrorists had assassinated her. Eumenor authorities refused to even give up her body. He looked down. In his hands was her letter. Their last communication together. He read, and re-read it.

"My advice to you is simple - speak the truth."

"Did you say something, Your Majesty?" asked one of his attendants.


"Is there anything you require?"

"No, thank you."

The attendant started to leave.

In the letter was a request that he find the lost heir to the throne. He was the last hope. With prince, now king, Albert in charge McMasterdonia would be crushed. His cruelty would fan the flames of civil war.

"Wait!" said the king to his attendant.

"Your Majesty?"

"Tell the pilot to turn the plane around and head for the DU headquarters. I need to speak with my father."
Cape El

Archbishop Gunrei rose from his seat upon hearing the news.

It was relayed to him by a young man with a trim beard, dressed all in black except for a lilac-colored band wrapped around his left shoulder. A pistol hung from a belt on his waist; a small sidearm that looked like it was trying to hide in plain sight. The young man spoke in a deep voice. His breath smelled like cigarette smoke, but he hadn't been smoking them long enough to introduce a rasp into his speech.

"Albert has been appointed Regent, Your Holiness."

Archbishop Gunrei lowered his head. He was silent for a minute, in prayer, contemplation, or both.

"Thank you for telling me this, Brother Benedict." Gunrei's own voice was quiet and soft. His speech sounded perpetually sardonic, even in times of utter seriousness. He rarely gave sermons for this reason, and tightly controlled his intonation when he had to.

Benedict nodded at Gunrei's acknowledgment.

"I must write," Gunrei said. "Please leave me, Brother."

Benedict nodded again, turned, and walked towards the door. Gunrei's parlor was a small, plain room. There was a small shrine for prayer in one corner, by the room's only window. Near the door was a writing desk that Gunrei bought years ago, in the first parish in which he served.

Gunrei walked to the desk and carefully pulled open a drawer. Inside was a small collection of pens, both fountain and ball-point, as well as a pad of lined paper. He grabbed a red-cased fountain pen and the pad of paper and laid them on the desk, centering them carefully in the middle.

Gunrei pulled the chair at the desk out slowly, adjusted his lilac robes so as to minimize their wrinkling, and sat.

King-Regent Albert
Intelligensia, McMasterdonia

I must extend my condolences to you for your great loss. Though Matilda and I had our disagreements, I mourn all death equally.

Once the royal family of McMasterdonia and the Church of Flemingovia - the Church I have been chosen to lead - were friends, brothers and sisters all. The Church served the royal family faithfully and gave special honor to the monarch, who was then chosen by Almighty Flem to be His mouthpiece. Much that the Church in those early days did for the royal family was at great cost to ourselves and our organization. We pledged our honor to the monarch as any retainer might.

Yet, as McMasterdonia "liberalized" and embraced "Enlightment ideals", the royal family forgot about their loyal servants in the Church. You embraced instead gods of Progress and Change, and worshipped a golden calf of secularism. This betrayal was cold and bitter, and the fact that it happened over generations did not lessen its affront to the Church's honor.

For many years the Church lay dormant after this great blow, and accepted the disgraces that the royal family thrust upon us. But today the Church is very different, and has awoken from this slumber.

Remembering the friendship that my forebears had with your own, I would forgive you and work in your service once again if only you would turn your back on the golden calves and new gods of the modern royal family.

Together we could rid McMasterdonia of apostates, foreign heretics, mongrel armies, and greedy speculators. I dearly wish that the Church could reforge the close friendship and partnership we had with the King, and invite you to join us in achieving our goals. The Church, though, will rid this nation of apostates, foreign heretics, mongrel armies, and greedy speculators whether the Royal Family joins us or not.

We would rather do this in your honor, however, than on our own.

As ever your loyal friend,
Archbishop Gunrei
The Royal Palace, Intelligentsia.
0900 Hours

"Ladies and Gentleman, The King-Regent of McMasterdonia"....

Albert walked out onto the balcony and waved to the assembled crowd below. He could barely think over the sound of their deafening applause. He was born for this, he had waited this moment in his entire life. Ever since he was a child, he had always come in second best to his sister. His elder sister Wilhelmina and him had never received the praise of their father or Mother, it was always the young, precious, intelligent, and beautiful Matilda.

Matilda who spoke five languages by the age of nine. Matilda who could play the violin like she belonged in an orchestra. Matilda who could speak to crowds and win them to her side in an instant. He loved his sister as much as he possibly could, but now it was his turn to step out of the shadows and do what must be done to save the great Kingdom his family had ruled for more than 800 years. He had sworn that he would rather burn this nation to the ground than allow it to become a theocratic hell hole, or worse, allow Whent to be it's President. He grieved for his sister's passing, but now was not the time for grief, it was the time for action.

As he continued to wave to the crowd, his sister Wilhelmina stood to his left, in a glamorous lilac dress she looked radiant and proper enough to be the sister of the King. They had planned this meticulously, Wilhelmina would be the religious adviser to his Government. Given that she had never married and she had studied extensively in the New Intelligentsia University on the Sacred Mountain, her religious credentials could not be doubted seriously by anyone.

His wife, Princess Madeline stood to his right. She enjoyed the fame and prestige of being a royal, but most of all, she was in it for personal power. Just like Albert, she had been preparing for this day her entire life. She was previously simply the daughter of the Lord of Caspius. Albert had taken to her when she stunned the Government when she ouster her own father and imprisoned him. Since then Caspius was governed by Albert's younger brother, Prince Alexander. Alexander and Albert did not get along, and this was unlikely to improve now that he was King-Regent. At least, Alexander was far removed from power.

Albert walked to the front of the balcony, near the prepared microphone to make his statement:


King-Regent Albert's Address to the Nation

"My beloved citizens, I thank you for braving the cold winter to come out to receive me today. I can confirm that I have received the highest honour and have been appointed King-Regent of the greatest country in the world, the Kingdom of McMasterdonia!"

*The crowd roars and applauds loudly*

"Thank you, ladies and gentleman. Unfortunately, his highness, Prince Richard cannot be with us this evening. The Prince is undertaking the traditional period of mourning and will not appear in public for at least six months out of respect for the deceased. I have the tremendous duty to govern this nation in the young Prince's name, until Prince Richard should achieve the age of majority.

Earlier today, I received a letter from Archbishop Gunrei.

*The crowd roars and boos loudly*

*Now, now, please allow me to finish. Archbishop Gunrei has served his morals and beliefs for his entire life, and he should be commended for his efforts up until now. However, the Archbishop fails to understand the need to modernise our country. He fails to accept that religious diversity is an necessary component for a truly free and modern society. Gone are the days where matters can simply be explained away by what the holy text says.

We have emerged as a nation of intelligent, questioning, philosophical scholars, and this nation is one which accepts diversity and believes strongly in the freedom of religion. The Archbishop offered his assistance in defeating the insurgency, if we would simply allow him to commit mass murder against those who do not follow his religion. This is a path I cannot and will not accept.

*The crowd cheers loudly*

Today, I proclaim that no royal will ever be crowned by the Archbishop of Cape El, Archbishop Gunrei. Archbishop Gunrei is an enemy of the state and a future war criminal, he, and his supporters will be hunted down and defeated. They will be driven to the farthest parts of McMasterdonia where they can run no more.

My Government will not accept religious extremism as a motivation to kill the people of McMasterdonia. Together, we can unite and defeat this insurgency and the religious fanatics who seek to undermine the very fabric of the state!

I echo the words of Naizerre's recently re-elected High Chief Mboto 'Jack' Jones when he said that "Some of my opponents would look to those nations for funding and support. Foreign interlopers disrupting the natural mbëlä of things." McMasterdonia is facing the exact same issues now. Not only are we, the legitimate government of the realm fighting a terrible insurgency that is based upon religious extremism, but our beloved Queen, my dearest sister was assassinated while visiting a foreign realm.

This ladies and gentleman gives us just cause for war. We have seen in the far east, that nations over there are less concerned with what is just or right, than they are with their quest for power and the blood of the innocent. When a McMasterdonian Queen is brutally executed in the street of Eumenor, these same blood thirsty powers are SILENT. They offer us no support in our quest for justice.

Syrixia is a war monger concerned with their own international power. Nebula is a silent yet unstable nuclear power. Malvad is a weak state with a weak government, and Dalies neglects their responsibilities to the Democratic Union. If these nations dispute my statements about them, then they need to prove that they are more than simply incapable of action when it does not advance their own power. The only strong states that I can say are friends to the McMasterdonians, are the honourable people of Floresque, the great power of the Russian Empire, and the reliable and fiercely just nation of the Imperium Augustum.

The people of McMasterdonia have been abandoned by our so-called friend in the Democratic Union. The war mongering and interfering eastern states do not care for state sovereignty, they do not care for justice, and they do not care for the ordinary people of McMasterdonia!

We must look to our neighbours - in Naizerre, in the Lancerian Empire, in Anola, in Lord Ravenclaw, and in other nations across the bay of ghosts for support against the aggression and imperialism of the east. In the coming weeks, I shall write to the leaders of honourable and sovereign states and request their support in a new era of global prosperity and peace.

Until then, I will continue to fight against the foreign powers that seek to undermine the McMasterdonian state. I will continue to fight the Whents, a family hellbent on power and revenge, for as long as they grace the earth, Mcmasterdonia shall not see peace. Any nation that does not understand the deep wounds of war and the deep cultural and family matters that have created this war that date back to ancient times is not entitled to comment on our affairs.

Together we can defeat the insurgency and restore order and tranquility to this ancient Kingdom.

I announce that I have ordered the third and fifth fleet of the McMasterdonian Navy into the Gulf of McMasterdonia. Should the Democratic Union not take appropriate action against Eumenor, we shall be forced to order the navy to conduct a trade blockade and cut the umbilical cord of trade and economic benefits to the state of Eumenor and those who seek to support them.

Thank you, Ladies and Gentleman, and Flemingovia bless the Kingdom of McMasterdonia!

King-Regent Albert left the podium, and with a final wave to the crowd he returned to the throne room, where he would be receiving the Minister's appointed by Count Gregor. Given the instability, Albert thought that it was best to have them continue on for at least a few months, until the economy had time to level out.

The Senate, Intelligentsia
1000 Hours.

"Don't you see what this means, with the Queen dead her previous decrees are invalid! The Senate can declare that it is back in session and cause some great damage to the government" Senate Cash said
"We have Eumenor to thank for that" replied Senator Branson-Young
"We must write to the President. Inform her of what the Senator is doing in her name. We will repeal the tax code which will seriously damage the Government's ability to fund their war effort, and appoint Whent as Chancellor of the Senate."
"I'm not sure she will agree with it..."
"Certainly not, but by then, it will be done. We're doing this in her interests, she just isn't prepared to go far enough to do what must be done.

Senate Proclamation:

Senate Proclamation regarding Motions passed

The Senate has reconvened today, 26/08/2015, given the expiry of the decree from Queen Matilda II to prorogue the Senate indefinitely.

The Senate has passed the following motions

1. The Motion to repeal The Tax Code (2008)
2. The Motion to repeal The Succession Act (2007)
3. The Motion to repeal The Media, Truth and Reconciliation Act (2010)
4. The Motion to appoint Rosemary Whent, Chancellor of the Senate.

These motions pass into law immediately.

The Royal Palace, Intelligentsia
1030 hours.

"Your Majesty!!!" cried the Minister for Information, Madge Willcox
"What is it Madge?"
"The Queen's decrees have expired and the Senate has passed some ridiculous motions, and they have decreed that they have passed into law immediately!"
"What? That is not the law, it cannot be law without my signature!"
"I'm afraid in all the confusion, departments have been falling behind on their work. McMasterdonian Global News has been reporting largely unchecked, and now the treasury and tax departments have already started enacting the Senate's motions!"
Albert immediately turned to his personal body guard, Sharifa.
"Sharifa, take the Royal Guard and go to the Senate immediately. Kill them all."
"At once your--
"Your majesty, I strongly advise against that!!!" shouted Minister Willcox
"Thank you Minister, but when I require your advice I will seek it. Until then keep your mouth shut and do your fucking job"
Sharifa chuckled at Madge, Albert knew that Sharifa would love to kill her instantly for speaking against her Master, but Madge had her uses, and he would keep her alive for now.


Statement from the Throne

Today, rogue Senators loyal to the terrorist Rosemary Whent have attempted to destroy the McMasterdonian economy and to violate the law. The Royal Guard has been immediately deployed to enforce the law and will arrest the Senators as appropriate.

His Imperial Majesty, King-Regent Albert, officially reenacts the royal decree that prorogues the Senate for an indefinite period. His Majesty the King furthermore re-enacts the arrest warrants for Rosemary Whent, Archbishop Gunrei, and 100 other known terrorists.

Capricornia City
Whent Private Residence

A faint music could be heard in the background as Rosemary Whent paced up and down in her private study, "can you feel the sunshine as it brightens up your day?". The private study was a rustic room with a variety of furniture, most of which were older than Rosemary herself, even though she was a fairly young woman at thirty three years old, the oak desk which she favoured had a variety of papers on it and noticeably a laptop. The laptop was open to page detailing the appointment of King-Regent Albert McMaster. The room had a very modern feature though, it was soundproof; in order to protect Rosemary's bad habit of talking out loud. The laptop screen turned black all of a sudden, it was obvious that Rosemary had been up and pacing for a while now.

"The bitch is dead and they thrust her sadistic brother into power, this realm is pitiful. By Flemingovia this isn't over yet though. Those sons of bitchs in House McMaster have wrong my family for too long. Generations upon generations of torment and disgrace. My ancestors claims upon the throne were destroyed by this house, my forefathers were denied their Flemingovia given rights. My father himself, may he rest in peace, was fired from the bitches governance under fabricated charges and most of all she dared to disrespect me and deny me my rights as Chancellor, even with all what I have done for her. I can only thank those in Eumenor for what they have done, by Flemingovia they have rid this nation of one great parasite. It is my duty as a protector of this realm to get rid of the rest. Albert, Richard and the rest of that bastard house shall perish soon" she ranted loudly to herself. Wasting no time she sat down and woke the computer up. She called one of her servants to bring to her some scotch and began to write a letter to an old friend.

ATTN: Archbishop Gunrei
Cape El

I extend my offer of congratulations with our current situation. A damned parasite upon this realm has been silenced by friends with a common interest in Eumenor.They have installed another parasite into its place, but this one is weak, sadistic and isn't the opiates that the masses demand. The family which produces these individuals has wrong both of our groups. My family has faced only disgrace and social downfall at their hands, the church of the one and true god has only see itself suffer under their rule.

We both have common interests and goals in our mind. I want nothing more than to have my family retake our positions of wonder and splendor within this realm. I serve the holy Flemingovia, of whom you too serve. House McMaster has abandoned your traditions, they have instead sought guidance under the false promises of secularization. We can only look at Matildas current state as an indicator of what secularization gets you. Under their rule, the church has grown destitute and attendance has only dropped. I've personally noticed that when I go to my local church every so often. A collaboration between our movements can only great benefits so I must hereby propose it. If I am to ascend to the throne, I can guarantee great splendour and glory to the church of the one and true god.

Respectfully Yours,
Rosemary Whent​

She grabbed the glass of scotch that her servant had delivered and started pacing the room once more.

"That old bastard, I hope he buys this crap. McMasters were bastards in multiple ways but they were right in that the church has no place in a modern society. It matters not, pickers can't be choosers, I must take whatever allies I can get in this time" she sighed "If I'm going to be a Flemingovianist, I should figure out where my local parish is first. I should also start drafting a message to my supporters in Capricornia and internationally. Those money grubbing Salvarians may want a way into the chaos".

She paused for a second and sat back down in her chair. She took a moment and then stared at a large portrait above her head.

"Father, I'll avenge what they have done to your name-MY name or I'll die trying. No matter what it takes to get this done!"

OOC: This post is considered after McMeanie's last post.

Capricornia City
Whent Private Residence

It was late at night, everyone in the home was sound asleep except for one individual, Rosemary Whent. She was once more in her private study, except now the table was neatly arranged with papers and computers. Among these papers was one clearly labelled "Manifesto of the McMasterdonian Peoples Party Revolutionary Force". It was something Rosemary had concocted a long time ago, and it only needed minor modifications to be the rallying cry of her parties fight against McMaster rule, but now was not the time for such a thing. Things were going well for her and her aspirations to attain power in McMasterdonia. The senate had attempted to reinstate themselves after the death of Matilda and as was expected they had appointed her as Chancellor. Albert followed the route that Matilda had set for him, he suspended the senate once more and named her as an enemy of the state. Whent could even claim that all her actions were in the intention of defending herself and her nation from the tyranny of King-Regent Albert. Albert had declared war on her, saving Whent from the PR nightmare of a war justification. All Whent really needed now was a response from the Archbishop of the Flemingovians. Once it was all set, Whent could go to the people with the word of democracy, god and the well being of McMasterdonia behind her. Albert could never win in the court of public opinion. Like the brutal parasite even stood a chance.

Even with all this set, Whent was not satisfied. She had held back on making any announcement to her supporters. Her people domestic and abroad will be starting at her quite soon and she must act if she was to take any form of power. Yet her allies have not contacted her and risk was still their if she called for a revolution now. Without the support of the Flemingovianists she would lack power. The McMasterdonian royals have seized most of her financial assets already too. It was time to call in favours from an old rich enemy of the McMasterdonian State....
Outside Cape El

Gunrei tried to keep his head steady through the bumps and potholes as he read the letter he had received from Rosemary Whent. The jeep hit another pothole and for a moment Gunrei felt his stomach in his throat. Here, on the outskirts of the city, where the suburbs and sprawl turn to fields and grass, the road wasn't well maintained. Gunrei would have, of course, preferred to get workers out here sooner rather than later, but it was hard to get anything done with the royal family breathing down their necks.

Gunrei hadn't yet declared formal control of Cape El and its environs, but the absence of McMasterdonian soldiers or police was obvious. The Flemingovianists controlled this city, despite Intelligensia biting at their ankles.

"I should get some workers out here at some point," Gunrei said. He looked at Brother Benedict, who was driving the jeep they were riding in. He nodded and slowed for the turn up ahead.

"I can see who I can call. The Osbornes in town have done some road work in the past. They're in Father Pearson's congregation, I believe."

Gunrei hmmed approval. "I received a letter from Rosemary Whent."

"Is that so?" Benedict asked. It was unspoken between the two men that Benedict already knew. At times it appeared Gunrei and Benedict were of one mind.

"Yes," Gunrei said, unsure. Benedict turned onto a dirt road into a small patch of trees. "She professed her admiration for our cause, and offered an alliance."

Benedict nodded. "I doubt her sincerity, Archbishop."

Gunrei looked out the passenger window. "I doubt her love for our Church," he said. "But I think we could use her as an ally for as long as she is trustworthy."

"We're not sure how long that might be, Archbishop." Benedict said. The patch of trees opened up into a clearing, with a large walled compound inside. The jeep pulled to a stop in front of an iron gate and a guard pressed the button to open it.

"If you think she is trustworthy," Benedict said.

"I don't think she owes true loyalty to anyone, Brother," Gunrei said, "but she will be loyal to our cause for as long as we will need her."

The gate finally opened and Benedict drove the jeep into the compound's courtyard. Gunrei folded up the letter and put it in his pants pocket. Benedict got out of the car and the men got out, Gunrei walking to the back of the jeep. He opened the door and picked up his robe, sitting folded on a blanket in the back of the jeep. The men walked inside and stood at the bottom of a flight of stairs.

"I will reply to Whent," Gunrei said. "And I will tell her that we have need of her."

Benedict nodded. "Yes, Archbishop." He turned to go up the stairs.

"Go on ahead, Brother," the Archbishop said. He unfolded his robe and prepared to throw it on. Benedict jogged up the rest of the stairs, opening a door at the top. Gunrei flattened the wrinkles out of his robe and walked up the stairs.

"Right through here, Archbishop."

Gunrei walked through a glass door that Benedict was holding open for him, and appeared on a balcony at the rear of the building. A group of men, dressed in black similarly to Brother Benedict, were in the courtyard preparing for firing practice. They were facing way from the balcony, but one man, seeing the pair on the balcony out of the corner of his eye, turned to see the Archbishop and Benedict. Without a word, he fell to one knee, putting his rifle stock-first on the ground in front of him.

The other soldiers, seeing movement, soon followed. Gunrei thought he might like to say a sermon, but had no chance to practice speaking today. Trying his best to take the signature sarcasm out of his voice, he projected a firm "bless you, children", and walked back inside.

Rosemary Whent
Capricornia City

Thank you for your letter. It pleases me greatly to see that others outside the structure I have set up for my own Church in Cape El have interest in our cause. Flem himself smiles upon our endeavors, but our Church will always be searching for more aid.

I gave the Royal Family yet another chance to repent their sins, but, as you are well aware, they refused. I have not yet deigned to respond to them, but it has become increasingly clear to me that the sins of this nation can no longer be washed away with anything but blood. I speak openly of this to you, perhaps in the hope that, if intercepted, this letter will give the Royal Family pause and yet another chance to repent while saving face.

The Church has prepared for this moment, and begun to raise a holy army. Though Matilda's death came sooner than expected, we may go on the offensive soon. I would like to know I have your support - economic, moral, or military. As allies, I would raise you high in my service and together we could rid this nation of the mongrel interests and secularist royals that control it.

Archbishop Gunrei
DU headquarters, Office of the McMasterdonian delegation
1100 Hours

You're majesty, this is the office of the McMasterdonian ambassador. "Thank you, sir." said Tozian to security guard who directed him. He opened the door. Inside was was his father, going over documents. He was clearly stressed. The appointment of Prince Albert weighed heavily on both their minds.

"Dad?" The Count looked up.


"We need to speak about something important."

"Wait. I haven't seen you in years, Tony. How is Nara?"

The Count, overcome with emotion, got up and embraced his son. On the verge of tears, he looked at his security detail and said, "Leave us, please." They nodded and left.

The King was rather stoic. "Please. We can catch up later. Before Matilda was assassinated, she wrote me a letter. She asked me to look for her son. She didn't trust Albert to do it. I need your help. Where were they last seen?"
DU headquarters, Office of the McMasterdonian delegation
1100 Hours

"Matilda wrote to you?" Gregor said, clearly surprised
"Yes she did Dad, why is that so shocking?" King Tozian asked
"I had told her not to speak of this matter through such methods of communication, we didn't need Albert thinking that we were suspicious of him she..
"Father" Tozian interupted "She wrote to me through my personal assistant. She had him deliver the letter to me personally in Guslantis. She took every necessary measure to keep the letters contents private"
"Very well then, do you have this letter with you? I need to know what you know so far."

Tozian handed the letter to his Father. He had carried it safely in his front pocket for the journey to the Democratic Union headquarters, but he knew that his father loved and cared for Matilda, possibly more than he cared for his own children and he desperately needed his Father's help to meet Matilda's request.

Dearest Cousin,

It pains me to see you write to me in this way. When we were just children, we never could have foreseen the problems that we would face during our reign? I always enjoyed seeing the great pleasure my Father derived from his rule, the love and adoration of his people, and the challenges of modernizing a great society.

I have been kept informed of the great challenges that you have been facing. Those challenges are not unlike the ones I myself faced approximately 18 months ago. The people cannot understand our decision, because they do not walk in our footsteps. They are not aware of the great weight we feel upon our shoulders simply because of the crown that was passed to our heads.

Your actions may very well cause more destruction and division in the short term. But it is for the greater good that we have both taken these very necessary and difficult decisions. We must stand up against tyranny and against so-called democratic reforms that will harm our culture, or put the people of our great Nation States at risk of harm. This is our duty, it is a duty because of our birth to the great houses of McMasterdonia and Plembobria. We cannot shirk our duty to our home, we can only rise to the occasion and show these rebels and would-be tyrants what we were born to do - we were born to lead, we were born to guide, and we were born to help our people undertake the great journey of modernization in the face of many global threats to our peace and prosperity.

Since I have taken the decision to temporarily suspend Senate elections and issue arrest warrants for the individuals who rebelled against my Queenship, I have been relegated to the position of an international pariah. I have been condemned by National Governments who know little of the history between the great houses of McMasterdonia, and who know even less about the true motivations of these rebel groups. These groups who wish to enforce flemingovianism upon all citizens of the realm, who wish to require daily prayer, and who wish to abolish the secular school system and replace it with religious education. Instead, the international community was so captivated on one issue - democracy. They were so concerned by the lack of elections that they refused to see the bigger picture. One where the Mcmasterdonian way of life, and the protections of our minority groups - an issue which has bound this Kingdom together for centuries would be smashed apart in the name of democratic reform.

My advice to you is simple - speak the truth. I made the mistake of not informing the International Community earlier about these issues. I should have stood before the DU and clearly delineated the issues with the rebels and their demands for democratic reform. Instead I attempted to address these matters internally, and have relied on people who have gone beyond the call of duty - including by brother, Prince Albert and General of my Army. Speak the truth - involve the international community in the process, but do not, I repeat - do not, capitulate. Do not give in to these extremists who wish to destroy centuries of tradition and unity government for the sake of their own quest for power.

I mentioned my brother Prince Albert earlier, and I must ask something of you. If it is too much, that I can accept. You are likely not aware that my Mother, your aunt, and my son, your second-cousin, have both gone missing. I would implore you to help me find them. I am unsure who I can trust right now in the Intelligence Service because of my brother's nefarious activities. I need to find them, I need to know that they are safe. Will you please look into this for me?

I wish that I could do more to help you. I would come to visit you personally in Plembobria, if I didn't think that would do you more harm than good. Please give my love to your sister.

Your cousin,

Tozian allowed his father to read and take in the contents of the letter. He knew that his Father may be overcome with raw emotion, as the death of the Queen was still very present in his mind as well.

"Dad? What do you know? Do you know where the Queen Mother and Prince Richard are?" Tozian asked
"Give me a minute, Tony"
"We have no time, we need to act now before this matter gets even more out of hand"

Gregor placed the letter down upon his desk and lit his cigar, as if he had all the time in the world. The McMasterdonian economy was tanking, trading had been halted to prevent the free fall, and the phones in his office had been ringing all day with the investigation into Matilda's death now ongoing. He felt as though the weight of the entire country rested solely upon his shoulders. A country that had risen too regional dominance as a colonial power, and despite centuries of warfare and feudal driven strife, continued to fight on. At least now, he had his son, the great King Tozian of the Kingdom of Plembobria to help him.

"Tony, do you recall the attack on the refugee train in McMasterdonia more than one year ago"? Gregor asked
"I do, it was attacked by the Whent rebels, I believe? But she denied involvement"
"Quite right. What isn't public knowledge however, is that the Queen-Mother and the young Prince Richard were on that same train" Gregor said, eyes cast down towards the ground, he feared nothing more than finding that they were both dead and that the Kingdom would have no future. Worse than that, he feared what would happen when the people of Mcmasterdonia found out that their government had once again mislead them.
"Obviously no bodies were found then, what did the Intelligence service find?" Tozian asked
"Actually, there was one body that was found hanging and burned above the train. We believe that it was intended to be the Queen Mother's body, however our records show that the body was not a match. So since then, we have believed kidnapping, but have found nothing much."
"That.. is all you have for us to go on?"
"All I can say is that I was suspicious of Albert, he didn't grieve enough for his Mother and I have believed for a long time that he has not committed his resources to finding her."
"You honestly think that Albert was involved in the kidnapping or murder of his own Mother and nephew?" Tony asked, clearly surprised that his Dad believed Albert would go so far for political power.
"I simply believe that there is a lot we do not know. I cannot investigate this further as the King is the head of the intelligence service, it is impossible to do anything involving intelligence without him knowing about it."
"Well, we must be able to do something!"
"You should use agents that you trust. Have them arrive through the city of Caspius, Prince Alexander rules the city and is a friend. He will allow them safe passage. Have them investigate the Northern encampments near the border with Great Bights Mum. Albert has been building alliances with the natives there, it is possible he could have hidden them there."
"You can guarantee the safe passage of my agents?" Tozian asked
"I can guarantee that they will be safe in Caspius. That is all. Should they be caught in the North I will not be able to help them. Send only the most trustworthy agents at your disposal."

The Royal Palace, Intelligentsia
1200 hours
"Your Majesty!"
"What is it?" shouted Albert.
"We have intercepted communication between Archbishop Gunrei and the terrorist Rosemary Whent"

The Intelligence Officer handed over a copy of the letter to the King, who looked it over before throwing it back. It was nothing he hadn't suspected already. Rosemary Whent was a desperate woman, determined to settle ancient rivalries and to serve her misguided sense of duty. She believed that the Kingdom belonged to her family, she despised the fact that it was the House McMaster that ruled on it's throne and she refused to accept her father's well known corruption. Her Father had been Chief Justice of the Royal Courts, and had attempted to use that authority to prosecute his political opponents, and attempted to have Lord Darius of House Clarke arrested on falsified evidence. King Louis XIV had no choice but to intervene, and had the Chief Justice arrested. The King had shown great mercy and allowed him to return to his home in Capricornia. Albert would not be weak enough to grant Whent mercy, she would die for her crimes, just as her father should have.

Albert wouldn't do anything for now. He needed to focus on the economy and on shoring up his support in Central McMasterdonia and in the eastern parts of the country. He was confident that he would maintain his hold of Intelligentsia and the sourthern parts of McMasterdonia indefinitely.

"There is something else, your majesty"
"Apparently your cousing, King Tozian I of Plembobria has travelled to the DU to meet with Chancellor Gregor."
"What of it?"
"This would break protocol. A head of state is only supposed to meet with a head of state."
"This is a son going to visit his Father after a very difficult year for them both. Nothing more"
"Very well your majesty"

The Ministry of Security
1210 hours

Minister Whitwell walked down the sterile white corridors of the Ministry of Security, her heels clicking on the tiles as she went. At six foot four, Jessica was a very tall woman by McMasterdonian standards, and her skeletal body and pale complexion had often left her the target of political cartoonists.

Whitwell did not come from a noble family, everything she had she had fought for. She had gained the respect of the hardcore political elite of McMasterdonia after 15 years of long and hard service. She was well known as a hard and efficient operator, well known for her crackdowns on government waste, and was 'awarded' with a position as the McMasterdonian Ambassador to Salvarity. The Queen had asked her to go to keep an eye on the Salvarian Government and to closely watch McMasterdonian financial interests in the country.

Once the Queen was dead, she was recalled to McMasterdonian and appointed to the Security Ministry. The Ministry responsible for eliminating threats to the monarch in particular, and other issues that related to government interests. She was on her way to meet Sharifa, the personal body guard to the King-Regent.

"Sharifa, good to see you" Jessica said with a nod, "Please, step into my office"
"I shall not be staying long." Sharifa replied, her thick Naizerre accent emphasizing her annoyance at being summoned to the Security Ministry
"Very well, I need to receive the final report to you regarding the casualties of yesterdays Senate incident. The security services have been forbidden from access by the Royal Guard"
"We do not report to you, Whitwell. We report to the King".
"That is Minister Whitwell, and you report to the Ministry of Security in it's capacity as the department responsible for the security of the King-Regent's Government"
Sharifa frowned and shrugged her shoulders and replied "There were many casualties. Most of them were killed upon the breach of the Senate building. Others were killed or taken hostage by the rogue Senators held up there."
"Are all of the rogue Senators dead?" Jessica asked.
"Yes" Sharifa replied curtly.
"How many loyal Senators were killed?
Sharifa frowned, and with her hands on her hips said "If they were loyal, they would not have been in the building"
"How many?" Whitwell knew how to deal with people like Sharifa. Best to not feed their desire for conflict and to simply end the conversation as soon as possible.
"Approximately 65."
"What? By Flemingovia, that is a lot. And civilian casualties?"
"About the same."
"How many were killed by you?"
"You mean, how many were killed by us?"
Jessica nodded her head as she drank from her glass of water, Sharifa was always difficult to deal with. She didn't put that down to her culture, but rather her strong loyalty to the King that at times blinded her judgement.
"I believe that 70% of casualties were our own doing. The rest it is largely unclear who killed them." Sharifa smiled as she said this, she clearly enjoyed the thrill of battle.
"Very well Sharifa, you're dismissed."

Ministry of Security Statement:

Ministry of Security
Statement regarding the McMasterdonian Senate Incident

The Ministry of Security is pleased to announce that the ongoing security issues related to the McMasterdonian Senate have been resolved by the McMasterdonian Royal Guard. Working in conjunction with the Security Services, McMasterdonian Police Force, and the Sheriffs Office, the Royal Guard led by Officer Sharifa was successful in it's objective of taking back control of the Senate building from rogue forces.

The investigation relating to this incident. At this point in time, the McMasterdonian Government believes that the casualties stand at approximately 20 individuals. 6 of these individuals include rogue former Senators with ties to the terrorist Rosemary Whent, three security staff who were killed by the Senators when they attempted to usurp the Government of Mcmasterdonia, and 11 other Senators who were taken hostage and later killed by the terrorists.

These Senators include three members of the Royal Family. Princess Ivana of the Reach, Prince Theodore of Aurore, and Princess Magdelina of the Ancient Province. These members of the Royal family were second cousins to the King-Regent Albert, and served the Kingdom honourably. We regret that the Royal Guard was unable to get to the Senators before they were brutally gunned down by the terrorists.

The Ministry of Security is firmly in control of Intelligentsia, and the investigation into the incident remains ongoing.

Jessica Whitwell
Minister of Security
Tozian left the office of his father, after the two exchanged some rather emotional goodbyes. He was guided down the hall to the office of he Plembobrian delegation. Patrice Hossam had served as minister for Foreign Affairs during the short-lived Nelson government. She was one of the more interesting, agreeable cabinet members. She never in short supply of levity during Executive Council meetings.

He entered the office. She looked up from her desk. "Your Majesty! What a pleasant surprise!"

"Congratulations on your election as chairwoman."

"Thank you, Sir. I'd feel better if my candidacy was supported by the Duke of Flithendale."

"Our position within the North Pacific Treaty Organization is cause for his concern. Personally, I am pleased to be served by diplomats as skilled the likes of you and Mr. Durand."

He shook the ambassador's hand and left the office. Waiting out in the corridor was Carl. The two walked together towards the facility's exit. "Listen to me. You and Peter need to head to Caspius in McMasterdonia."

"Peter Tonkincotty? The head of your security detail?"

"Yes. You are the only people I could trust with my life. I cannot understate the importance of this."

"What is it we're doing?" By now they had reached the door of the building. "Could you give us a minute?" the King said to his body guards. They went out the door ahead of Carl and Tozian. "Stay behind, Peter."

The king looked around to see if they were being watched. They were alone. The King lowered his voice to a whisper. "Nearly a year ago, a train in northern McMasterdonia was captured. Suspected to be on it where the Queen Mother and my nephew. A body, supposedly the Queen Mother, was found. Me and my father have reason to believe that it was a decoy."

"Meaning the heir to the throne is still alive," interrupted Peter. "Yes," the King rejoined, "As you know, Prince Albert is classified by the intelligence service as a threat to regional stability. If we display any official support of his government, we could become very unpopular. This is our last hope to prevent McMasterdonia from collapsing into utter chaos."

"You two need to go to Caspius. It's ruled by Lord Alexander, a friend of mine. He will be able to help you, as well as provide further instructions. You will need to go alone. I will be in the country, attending my cousin's funeral, but I cannot render you any help."

"Goodbye, your Majesty." They bowed and left, off towards the Democratic Union's airstrip. They jet they were taking, the one Carl used to head to Eumenor and then to Guslantis, was a small, unmarked plane. No one would suspect that they were working directly for a potentate.

"So where are we to find this Lord Alexander?" said Carl to Peter.

"I'm guessing city hall."

"Do you think we should ask for directions?"

"And why would two Plembobrian tourists be headed to city hall to meet the Lord? Use the GPS on your phone."

"It doesn't work outside Ceretis or Tomb."

After about an hour of meandering the streets of Caspius, the duo found the city's seat of government. Entering the building, they found a wide lobby. Different rooms in every direction. Dumbfounded, they looked around, hoping to find someone who could directed them to the Lord's office. A young woman approached them. "You're Plembobrian's aren't you?" she asked. Peter spoke, "Yes. How did you know?"

"You were speaking to each other. I could tell by your accents."

"Oh, well yes. Um." Peter pause, fumbling for words. How could he ask this lady where to find Lord Alexander?

Carl spoke up, "If it's possible, since, you know, the nobility is pretty sparse in our country, could we, maybe, meet the Lord of Caspius?"
Archbishop Gunrei strode the halls of his church's compound outside Cape El confidently. It was a bright, warm, sunny day - a perfect day for his sermon.

His holy soldiers, dressed in black, camoflague, and whatever fighting gear and body armor they could get their hands on, were gathered in squares, fields, and any open area they could congregate in various places outside of Port Augusta, on McMasterdonia's central island. They awaited a livestreamed speech from the Archbishop before striding into the first major battle for the Church. Men, much younger and more technologically adept than he, were preparing the studio across the building for his arrival.

Gunrei felt in his vestment pocket for his speech. He wanted to go over it once last time, and make sure the highest pitches his voice made were well-flattened. He paused, though, hearing some pained groans coming from a room nearby. Gunrei was still more used to his quarters at the church in Cape El than the compound here, and was not entirely familiar with the layout of the place. Did he stumble into an infirmary?

Gunrei walked towards the noise, and saw a room's door ajar. Flattening the wrinkles from his robe, he approached it.

A member of the Women's Brigade, dressed in white with a lilac armband, was tending to an injured man lying on his back in a bed. Gunrei's line-of-sight was obstructed by the attendant, but he saw bandages being taken off the man's arm.

The attendant, seeing something out of the corner of her eye, turned and jumped. She left the bandage half-unwrapped and bowed her head in embarassment.

"Archbishop," she said, not mentioning her fright.

"What happened?" he asked. He silently excused her for her transgression.

The man groaned and tried to speak.

"He was grazed during firing practice, and the wound is looking infected." she said.

Gunrei stepped into the room and approached the bed. He recognized the soldier as Brother Aaron, an early recruit from Intelligensia. He moved to Cape El with all he had looking to help the Church. Gunrei smirked.

"We've given him some antibiotics but they're in short supply. The hospital only tithes us so much," she said, suggesting the hospital's tithe should be increased. Gunrei smiled at the attendant, then placed his hand on Aaron's forehead. It was hot from fever.

"Bless you, child." Gunrei said. Brother Aaron forced a smile and a "thank you".

Gunrei turned to the attendant. "What is your name, Sister?"

"Elizabeth, Father Gunrei."

Gunrei smiled. "The Women's Brigade is as indispensible to the efforts of our Church as the Men's Brigades."

"Thank you for saying so, Father." Elizabeth bowed her head again.

"I would like you to keep me informed on the status of Brother Aaron. I am particularly interested in his recovery."

"Yes, Father."

Gunrei nodded and left the room. Looking down the hall, he saw Brother Benedict hurrying towards him.

"Hello, Brother Benedict," he said as he approached. Benedict seemed out of breath, as if he had been searching the entire compound for him.

"Father," Benedict began, "It is five past seven."

"Ah!" Gunrei said. "I will address our soldiers. Thank you."

Benedict held an arm out, pointing the Archbishop in the direction of the studio. "This way, Father."

Gunrei entered the studio and was struck immediately by the size of the television hanging on the wall. It was set up to broadcast a view of the largest gathering outside Port Augusta, in a town square in a suburb outside the city. Gunrei saw technicals, bedecked with machine guns from the Cape El Military Base and smuggled across the strait, parked. Men stood atop the cabs and in the beds of the pickup trucks, cheering. Members of the Women's Brigade sat on the roofs of makeshift ambulances. Most were made from old vans or hearses looted from local funeral homes and painted white, but a few got their hands on old purpose-made models - likely from junkyards outside the city.

Gunrei took a deep breath. He fiddled with the microphone set up in front of him.

"Can they see me?" he asked an engineer nearby.

"The ones on the screen can. Most other parties are getting a sound-only transmission, Father."

Gunrei nodded and prepared to begin his speech, but, after a moment's thought, decided to improvise. He was never very good at improvised sermons, but felt an idea coming.

"Holy soldiers of the Church of Flemingovia," he began. He turned to look at the camera, streaming to the soldiers outside Port Augusta.

"Today you begin the first assault of our holy war on the secularist, mongrel government of McMasterdonia. You are to be the first soldiers in this great war, the likes of which this world has never seen. Looking upon you, I see a fierce fighting force, blessed in this fight with the consent and support of Heaven."

Gunrei looked down for a moment, then continued.

"There are many members of our army who will be supporting you from behind the front lines, but I would like to talk about two in particular who will not be accompanying you on this crusade. Brother Aaron and Sister Elizabeth, devoted members of this Church, are staying behind in this compound outside Cape El while you go to take Port Augusta from the clutches of foreign and domestic heretics.

"It saddens me to say that Brother Aaron incurred an injury while training for this war, and Sister Elizabeth of the Women's Brigade must stay behind to care for him. Even now, though, medicine rushes through his veins to treat his ills and bring him to health.

"You, gathered here today, are the medicine for this sick nation. For too long, the royal family and government has betrayed the ideals of the Church their land was founded on, and now, as a result of their unhygienic behavior, the entire country is ill. You must be the antibiotics that cure this infection. We begin with Port Augusta - centrally located, it will be the first sickened part of this body to be cured. We will then move, from city to city, on our great crusade.

"With each victory, we will exterminate the germs that remain in the city and extirpate the foreign bodies that invaded it. In the end, all that will be left is a pure, healthy, clean nation devoted entirely to the will of Flem. You, the first fighters in this war, will be rewarded well for your service."

Gunrei looked briefly at the screen, then back into the camera.

"I speak now to you, Albert. Like a being of ultimate compassion, the Church tried many times to negotiate with its own infection - to push it out of its body by pure will. We have learned better now. You have ravaged McMasterdonia like a cancer for too long. Soon, you will be nothing but a scab left on a bandage.

"Bless you, children."

Gunrei nodded at an engineer and he turned the feed off.
The City of Caspius, North Eastern McMasterdonia

"Ahem, Prince Alexander is an extremely busy man. I can appreciate that you are not used to seeing nobility but I simply cannot-
"It is okay, Laura, I will see them" said Prince Alexander

If it were not for the gold ring upon his finger, one might not have noticed that Prince Alexander was the Lord of the City. Standing tall at nearly 7ft he was wearing a simple grey suit, you could barely see his slightly balding hair, or his dark green eyes that the Royal Family were known for.

"Your highness" Carl said with a deep bow.
"Ah, Plembobrians. Such honourable citizens. Please, you do not need to bow for me. Please call me Alexander, I do not feel the need to place myself above another simply by virtue of birth. Allow me to give you a tour of the castle."

As Alexander guided Carl and Peter around the hall, he filled them in on the history of the great city of Caspius. Caspius was the second largest city in the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, after Intelligentsia, and while it had never rivaled Intelligentsia for the position of capital, it's history was just as storied and interesting. Caspius was located very near the border with Great Bights Mum and had fought many wars with northern invaders over the centuries, and unlike the cities to the south (Which Alexander referred to as villages) Caspius had generally speaking, been very successful at repelling the Northern Invaders. No invader had yet put the city to the sword, and Alexander certainly hoped to keep Caspius safe from the ongoing political instability.

"I never wanted to be royalty you see, I only wanted to study medicine and work as a medic in the military. My Father was a great King, but he was not a great Father. He insisted that I must come here after what happened in 1998" said Alexander
"What happened in 1998?"
"I'm sure you know my sister-in-law Princess Madeline?" asked Prince Alexander.
"Yes, we do indeed" replied Peter.
"Let's just say, Caspius was going through a very difficult period. Princess Madeline, or as she was known then, Lady Madeline and her mother Lady Liana overthrew the lord of the city, Lord Phillip, their father and husband respectively. Madeline threw him in prison and the city was in an uproar. My Father had to intervene to keep the peace, and he sent me here to rule the city."

Alexander had always liked Plembobrians. They reminded him of the summers they would spend in Plembobria staying with his Uncle Gregor and his cousins Prince Tozian and Princess Nara. He always enjoyed them. It was one of the rare opportunities where he was allowed to escape McMasterdonia and the royal responsibilities, as his father called them. Despite what many would believe, his sister Matty felt the same way a lot of the time. The difference for her was that her father had made her the chosen one at such a young age, and she felt unable to escape or stand up to his unreasonable demands. Alexander did what he could, and even tried to run away during a vacation to Plembobria, however his Uncle Gregor found him, and returned him to the palace. Now his sister was dead, his brother was on a rampage, and he was left fighting to protect an ancient stronghold of fiercely proud and conservative people.

"Sir, we have not just come here to meet you or to discuss history" Peter said carefully
"I thought as such, there is always an ulterior motive when people wish to see me. It can be rather tiresome."
"It concerns a matter of great significance. We must discuss this with you in private." Carl said.
"Privately, well, how do I know you don't wish to assassinate me?" Alexander said, chuckling to himself, "Well, if it is something important we must discuss privately. The old ruling family has many spies here. I cannot do anything without my brother finding out about it. Come in to the throne room"

Carl and Peter followed Alexander into the old throne room of the castle. It had previously been used centuries ago, when the ruling lord was considered to be the King of the City, and the monarchs of each province joined together to elect the Emperor of the Commonwealth. These times had long since passed, and today it was used purely for historical purposes. Carl informed Alexander of the great matter they had been sent to address. He mentioned the letter Queen Matilda had sent King Tozian, as well as the private meeting between Gregor and Tozian in the Democratic Union. Alexander listened carefully to Carl, only nodding his head occasionally.

"I too have doubted the alleged incidents of the train attack two years ago. I have been unable to find any other evidence of significance."
"The Duke of Flithendale said that the King-Regent had been cultivating allies in the North towards the border with Great Bights Mum. Apparently His Grace had assumed this was to be used to rig the elections, it is possible that it was used to hide the Queen-Mother and Prince Richard so that they would not be used as pawns against him."
"Nor should they be" said Alexander strongly, "Richard is just a child, and my Mother may she still be alive is very old. They should be left out of this battle."
"Your highness, King Tozian and Duke Gregor would not be looking for them be used as a pawn. But we do not even know if they are alive. They need to be found" said Peter
"Very well. I'm afraid I can only say that Albert has set up encampents in the caves to the south of the White Mountain, directly south of the border of Great Bights Mum. It would be about 5 hours from here by car. I would check there. My agents have said that there was a lot of security in that region, but it has since subsided. You might be lucky."
"Thank you, Alexander. We hope to find them safe and well"
"Let me be clear - this is as far as my help can go. I cannot intervene should you be caught by the security services. However.." Prince Alexander reached into his pocket and pulled out a mobile phone. "Use this phone should you locate my Mother or my nephew, in such a case I will send aide immediately. Good luck, gentleman".

Carl and Peter bowed and kissed the ring upon Alexander's hand before departing the throne room. Now they needed to find transportation, and god willing, the missing members of the Royal Family.

The Throne Room, Royal Palace, Intelligentsia.
0100 Hours

News had just broke earlier in the evening that the combined forces of Rosemary Whent and Arcbishop Gunrei were laying seige to the city of Port Augusta, the titular home of the Chancellor and Ambassador to the Democratic Union Gregor, Uncle to the McMasterdonian monarchs. In the Throne Room sat the King-Regent Albert, Princess Madeline (the King's wife), Minister of Security Jessica Whitwell, Minister of Defence Derek Summers, and by live video link from the Democratic Union, Count Gregor. They had been in talks since early in the afternoon, and now late into the early hours of the morning, tensions and emotions were running high.

"For fuck sake, Whitwell, you are supposed to be containing this fucking crisis. What on earth have you been doing?" screamed Albert as he paced around the throne room.
"Your Majesty, I..." started Jessica, only to be interrupted by Count Gregor. "It is not her fault, Albert, we knew this was going to happen as soon as you announced Gunrei was an enemy of a state. He was bound to hit us back"
"Sire, we believe that the city can only withstand the forces for approximately 3 days. Port Augusta is not a high walled city and the tanks and jeeps of Gunrei have already arrived in the Northern outskirts of the city. The Augustan Palace will fall into rebel hands within a matter of days" said Derek
"I don't want to hear excuses Derek, find me a solution, find one quickly. I've been on the throne for less than a month and we are already going to lose a major city to the rebels!"

Jessica found herself in a very dangerous position. Not only did the King-Regents loyal hound what her dead, but she was now on her way out of favour with the King-Regent because of something that was not even her own doing. This was bound to happen sooner or later, but admittedly, this was the first major blow to the Kingdom's hold on power in the provinces.

"Your Majesty, we could deploy Naval vessels to the Port. That will at least allow us to evacuate civilians before Gunrei's forces take the palace."
"What about the city? What plans do you have to take back the city?"
"Your majesty, we lack both the resources and the capital to fund such an expedition" said Whitwell "To launch such a defence now would leave us vulnerable in more strategic areas that we cannot afford to lose, especially given the state of the economy"
"THAT ISN'T FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH JESSICA" screamed Albert, and at this point, Princess Madeline stood and placed her arm upon the shoulder of King-Regent Albert.
"I think this is enough for the evening. You have done all you can" she said,
"Jessica, could you please provide us with a briefing on the Kingdom's hold on other provinces by tomorrow morning. Please distribute that to our close allies and state that it is very confidential and only to allow them to protect their economic interests as a sign of good faith" she finished.
"Yes your majesty, I will do so."

Ministry of Security Briefing #Confidential:

Security Briefing Re: Provinces

His Imperial Majesty, King-Regent Albert,

Detailed below is a list of McMasterdonian Provinces and their status. The Ministry of Security has considered a great deal of factors including the current rulers of the provinces, the placement of troops, and the levels of minority groups in the region. We believe that this security assessment will provide a clear indication about which provinces are still considered loyal. Provinces listed towards the top of their categories should be considered to be strongly loyal and unlikely to change allegiances, and provinces on the far end of the scale may be considered likely to change or at risk.

A map is included below marked with the letters A-P.

Aligned to the Kingdom of McMasterdonia

Aligned to the Flemingovianists

Aligned to the Whent Terrorists



Jessica Whitwell
Minister of Security
Archbishop Gunrei

Your trials in the name of the one and true God will go down in history as a new testament to all devout Flemingovianists. It would be the Senate's honour to ally itself with the Church, in perpetuity. This we swear by Flemingovia.

At first word, we shall take up arms to defend our faith from the conniving fools that occupy the palace. Know that when we sit amongst you, in the pews of the church, we fight two wars together - with your leadership, we war in the spiritual realm, against the demonic influence of a corrupted, Earthly royal family. But, in the temporal realm, the ranks of the Church shall be swelled by the common man, under a democratically elected Senate.

It is together that we shall defeat both sides of the vice that grips McMasterdonia.

Correspondance in secret will be difficult by telecommunications. We have not yet ascertained how secure our modes of communication are, but that will from now become a key priority of this Senate. Until then, we will have to organize our crusade by more organic means.

To that end, I ask that you give me your blessing to go out as a servant of Flemingovia, and that you accept appointment as an official of our democratic government. With a public announcement to both our flocks, our relationship under God will become as good as hewn stone in the eyes of the public.

Your humble servant,
Rosemary Whent

Capricornia City
Whent Private Residence

Whent put the letter down.

"It's not bad. Surely, you could have been a bit more...inspired."

The aide standing before him nodded his head, murmuring something under his breath. He was not one for public speaking, by any means. But he was a dab hand with a keyboard, and a keen calligrapher that would have put even the Archbishop's heroes to shame. Not that such things mattered anymore - not when one's goal was not to convince but to flatter.

Rosemary sighed, adjusting the lamp at her table. The flickering light glinted off the beads of sweat in her aide's raven-black hair, as both froze.

It flickered once.


And it held. They both relaxed, almost audibly. With the start of the civil war, power supplies had seemed to be relatively stable - at least, in the more developed Western provinces of McMasterdonia, housing all three factional capitals. That being said, it seemed only a matter of time until one or the other faction managed to take control of the power grid - or a critical node. It wasn't so much the cessation of power. More the fact that, at the moment, it would be unexpected.

If anyone was going to cause rolling blackouts, it had better damn well been someone Whent knew by name.

Both lost their place, just for a moment, before the world came back into sharp focus.

"Yes, Chancellor. Excuse me, Chancellor."

"But it'll do, for now, Lucas. Have it passed on."

Lucas Lothston bowed his head, and scurried away.

Whent considered a map, in front of her. Whilst it was, perhaps, not as detailed as the one that Jessica Whitwell would no doubt be producing - the smug bitch - it certainly included roughly the same information. She had the same provincial factional breakdown, but almost no idea of their relative loyalty, or their strengths. Nor had her staff realised that the Crossing would be so marginal. The information on it seemed...unsettling.

For instance, she could guess that Intelligensia remained solidly monarchist, and she certainly did not like living so close to it. It would be easy for the royal forces to mobilize a substantial expedition into Capricornia, and roll all the way into Cape El. Frankly, she'd prefer living in the east, just at the moment. It would be much safer - the provinces there might not be as loyal, but there were a lot of them. Between the Senate and the Flemingovianists, it would be almost impossible to mount an organized offensive against a properly conducted guerilla force. That being said, properly conducted remains the key words.

And at any rate, it would be suicide to try to conduct the trip from Capricornia to the East. Not without Port Augusta being secured, and possibly even then. It would, at the very least, hurt her political base in the West - and possibly put the Church at more direct risk itself. She could move, but the Church's command structure may be less dynamic.

The first move seemed clear, though. She had to shore up her support base, and create a Party.

Much like clockwork, there was a knock on the door.

Cuckoo, cuckoo.

Danelle Harrenhal walked in the door. She had a lazy eye, and no other features of interest. At all. She dressed conservatively, looked conservative, and had hair that hung to her shoulders exactly - no longer, no shorter. She attended Church every Sunday, and often carpooled for the company, like a good little lapdog. That was before she joined the...well, the Party, I suppose.

Whent raised an eyebrow. The Party. It certainly had a nice ring to it.

"Chancellor, you summoned me. How may I be of service?"

She spoke with a voice too timid to scare a mouse, and too monotonous to interest it. She made a seemingly idiosyncratic Director of Communications. Not a Minister, mind you - the Senate can have its own damn Cabinet, transparent and an organ of the people. The Party shall function on its own merits, for the sole purpose of supporting the people's choice behind the scenes. A successful Party is the one that is never seen, heard, or spoken of. A successful Minister is one who remembers how to make a successful Party, whether or not they must be the sacrificial lamb. That was why she was perfect.

The woman who could speak to the people, for the people. Someone with no opinions of her own - and even if she did find some, in some godforsaken part of the royalist wastelands, they'd be wasted on her.

"Harrenhal. How good of you to be here promptly. In future, though, I expect you to be early. You may bring work to busy yourself in the corridor with."

The Chancellor allowed the instruction to hang in the air, waiting for Harrenhal to speak. Knowing that she would not.

Not for the moment.

It was a tense silence.

But it is human nature to break tense silence.

"Chancellor, I -"

There it was. The one who speaks first in a negotiation loses. And this is a negotiation. It is. She was cut off at the source. "Director, the Senate and the Party both require your services. I have decided that, given our relationship with the Church, we require two distinct approaches to the population. Here, in Capricornia, and in Castello, I believe ourselves to be invested with loyalty to the Senate as a whole. It is necessary that we capitalize on this. I intend to have you direct my instructions on the matter to the Minister of Communications. As Director, however, you will personally go to Granthemia, to head the Eastern Branch of the People's Revolutionary Party.

It is not a party that exists beyond these walls yet. But I hope it will. For the moment, though, let us focus on Capricornia and Castello.

I believe that the Church intends to lead an offensive against some region in the West, or in central McMasterdonia. I do not know where, but I think I know when. It is absolutely necessary that the Senate's support be shored up through the formation of citizen militias. We have supporters in the police force, and in the military, but we absolutely must bolster our numbers. And we must do it soon. It will take some time for the military to be able to respond to warfare in central McMasterdonia, and we need to be able to support the Flemingovianists - after the fact.

In Eastern McMasterdonia, our concerns are different. We can start to organize independent branches of the Party there immediately. They shall be waiting merely to be directed at our foes. Far from the eyes of Intelligensia, the Church, and our Senate, it will be trivial to simply throw them at the enemy. Their loose affiliations with the Senate shall allow us to present the Party as a stalking-horse opposition, while profiting from our connection to stave off any formal oppositions to either faction. Once we have organized independent cells in the East - in Grathemania and Hanssonhall - we shall simply instruct them to make their own path in the world, until the Party can rise. If they require direction, we shall simply point them to Aurore - they can form a channel between the two strongholds from both sides, and devastate the McMasterdonian access to Central City. From there, we can charge the lot of them to conduct sabotage in the Reach, and hopefully destabilize Central City violently enough to incentivise the Flemingovianists to run headlong into death and let the Senate clean up for us."

By now, Harrenhal had glazed over.


"Summon the Minister for Defense and for Communications, then pack your bags. Inform them it is about securing the alliance with the Church. Flemingovia will guide you."

Maybe the Senate's lackeys would, at the very least, be capable of understanding orders. Well, at least Harrenhal wouldn't criticize them.
The Archbishop tried his best to keep his office in the Cape El compound organized, but with the sheer volume of mail making its way to his desk each day, it was becoming more difficult. The Holy Flemingovian Postal Service, an organization with rather comical lilac uniforms, had been established after the Archbishop's hold over Cape El and was nearing the efficiency levels the Royal Mail had before the war - in no small part due to confiscated equipment and warehouses.

Gunrei, though, took no chances. Brother Benedict or one of his most trusted men got the Archbishop's mail from a PO box in town three times a week. Since the attack on Port Augusta, though, they had to go every day just to keep it from becoming overstuffed.

Gunrei slipped a silver letter opener into the top of one envelope and tore it open. Inside was another request - this one for a baptism. Gunrei smiled and handed it to Brother Benedict.

"Have Father Martin in town take care of this."

"Yes, Archbishop."

Gunrei nodded and picked up another envelope. He slipped his letter opener into the top of it, and was about to tear when he felt a presence in the doorway. He furrowed his brow, frustrated at being interrupted, and glanced up. One of the doormen to the compound was looming.

"Yes, my son?" Gunrei asked. Brother Benedict turned to look as well.

"The Most Reverend Bishops Adamson and Cross have an audience scheduled for 9:30."

Gunrei looked down at the clock on his desk. It read 9:27.

"Thank you, son." Gunrei said. He put down the envelope, letter opener still sticking out of the top. "Please send the bishops in."

The doorman stepped out of the way and two men dressed in lilac vestments like Gunrei entered. Martin Adamson came in first. He was a tall man, nearly six-foot-four, and was built like a refrigerator. His forehead was dripping with sweat. As if worried the heat might be contagious, Gunrei turned a small fan clipped to his desk towards himself.

Jacob Cross came in second. No small man himself at six-foot-one, he was considerably lighter and seemed to adjust to the heat well. Gunrei smiled at the two men as they stood before him. Brother Benedict moved from his position in front of the desk to the corner of the room.

"You'll have to excuse the lack of chairs, brothers," Gunrei said. "I haven't had the chance to move them here from the cathedral in Cape El."

Adamson coughed.

"I understand you two requested an audience?" Gunrei asked.

"Yes," Adamson said. His right hand was trembling slightly. "We would like to speak about Port Augusta."

"Ah! Yes!" Gunrei exclaimed. A smile crawled across his lips. "Our brothers and sisters have done quite a good job taking that city from the Royals. The security forces are barely holding onto the outer suburbs, and I understand the Lilac Flag is flying from the top of the Eastland Building."

Adamson steadied his hand. He reached inside a pocket in his vestments for a handkerchief, and wiped his forehead. Cross looked at him, urging him to speak.

"We and our congregations left the communion of the Church almost forty years ago due to its reckless disregard for scripture." Adamson said sternly.

"Yes, I understand that," Gunrei said. "Last year you rejoined the Church due to my reforms."

"Your reforms were comforting at first, Archbishop, but Bishop Cross and I, as well as our congregations, are concerned about the extent of them. Our dioceses have come increasingly under your personal control, and it seems that your soldiers in Port Augusta are entirely willing to inflict..." Adamson paused. "Civilian casualties."

Gunrei furrowed his brow again. "Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention. If our holy soldiers have been a bit overzealous, I take responsibility. However, our crusaders have never intentionally hurt anyone who is a member of our Church. And if it appears I have taken your dioceses under my wing, it is only because of my great love for this Church. I would like to involve myself in the affairs of all the dioceses under my direction."

"But what of Bishop Dalton's diocese? He remains in total control of his congregation, while we can scarcely take confession without a member of your entourage watching us."

Gunrei's furrowed brow turned into a frown.

"I do not see why I need to explain myself to you two, but if members of my own personal monastic order take an interest in your affairs that is their business, not mine."

"They listen to our sermons! They instruct us on how to speak!"

Gunrei clenched his fists.

"If your oratory skills are not up to the level expected of a bishop, then you may be instructed on how to improve! I still fail to see how this is relevant!"

Adamson's brow began to sweat more, out of anger more than the heat.

"Your men recruit young boys from my congregation to go to Port Augusta and fight! Flem would not approve of this violence that the Church wages under your direction!"

Gunrei stood, nearly knocking over the chair he was sitting in. The sardonic quality of his voice began to turn to anger.

"You will cease this immediately! If I wanted the counsel of my bishops, I would ask! I do not wish to be lectured or nagged by you, Adamson!"

"Then answer my simple questions! Why do you diverge from the scriptures? Why do you ignore the counsel of your bishops?"

"Do not mention scripture to me, child!" Gunrei said, slamming his hand on the desk. Brother Benedict reached for his pistol. "Get out of my sight and be glad I do not excommunicate you for this insolence!"

Adamson stepped forward, prompting Benedict to remove his pistol from its holster. "We cease to recognize you as the head of this Church, Gunrei."

"Ah! Excellent!" Gunrei yelled. He threw his hands up in the air and smiled. "Benedict, show Bishop Adamson the door please!"

Benedict held his pistol in one hand and grabbed Adamson with his free arm, maneuvering him out into the compound hall. Adamson spit on the ground as he was escorted away.

Gunrei's eyes followed the pair as they left and stared out the door for some time after. Cross stood in the center of the room, trying his hardest not to be noticed. Inevitably, though, Gunrei's eyes met his. The two stared at each other, saying nothing for a few moments, until three gunshots rang out outside.

Gunrei stepped out from behind his desk, smiled, and embraced Cross.

"Why did you request my audience, my child?"

Cross stuttered and looked away.

"With Port Augusta under the control of the Church," Gunrei began, releasing Cross, "the city will be in desperate need of a bishop to tend its unruly flock. I have the utmost confidence in you for this, Bishop Cross, and in fact will be providing you with a complement of my finest soldiers and monks to aid you in this task. They will be observing your actions and will be granting you counsel that may as well come directly from my mouth." Gunrei smiled again.

"I have no doubt you will serve Flem admirably in this position." Gunrei looked up when he saw another figure looming in the doorway. It was Benedict, putting his pistol back into its holster.

"Ah, Brother Benedict! I would hate to make you run all the way back downstairs, but could you show Bishop Cross to his car? He will be leaving for our new jewel of Port Augusta as soon as he can!"

Benedict more gently showed Cross, still mumbling to himself, out the door. Gunrei walked back to his desk and continued opening his letters.

Rosemary Whent

Your letter reached me in excellent time, and I thank you for sending it. I am confident in your loyalty to our One True Faith, and I am blessed to hear from such a pious member of the flock.

I am extremely pleased to hear of your offer of military support, and I gladly accept it. The Church, though with no shortage of crusaders, is in desperate need of allies. It pleases me to see my sentiments about the Royal Family shared amongst others, and I agree that the best way to defeat them is by using the masses. Though the Church is ruled exclusively by Flemingovia Himself, it was he that said "Leave to Caesar what is Caesar's and to Flem what is Flem's", and I gladly support the democratic rule, guided by religion, that you seek to install in McMasterdonia.

I would be honored to take a position in the Senate's rightful government of McMasterdonia, as the Archbishops before me had before secularism and bitterness infected the Royal Family.

Your devotion to the One True Faith and to your own cause is heartening, and I would be blessed to present you with the style of Mother Superior and title of Abbess of the Order of Flemingovia's Anticipation. Many members of the Church's Women's Brigades are also members of the Order of Flemingovia's Anticipation and would gladly work alongside the armies of the Senate to liberate this nation from the mongrel dogs of the Royalists.

I hope this letter reaches you well,

Archbishop Gunrei, Servant of the Servants of Flem

Live: Reports of successful coup d'état in The Reach

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Leigh Sales, and we interrupt this program with a special news bulletin.

This evening we are receiving reports of extreme violence and rioting in the capital of the Reach, in the city of Clarkson. To date, the City of Clarkson and the Provincial Government have been strong supporters of the King-Regent Albert and the royal family. At approximately 1PM local time, a small crowd of flemingovianists nuns, all wearning lilac niqabs, gathered outside the Silver Palace to protest against Lady Kimberley Clarke's support of the incumbent government.

The Reach a province well known for it's exorbinant mineral wealth, in particular the significant number of silver, ore, and gold mines in the provinces, has led to an extreme amount of wealth being invested in the city over the past decades. However with the economic down turn over the past five years and the continued political problems in the capital, many Clarksonians have been left unemployed and destitute. Meanwhile, the Royal Family resides in the Silver Palace and spends wealth at a rate far beyond comprehension for the average citizen.

Local media reports at first dismissed the protests as minor and peaceful, however only hours later the protests would grow from only 100 members to close to 10,000. Riot police were quickly sent to deal with the protests, to no avail. Unconfirmed reports state that the crowd easily overpowered the riot police, and killed many of the security forces with concealed weapons on the women's person. Bomb blasts were head on the east side of the palace, as protesters detonated a car bomb in order to collapse the palace fencing.

Our reporter live in Clarkson reported in just a moment ago,before we lost contacted with him. This is what he had to say.

"Well Leigh, the site here is so difficult to describe. Their are bodies laying everywhere, most of them women, or members of the security forces. The city of Clarkson is in uproar and I've received multiple reports from sources that the noble family that rules the province, including Lady Kimberley Clarke herself, along with her five children have been killed"

Truly horrifying news. McMasterdonian Global News is openly critical of the McMasterdonian Government and the King especially, however this supposedly 'flemingovianist' movement is now supporting the mass murder of families and their children. This is horrifying and we hope that these reports are not confirmed and that Lady Clarke and her children are found alive and safe.

More to come.

Update 1: It has been confirmed to McMasterdonian Global News that Lady Clarke, her husband, and five children have been killed in the Silver Palace. The Flemingovianist Nuns and other protesters breached the palace walls and were quickly able to overcome the remaining security. It has been confirmed by sources inside the palace that Lady Clarke along with her children were captured by the rioters, before being taken to the Sun Tower, where they were all thrown, falling 12 stories to their deaths on the street below.

Update 2: The death toll continues to rise by the hour. Modern estimates suggest that nearly 20,000 people were killed during the fighting. Most of the people were flemingovianist nuns and priests, but many were also ordinary citizens or security officers attempting to protect the government or their privately owned property.

Update 3: The Flemingovianist forces, loyal to Archbishop Gunrei now control the provinces of the Southern Isle, the Earldom of Castello, and the Reach. Excluding the Archbishopric State of Cape El, the flemingovianist forces control nearly all of the central island of McMasterdonia, with only the Ancient Province governed from the city of Issabella there to fight against them. Forces from Issabella are constantly clashing with flemingovianist forces, and it is unlikely that the city of Issabella will fall to Flemingovianists any time soon. It is even more unlikely however ,that the flemingovianists will simply retreat from the Ancient Province or seek to reach a reasonable settlement. The strength of the Flemingovianist Forces, when combined with the limited territory of the Whent rebels is enough to strongly rival any remaining firepower that the Government of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia can fire against them.

Update 4: Experts now say that with the Flemingovianists control of the city of Port Augusta and Clarkson, they will now safely control the eastern peninsula between the central and eastern island of McMasterdonia, making it all the more difficult for the navy and for trade to pass between McMasterdonian cities and the Ancient Province.

Update 5: Sources now confirm that the Flemingovianist rebels are in the process of forming a new theocratic based government for the province, with sole allegiance to the Archbishop Gunrei.
The Cape El Compound, by now just known by many Flemingovianists as "The Basilica", was bustling with the latest news from the Reach. Clarkson had fallen without even a command from Gunrei; it seemed that nothing, at this point, could stop the Crusade.

Hours after the news reached The Basilica, Gunrei had called a consistory of his bishops. Some, present across the straits in Castello and Port Augusta, couldn't make it. Many, having left their dioceses located in Royalist territory, hung around the compound anyway until they could be assigned somewhere new. It was a mix of greedy bishops looking for temporal power, conservative and reactionary clerics that believed in the cause if not always the ends, and men loyal to Gunrei almost to the point of insanity.

Usually, the consistory met inside a large room inside the Basilica decorated richly with Flemingovian art, but today the meeting was called to the compound gardens. It was a cool fall day, and a comfortable day to sit in the sun. Most of the bishops had already gone outside, afraid to keep the Archbishop waiting after what happened to poor old Adamson, but two - Bishops Eaton and Gibbs - stood inside, near the door to the gardens, whispering.

Eaton watched a man dressed in black walk by carrying a box of ammunition. As the man turned a corner, he continued his conversation with Gibbs.

"They say the Archbishop orchestrated the protests in Clarkson from the stop. That they weren't as spontaneous as everyone thinks they were. He wanted to boost morale."

"I don't see why His Grace would have much need for that... after Port Augusta morale hasn't been higher."

Eaton looked behind him, then looked ahead again and scanned the corridor before continuing.

"Harding told me that the Archbishop wants to appoint himself Patriarch."

Gibbs mouth dropped open slightly. Patriarch of the Church was not a title appointed lightly - it entitled complete control over all the other dioceses in the Church, the style of "His Holiness" and, perhaps most important of all, complete sovereignty and severance from royal authority. Even as the Church fought incessantly against the Royal Family, no one would even think of saying that Gunrei wouldn't be beholden to the King if the King satisfied the Archbishop's demands.

Gibbs, regaining his composure, spoke.

"The Book is very clear about what must be required to be appointed Patriarch. He must be appointed by acclamation - a unanimous vote of the consistory. The Book says that a Patriarch will enrich the poor, as a king does. He will heal the sick, as the hand of the king heals the lepers, and - "

"And he will be chosen by Flem - manifesting himself on our world." Eaton interrupted.

"Yes!" Gibbs exclaimed. He immediately quieted his voice and looked around. "Gunrei would have to be insane to claim any of that. This is the 21st century! Miracles don't just - "

Eaton saw Brother Benedict approach down the hall. He grabbed Gibbs by the arm and pulled him out the door into the gardens.

Gunrei, along with the rest of the consistory, were already sitting and chatting.

"Ah!" he said. "I thought for a moment you two wouldn't make it! We already said opening prayer, I'm afraid, but you're welcome to join us, Brothers."

"Thank you, Archbishop," Gibbs said, sitting in an empty chair. Eaton sat on the other side of the circle.

"It pleases me to say that our brothers and sisters in the Reach are quickly converting the government of Clarkson towards our own uses. Soon, Flemingovian law will be instituted in all corners of the province, as it has been in the Southern Isle and Castello."

The consistory clapped politely. Gunrei gestured for quiet after a time. "It also pleases me to say that talks with the Senate are going exceedingly well, and I believe our alliance will prosper even more as the Royalists falter and scatter before the wind."

More applause. Gunrei saw Brother Benedict standing in the doorway to the gardens and waved him towards himself.

"The third order of business we will discuss is something I have been thinking of for quite some time." Benedict took his spot by Gunrei and prepared to whisper something to him but was halted by the Archbishop. "Just a minute, Brother," he said. "I have decided, after much thought," Gunrei began, "to donate the Cathedral of Cape El for use as a poorhouse and homeless shelter. I have finished moving my things to the Basilica here, and the smaller chapel here will serve my uses just fine."

There was more applause, though scattered. Such a donation by Gunrei, with his love of luxury and ornateness, was out of character.

"Now," Gunrei said quietly to Benedict as the applause died down, "what was it?"

Benedict leaned in and whispered something to the Archbishop. His eyes grew wide.

"Forgive me, brothers, but I must speak with someone very dear to me. Please, Benedict, send him in."

Benedict went back inside and then came back out with another man dressed in all black.

"Brother Aaron!" Gunrei exclaimed. He made his way out of the circle of priests and embraced the young man. "Is what Benedict tells me really true?"

"Yes, Archbishop," Aaron said quietly, though just loud enough for the consistory to hear. He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a circular scar on his arm. "I was hit by a stray bullet during target practice," Aaron said, again just loud enough for the bishops to hear. "It got infected and - "

"Yes!" Gunrei said. "I remember quite well."

"Well, Archbishop," he said. "You touched my forehead, and then the next day my fever broke. The infection was gone by the end of the week."

The Archbishop remained silent, but embraced Aaron again. The consistory whispered among itself. Gunrei smiled and looked at Benedict, leaning against the wall by the entrance to the Basilica. He nodded - knowingly, but secretively.

Bishop Dalton, a loyal Church functionary, was the first to stand.

"Brother Gunrei! You enrich the poor, and heal the sick!"

There was more whispering. A few other bishops stood, either out of disbelief or support for Dalton's claim. Gunrei released Aaron and turned to face the consistory. He met Dalton's eyes, then looked away. "I will claim nothing."

More speaking - more loudly this time. Gunrei stood where he was. Aaron looked on, unsure if he should stay. He scratched his arm where the scar was. A few more moments. The bishops were nearing a total row now, arguing theology, scripture, canon law, and everything in between. Almost unnoticed was the soft flapping of a bird's wings.

Again, Brother Dalton was the first to notice. The argument grew softer, then quiet, then ended with silence. Gunrei stood before the consistory and Brother Aaron. He dared not to move. Perched upon his head was a finch with a brilliant purple body and a lilac-colored breast.

Bishops Gibbs and Eaton looked at each other. Dalton yelled.

"Flem appears before us! He appoints Gunrei Patriarch!"

The finch, startled by the noise, looked at Dalton for a moment and then flew away. The consistory was silent for a moment. Gibbs and Eaton dared not break eye contact. The bishops, one-by-one, began to join in a chant.

"His Holiness, Supreme Patriarch of the Church! His Holiness, Supreme Patriarch of the Church!"

Gunrei said nothing. Aaron, by this point, looked on in stunned disbelief. Gunrei turned and looked back towards the entrance to the Basilica, Aaron moving out of his way. Brother Benedict appeared in the door again. Gunrei nodded slightly - imperceptibly.

Today the Consistory of the Bishops, moved by the miraculous works of once-Archbishop Gunrei and the corporeal appearance of Flemingovia on Eras, proclaimed Gunrei Supreme Patriarch of the Church of Flemingovia. In another unanimous vote, they severed all connection with the Royal Family of McMasterdonia. The Patriarchate of Cape El, consisting of the provinces of Cape El, Port Augusta, Castello, and the Reach, will be a sovereign, independent, blessed nation ruled by Patriarch Gunrei and the Consistory exclusively.

This is not the end of the Patriarchate's holy crusade against secularism in McMasterdonia, but a new beginning. There will never be any deals with "King" Albert and his mongrel dogs. This war will only end with the total submission of the godless Kingdom of McMasterdonia to our Patriarchate.

We renounce all connection with the apostate, heretical Royal Family and curse their name.
Peter and Carl left the castle. Slightly confused and anxious. Peter was the head of the King's security detail. Carl was his personal secretary. One kept a watchful eye for threats to the King's person, one managed his public affairs. They barely spoke to each other before today. Neither were prepared for a mission to rescue members of a royal family. All they knew was the King trusted them.

"Do you think that Albert knows we're here?" said Peter to his partner.

"Let see here, too culturally ignorant Plembobrians show up asking to see the Lord..."


"Whatever. He's not too busy so he shows us around. Conspiracy confirmed!" Carl chuckled. "Right now he's probably staring at the crown jewels, dumbfounded. Drunk with power. I don't think he'd give it a second thought if someone told him about us. Why would anyone think we're agents? We're nobodies! In fact the government makes sure we're nobodies."

"Hmm. But wouldn't he know who we are. Wouldn't his government have information on all foreign leaders and their retinues?"

"Like I said, he hasn't looked over all that. He's sill hasn't gotten over being king."

The two continued bantering. They got into their car and headed north.

A few hours later, somewhere on the highway towards the Great Bights Mum border.
The car sputtered. Peter, who was driving, looked at the gas meter and gasped. "Uh oh."

"'Uh oh' what?" Carl asked, dreading the answer.

"We are, um, out of, uhhh, gas."

"Out of gas? How the hell are we out of gas? You've been driving all this time and you didn't think to look at damn the meter?"

The car sputtered again. The engine stopped. They pulled over.

"Great," Carl yelled, "now we are stranded in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country, on the verge of revolution, and we have no gas."

They waited. A few minutes passed by. A truck drove by. They place their thumbs in the air. The truck stopped. They got in.

"Are you headed toward the border?" Carl asked the driver.

"Sure, what business do you have near the border."

"We have some family out there. Drifters, you know?"

"Yeah..." said the driver, a little dubious.

On the drove to the encampment. They arrived. The two got out of the truck, and approached the area. An armed man ran up to them. "Hey! Get out of here!" he shouted in a thick McMasterdonian accent.
Intelligentsia, McMasterdonia

The news of the Flemingovianists seizing control of Port Augusta had not been received well by the King-Regent. The Cabinet of Ministers, even his wife, had been on edge ever since. The loss of the Reach was an unexpectedly swift and brutal change of power. All intelligence indicated that it was initiated by the citizens of Clarkson themselves, and that the Basilica had only very limited involvement in the rebellion. When Minister Whitwell had arrived at the Royal Palace to brief the King-Regent on the developments, he was disturbingly silent. He didn't fly into a rage or curse, he simply was silent. It was deafening, and frightening. What was the King-Regent planning? The Kingdom was collapsing around them, and the King-Regent simply shut himself off in the War Room with Sharifa and the high Priestess Wilhelmina.

The King-Regent was becoming increasingly paranoid. He dismissed his Ministers, or refused to meet with them. The only advice he listened to came from his sister the High Priestess, or Sharifa, his long time confidant. One could only hope that they would not take the Kingdom over the abyss with them. Whitwell hoped that the Duke of Flithendale, the Chancellor of the Kingdom, had a plan to keep McMasterdonia afloat. NPTO peace keeping forces had been rejected. Jessica agreed that this battle had to be won by McMasterdonian means, but the Government was in a state of paralysis, and if they didn't do something soon.. She was sure that every province would fall and shortly after, so would she, everything she had worked for would come to an abrupt end.

Jessica waited in the cabinet chamber. Pacing back and forth along the east side of the oak table, she recalled the many briefings she had been to in this room. Her first serious briefing was in 2012, when the then King Louis XIV and his wife, Queen Meghan were planning to leave for the Vladivostok Conference. Security was intense, and there were concerns that they may have been targeted by communists or republicans. Fortunately none of that did eventuate, but it was an eye opening experience for a young and fresh Minister like Jessica.

She was waiting to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sophia Strauzenburg. The two had developed a strong working relationship, one based on respect for the other's ability, and even a fear off the other's ability to carry out political retribution against one who violates the other's trust. Jessica stopped pacing, as she heard the clicking of heals on the stone floor, she looked up slightly just as Sophia walked into the room.

"Jessica, so nice to see you again." Sophia remarked with a smile.
"You too. Sorry for meeting so late." Jessica replied quietly
"That is okay, I have not been sleeping well." she said, running her hand through her ever-thinning dark hair. "Why are we meeting in the cabinet room?"
"It is the only room that we don't bug. I assume you don't bug it either?"
"We don't. What is this about?"

Jessica started to tell Sophia about the ongoing problems that the Kingdom was facing in security matters, and stressed in particular, how the patriarchate was going to cause increasing issues for the Kingdom on the world stage. They talked at length about the continued self-imposed isolation of the King, and how they should solve this. They resolved that they would write to Renae Clark, a former Senate party leader and ask for her help. She was the Lady Paramount of Ceduna, the city and province nearest to Intelligentsia. With the King apparently in quite a state, and with the state funeral to focus on, they would need support if they were to keep this Kingdom from total collapse.

Cave Encampment, near Great Bights Mum border.

As the soldier ran up towards them, Peter quickly punched a message into his satelitte phone. The message would go directly to the King Tozian, who he hoped, would be able to appeal directly for intervention by Prince Alexander.

"I'm sorry sir, we were just looking to climb the mountains. They are beautiful at this time of year" Carl replied, deliberately emphasising the stereotypical plembobrian accent.

"Ah Plembobrians, I should have known" the soldier replied "You people are obsessed with the McMasterdonian Mountains. Is it because the old Queen of Plembobria came here on her honeymoon with Chancellor Gregor, or I assume you call him the Duke of Flithendale!"

"Yes indeed, we love Queen Nara, and this is a beautiful location. Are we able to cross through the mountains"

"Not on your own. I will escort you."

"Oh, okay then..." Carl looked at Peter nervously...

"Thank you officer, that is most kind of you" Peter replied.

The officer pointed towards his jeep, one hand on his gun, and then followed closely behind them to make sure they didn't attempt to leave.

Intelligentsia, McMasterdonia

The King of Plembobria, Tozian I was sitting in the state funeral of McMasterdonia, he knew that it was his turn to stand up to do his eulogy as soon as the current speaker had concluded. He looked down as he felt his phone vibrate, and leaned over and whispered into the ear of Prince Alexander, who was sitting next to him

"The men are in trouble. Near the border. Do what you can to distract the officers."

Alexander nodded, and Tozian stood up and walked towards the coffin of Matilda II, ready to make his eulogy.

Caspius, McMasterdonia

Laura, the personal assistant to Prince Alexander had assembled twenty of the trustworthy men and women of Caspius, within the throne room of Caspius Castle. She had been waiting for the word from the Prince Alexander, if there was to be any trouble for Carl and Peter, they were to dress in violet and attack the encampment to the south of the mountain ranges. There were very few people that the Prince could trust in Caspius, nearly everyone was still loyal to Princess Madeline, the wife of King-Regent Albert. The 20 men and women she had found, came from all walks of life, they had all grown to trust and believe in Prince Alexander. They were willing to fight and die for him, especially if it would keep the Princess Madeline and her bloodthirsty family out of power. It was for this reason that 24 months ago, the Prince enrolled them in secret training exercises. He wanted them to be prepared should their be a rebellion in Caspius, or an attempted coup d'etat either by Flemingovianists, or the former ruling family.

Her phone beeped, three times. Laura nodded to the assembled men and women, and together they descended the steps located behind the throne and into the basement. There they found three armored vans, with mounted machine guns, and suitable explosives for such an attack. They quickly got into the vans and exited the basement. Laura had made sure that the security cameras had been disabled, so they would escape unnoticed. Within two hours of driving, they were at the foot of the mountain side. They began to fire upon the encampment, and on the houses located on the plains to the south of the mountains. Within minutes, soldiers were returning fire, and the group emerged from their vehicle, for a foot assault on the small encampment.

Laura soon noticed that two men to her right had fallen after being hit, she threw a tear gas grenade towards the entrance to the encampment, and it exploded, causing the soldiers to run with hands over their eyes. Her team continued firing and eliminating soldiers as they went. More men fell dead on Albert's side, but Laura's small tactical team was also taking a severe hit. She only hoped they would do enough damage to draw the security away from wherever they were keeping Carl or Peter, or if they were lucky, that they could get into the encampment to find them.

Suddenly, Laura heard four large explosions to her right. Looking up she saw a group of ethnic Great Bights Mumian citizens, descending the mountain. They were very short people, sometimes called dwarves by the McMasterdonians. Over the centuries McMasterdonia and Great Bights Mum had been at war more times than any other nation, but since then they had grown close, and the Government of McMasterdonia had always protected the traditional owners of the mountain lands. The group of dwarves began to fire upon the assembled soldiers, to Laura's great surprise. Suddenly the gun fire ceased, and a woman, who appeared to be the leader of the group approached Laura directly.

"Good afternoon ma'am. Lord Alexander said you might be in need of some assistance."

Inside the Encampment

Carl and Peter had been thrown into a cell, at the far end of the encampment. As they had entered they had noticed that there could be no more than 40 soldiers in this encampment. Very small, considering they were claiming to be fighting flemingovianists in the mountains. To their great surprise, the prison cells they had been thrown into were relatively full. Nearly all of the folk in the cells were dwarves, and had obviously been imprisoned when the soldiers had set up the encampment here - effectively dispossessing them from their traditional lands.

In the cell next to them however, lay an elderly woman. She wore a very dirty dark green dress, and her hair was almost entirely white from age. Could it be the great Queen Mother? Surely not. At least, Carl didn't think it could be. He thought Queen Meghan had dark hair, like her son Albert.

"Excuse me!" Carl called, but the woman simply lay still making no response.
"It is no use lad" one of the dwarves yelled "She won't say anything. We've all tried, believe me. She won't talk to anyone."
"Are you.. Queen Meghan?" Peter asked
The woman shook silently, as if the words pained her greatly. She sat up on the bed, and looking directly at Peter said "I was known by that name once"
The dwarves gasped at her words
"Forgiving me your majesty" the dwarf who had yelled earlier began "If I had known you were in our presence, I would not have pestered you so, I swear!"
The Queen-Mother didn't respond at all. She simply nodded to the dwarf, before assuming her spot on the bed.
"Your majesty, we have come to rescue you!" Carl said
"And yet, here you are, locked in prison with the rest of us. Some rescue job."

Before Carl could reply, the soldier who had brought them in earlier entered the room
"Shut up in there. NO TALKING. YOU HEAR ME?"

Carl heard the sound of gunfire outside, and the dwarves began to jump about excitedly. He wondered what could possibly be going on?

"What is it?" he asked
"It's happening!!" one of the dwarves replied
"What is?"

Carl heard a sudden thud as the body of the security guard collapsed to the floor, into the room strode the Queen of the Dwarves, and Laura, the personal guard to Prince Alexander.

"Laura? What are you doing here?" Peter asked.
"We've been asked to rescue you."

At her words, Queen-Mother Meghan arose immediately.
"Laura?" she said "My son Alexander sent you?"
"Your majesty! It is so good to see you alive. We must get you out of here"

Laura approached the cell doors and began to unlock them - all of the prisoners were now free.

"Is my son alright?" Queen Meghan asked "This was a very reckless decision for him, or for Tozian to send guards to save me"
"How do you know Tozian sent us?" Carl asked
"I can recognise a Plembobrian before they even speak. You stand out in Northern McMasterdonia more than you would elsewhere" She replied sharply. "What of Matilda? Does she know of this? Albert will move against her if he suspects she is aware of what he has done.
Laura froze suddenly, this had taken her off guard. While she had known the Queen Mother for years, ever since she was selected to protect her son, she did not know her that well and was not prepared to inform her of her daughters death.
"What is it, Laura?" Queen Meghan asked with a stricken look upon her face.
"I'm very sorry to tell you this your majesty, but Queen Matilda is dead. She was assassinated while visiting the Republic of Eumenor"
As soon as the words escaped her lips she regretted them, Queen Meghan stumbled slightly before collapsing to the ground.
Ceduna, South West Province

Renae of House Clarke, Lady Paramount of Ceduna, Head of the Noble House Clarke and alone in this world. Her parents long gone and her husband lays with her sister, 8 feet under, no children to call her own. The first of House Clarke and now the last of House Clarke. Her family burns, her country burns and inside she burns.

In the north theocrats have taken power and in Intelligensia the incompetent have taken power while in the east anarchy has taken power. Taken power and her family! It is only a matter of time before the powers that be come crashing down on her head.

She hears the doorbell ring and a few moments later an aide walks up to her.

“Ms Clarke, the Chief Minister has arrived, what should I tell him?” the aide questioned.

“Please direct him here and do not disturb us while we speak.” she instructed.

“Actions speak louder than words, now is the time for action” she told herself.

Her country was going to hell in a handbasket, actions need to be taken to prevent the South West from following down the same road. The South West is a democratic place though, she can’t do anything without the support of the Chief Minister.

Chief Minister Ardashir, a fellow member of Clarke’s McMasterdonian Liberal Party, followed the aide into the room.

“Renae! My condolences! I heard what happened in Clarkson, a really tragedy it was”

“Yes, it really was. The uprising was unexpected to say the least. I want nothing more than to go put a bullet into every single rebel who took away my family. But, we must remain calm”

“Agreed, I still offer my condolences” he said solemnly.

“Thank you, but as you and everyone in this country realizes, we are in a period of great turmoil. Albert rules in Intelligentsia, you may not be as familiar with him as I am but he is in no way qualified to run this country. In Cape El the theocrats have started their rebellion, supported by that power hungry bitch Rosemary Whent. What happened in Clarkson is only a small indication of what will happen all over this country.” Renae said exasperated. She continued “If we are to survive this in a decent state, we must prepare. We have the misfortune of being stuck on the same landmass as all the major factions. it’ll be soon that refugees will start pouring into our territory and we will have to handle them”.

“So which side are we heading towards” he questioned.

“Neither, the theocrats are the death of this country as a respectable power, but Albert is another poison. It’s time for a Third Way. I want you to organise a militia.”

“What! A militia? Intelligentsia will never stand for this, where are we going to get weapons?”

“Intelligentsia will not fight it, they can not fight it. The moment they come to fight us, Gunrei will descend upon them.”

“That doesn’t solve the weapon problem”

“Solve it yourself, you’re the Chief Minister. Don’t be so nervous, we are not going to go to war with Albert, we just need to be able to defend our self and restore order.”

“Restore order? To places like Clarkson?”

“Clarkson is for another time, I can’t have vengeance motivate me, or we will all suffer. Present this plan of action to the legislative council. I’m sure they will accept it”

“Before I depart, will you be addressing the people or shall I be doing it” he asked?

“I think it’s for the best that you do it, the people don’t want the listen to nobles, especially a noble whose lands and heritage was lost”.

“It will be done”.

Official Notice of the Chief Minister of the South West

Ladies and Gentlemen of the South West, I come to you today with directions in accordance with the Lady Paramount of Ceduna. We have seen the great turmoil that has befallen our country. The atrocities of Cape El, the anarchy of Clarkson and the death of our beloved Queen. We here to tell you that we are prepared!

With the advice of the Lady Paramount and agreement of the Legislative Council, we are to see the formation of a provincial militia. In this time of crisis, we cannot predict what may fall upon us. It would be unintelligent for us to not prepare for the worse.

Furthermore with the consent of the Legislative Council, we have seen it wise to institute a variety of emergency rations and regulations.

-A strict curfew of 22:00, unless under official direction of the provincial government
-All food stuff will be under rationing rules
-Water will be under rationing rules
-All properties that are currently unoccupied will be repossessed by the provincial government in order to house refugees.
-Border checkpoints will be institute at every point coming in and out of the South West

-Everything else will be maintained as is.

We would like to assure the citizens of the South West that we are prepared to handle this crisis and we will persevere together.

OOC: This is kind of late, continuity wise this should've happened a while ago. Also I'm taking over for Elu now.
"Help me lift her." said Peter. He and his assistant hoisted the comatose woman by her arms onto their shoulders. "Thank you for coming for us." Carl said to Laura and the Dwarven Queen.

They left the camp and headed for the mountains, on the other side was Great Bights Mum. There they'd be safe. From then on, they'd find transportation to an airport, and they'd go back home from there. The felt a little relieved. Joyful even. Carl was even smiling.

They got into one of the jeeps and off they went.

The rickety shaking of the vehicle finally awoke the Queen Mother. She blinked several times. "Where am I?"

"Your Highness, we're crossing the border into Great Bights Mum. From there we'll be headed to Plembobria," Carl responded.

"Oh," said the Queen Mother, as if she didn't really process what was said to her.

Carl and Peter could clearly see that the woman was traumatized. They exchanged glances. This situation was rather awkward. They had come to perform a rescue mission, and they had been rescued themselves.

All this time, Laura had been staring quite sternly out he jeep's window. "Is there something we should no about?" asked Carl. "No. We must be certain no one is following us, before we reach the Mumian border." Laura bolted up, alert. She hollered into a radio, "We are being attacked."

Carl and Peter's heads bolted upright like a couple of frightened mice. Immediately, members of the adjacent began firing out their windows at a small group of vehicles coming up beside them. They returned the fire.

The "plink" sound of a bullet was heard by the jeep's window. Peter let out a small cry. Carl looked at him. He was clutching his arm. Blood began to ooze between his fingers. "You've been shot!"

"I'll be fine. It's only a flesh wound."

Using his other hand, Peter ripped a section of his sleeve off, and attempted to tie it around his wound. He struggled with it. "Why don't you help me with this, huh?" Peter said.

"Oh, yes." Carl tied the makeshift bandage around his wound. By now the group had outrun or shot their pursuers. As Carl gazed out the window he noticed a small stone obelisk. Written on it was "INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY". They were in Great Bights Mum.
Royal Caucus Chamber, Royal Palace, Intelligentsia

Assembled in the Royal Caucus Chamber (RCC) were all of the senior members of the McMasterdonian Royal Family, which included many of the ruling houses of the provinces. Notably absent from the gathering of more than 200 royals and provincial warlords was the Prince Alexander of Caspius, and of course Rosemary Whent and Archbishop Gunrei were not in attendance.

This was the first royal caucus meeting to be completely televised. Members had commented on this as they had entered the chamber. "Is the King going to announce the capture of Gunrei?" "Is the King going to abdicate?" "Is the war over?" these questions and many others murmured around the chamber as they awaited the King-Regents arrival.

The King-Regent entered the chamber, surrounded by his entourage from the Wake for the late Queen's funeral. This included Sharifa, his personal guard, his wife Princess Madeline, and the Princesses Magdalena and Wilhelmina. The Security Service had grown significantly since leaving the funeral, and they quickly moved to surround the chamber - covering the exit points and patrolling the aisles between the conference tables.

The King, flanked by Sharifa, and Princess-Consort Madeline moved towards the centre of the RCC and began to speak:

"Citizens of McMasterdonia, Members of the Assembled Royal Caucus, I come before you today to speak of a plot against the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, a plot against my person, and an act of war."

The audience gasped, with some members noticeably squirming in their seats.

"Yesterday evening, forces loyal to the Kingdom of Plembobria assaulted a troop encampment in the Northern Marshes. They attacked and killed approximately 100 McMasterdonian Soldiers. This attack was led by a large force of spies and assassins hired by the Government of Plembobria to undermine the McMasterdonian state and to free terrorists who we held captive in that encampment.

This was quite clearly an act of war. Ultimately, no assault against McMasterdonian sovereignty would have been successful without the assistance of internal forces within the Kingdom itself. This is why I have called you all here today. This morning, Officer Sharifa was successful in silencing a threat against my person - who made an attempt to poison me at the funeral of our own sister. I invite my brother, Prince Alexander to the conference floor."

Prince Alexander was brought out onto the stage, evidently in distress and pain, he was carried out by members of the Royal Security Forces and thrown before the podium. His sister, Princess Magdalena visibly in distress attempted to approach Alexander before being forcibly thrown back by Sharifa.

My brother has attempted to commit regicide, to poison his head of state, his own brother, so that he may take the regency for himself. We have been forced to use extraordinary measures to extract the names of the co-conspirators in this terrible plot against the Kingdom. Anyone who has attempted to aide my brother is equally guilty of treason and will be punished accordingly.

However. I offer mercy. I invite anyone, who wishes to ensure both their own survival and that of the Prince Alexander, to come forward now.

Princess Magadelna immediately shouted out at her brother "I will speak".

Sharifa grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the stage.

"I was involved brother, but I swear to you. We did not seek to overthrow you.... we merely sort to locate..."

"Silence" Sharifa said as she struck Magdalena across the face, to the gasps of the other caucus members.

"You have only been asked to name other conspirators. If you do not, you will both be executed" Albert said.

"Derek Summers, the Minister for Defence. Chancellor Gregor, Lord Abbas of Aurore, Lord Ardashir of the Crossing, Lady Azar of Central City...."

As the Princess spoke, the Security Forces grabbed the members from their caucus chambers and began dragging them to the exits. Some shouted "Traitor", "Murderer!" or begged for the King's mercy. But they were not shown any. The Princess continued to speak until approximately 60 members of the caucus chamber were removed by the security forces.

"Thank you, Magdalena for admitting your involvement in this plot against the Kingdom. As the Kingdom of McMasterdonia is in a time of war, as monarch, I decree you are guilty of treason. The penalty for treason is death - to be carried out immediately. Sharifa..."

The Princess-Consort Madeline immediately approached her husband, hurriedly whispering in his ear. At that moment, Lord Asshai of the Ancient Province ran towards Sharifa, attempting to save the Princess. She turned and without hesitation shot him in the head, with Asshai falling dead in the central aisle of the conference room. Quickly, before anyone else could react, she turned again, shooting both Magdalena and Alexander dead.

Princess Madeline choked as she heard the gunfire, clearly shocked she moved back away from her husband.

"Ladies and Gentleman of the Caucus. Have no fear. You have shown great loyalty to the Kingdom of McMasterdonia and for that, you will be rewarded. The Kingdom of McMasterdonia continues to face many threats against us, and we must remain strong and united if we are to defeat the flemingovianist insurgency and ensure that peace and good governance prevails."

At the conclusion of his remarks, the King immediately returned to the Royal Palace. Leaving the emotional, dazed, and confused caucus to show themselves to the door. Many of them were visibly upset or even crying at what had just occurred. Media had been assembled outside the caucus chamber, as a test to their loyalty following the meeting.

"We are so grateful that the King-Regent was able to survive such a terrible assassination attempt"
"We congratulate the King on his swift handling of this crisis, and we are sure that the Kingdom of Plembobria will pay for their insurgency into the Kingdom of McMasterdonia."

And many other similar statements followed suit. The King had made his message quite clear.

The Border, Great Bights Mum

Peter had decided to turn on the jeep's radio, he was surprised to hear that the Great Bights Mum's local radio had the King-Regent Albert of McMasterdonia speaking. All of them sat in silence as they listened to the statement, and the subsequent admission of the Princess Magdalena.

The Queen-Mother, Amira or Meghan as she was known in Malvadian sat upright while she listened. She didn't react as the sound of gunfire indicated the death of her son Alexander and her daughter Magdalena.

"Albert must be stopped. He has already killed three of my children, and possibly my grandson. I will not allow him to destroy this country too." she said.

The Jeep pulled into the small airstrip that the Lord Alexander had prepared. A small leer jet awaited, bound for the Kingdom of Plembobria.

The Democratic Union
1700 Hours

Count Gregor had been alerted by sources within the palace that there was a meeting of the Royal Caucus to be taking place. He had not been invited to attend. It was most curious. Why? Had the King discovered the actions in the north of Plembobria? or worse had the king uncovered the cabinets plans to work secretly behind his back. He had turned the television on to MCMAC, the television channel for government news. He began to listen to the King speak and became quite alarmed.

At this moment, five McMasterdonian Royal Security Guards entered his office.

"Mr Chancellor, you must come with us." one of them said
"No, I must not do anything. I must stay here, I am waiting for a phone call from the Ambassador from Syrixia"
"We have orders to return you to McMasterdonia. You are being called to stand trial for treason. We will remove you by force if necessary."

The Chairwoman of the Democratic Union had been watching the events unfold on television, and had decided she must act quickly to save the Duke of Flithendale. She saw the security guards attempt to grab the Chancellor, and accompanied by the DU security force, a much larger body, she entered the office of the Ambassador from McMasterdonia.

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid I cannot allow you to arrest this man." she said "He is a bona fide representative of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, and until I see an ambassador comes to me bearing genuine credentials from the King, he has official protection from this union, and if you attempt to harm this man you will be arrested, and detained indefinitely by the headquarters security.
With that in mind, I suggest you gentlemen get lost." she waved them towards the exit

"Very well Madam Chairwoman, but I assure you, this insult against the Kingdom of McMasterdonia will not be tolerated. We will return with the recall notice you require, and you shall not stand in our way again."

The security left the office, and the Duke of Flithendale said "I think it is time I returned to the Kingdom of Plembobria, I can continue to fight the war effort there. My son will need me now."

"You son has always needed you. I will grant you protection as a member of the plembobrian royal family, which makes you a plembobrian government official. You should take my jet, and go to the Kingdom of Plembobria immediately" she said.
His Majesty's Government finds the following,

Albert of McMasterdonia is a war criminal.

He has, on more than one occasion used, weapons of mass destruction, specifically, mustard gas, against civilians.

He has mistreated our King, by threatening his person with arrest and prosecution, when our King is a legitimate member of the McMasterdonian Royal Family.

Therefore, the His Majesty's Government does hereby declare, by the Royal Prerogative granted to it, that diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of McMasterdonia are henceforth suspended, and shall remain suspended until further notice.

That Albert of McMaster is a war criminal, and in the event his capture or surrender, he be prosecuted as such.

All nations who give aid and comfort to officials or agents of any kind representing Albert or his government are complicit in crimes against humanity, and are denounced by His Majesty's Government.

Approved by the King in Council October 13th, 2015
Memento Mori
The international condemnations were coming in more strongly now; a stack of them, stapled together in a long packet with interpretation of each from the Foreign Divison was landing in Gunrei's inbox weekly at least.

Gunrei left them for last. Despite his new position, little had changed in the Basilica. He was reading as voraciously as before - Flemingovian texts from museums, history books, political treatises. He had a few select things salvaged from the Westmark Station and rushed to him. Scanned at a base nearby, they arrived by email and were printed out for his viewing - the Patriarch never touched his fingers to a computer keyboard.

He went at the material with a highlighter. Most of it he didn't understand, but he marked off parts he could tell were a violation of Flemingovian scripture. History books from the libraries at Port Augusta were similarly marked; tales of nations suffering military defeat were underlined and circled. Tracts about the importance of secularism or multiculturalism were more yellow than white by this point. The most offensive essays were incinerated.

Today, Gunrei left his daily reading early. News had spread quickly to the Basilica that the King-Regent would be speaking; Brother Benedict, a few Bishops-Ordinary, and some of the Patriarch's advisors were already huddled by the radio when he left his chambers that morning on his way to read. The political insight and predictions being made there were a symptom, in his mind, of the decadence of the media-controlled McMasterdonian government. He would wait and hear the news from the source, and no one else.

As soon as Gunrei appeared in the doorway the men sitting by the radio stood. Gunrei's new robes as Patriarch, white with lilac trim and ornate design, were easier to see out of the corner of one's eye.

"Hello, brothers," he said, motioning for the group to sit. "Has Albert come on yet?"

As if on cue, applause came from the radio. "Ah," the Patriarch said. "Right on time."

Gunrei lifted a wooden chair and placed it in front of the radio. He swept his robes out of the way and sat. If the proceedings unfolding before him on the radio stirred him emotionally, he did not show it. His eyes, the color of steel, stared at the radio. He had been in the Royal Caucus Chamber many times; he could almost tell where in the room each voice was coming from. The men sitting around the radio flinched as Asshai, Magdalena, and Alexander died. The only two people who did not react were Gunrei and Benedict, who made eye contact after the din and echo of the gunshots subsided.

The group were silent as the broadcast ended. Gunrei spoke first.

"We must pray for the souls of those who have sinned," he said, grabbing the hands of the bishop to his left and Benedict to his right. The assembled bowed their heads.

"Flem, forgive the sins of the departed as You forgive the sins of the living. Your justice is irrevocable, indisputable, and eternal; ensure that the departed who go to You today receive fair treatment before Your throne. Sayeth Your words: 'those who transgress in life should not suffer unduly in death; instead their punishment must fit their crime.' Flem, hear these words and remember the compact made with Your flock. So we pray."

"So we pray," the other men said in unison.

The room was silent for a few minutes. This time, Benedict was the first to speak.

"The Royal Family is crumbling. Their position cannot hold for more than a few weeks, or a couple months at best. Now is our best chance to attack Whitewater. Another city under the lilac banner will make the Family even more untenable."

Gunrei closed his eyes. He pictured the Caucus Chambers. He was seated in the back in the robes of an Archbishop. A different path, perhaps? If he had not spoken his mind about the dark path the McMasterdonian government was on. This time, he flinched at the sound of a gunshot. Would he have been among the dozens who were to be executed if he did not take action earlier?

Gunrei took a deep breath.

"You are correct, Brother Benedict. We must press on. We may have further support in Aurore that could be riled up. Speak with Bishop Sadeghi. He may have contacts there. Have the commander of the Clarkson Division prepare a force to travel to Whitewater and then report back to me."

"Yes, Your Holiness," Benedict said, standing. The other men, some still thinking of the events on the radio, shuffled out after him. Gunrei waited until the group left and bowed his head again in silent prayer.
The Cabinet Office, Parliament House

The Cabinet Office is a small dim room deep somewhere in winding halls of Parliament house. It has decent a conference table, a coffee machine, and a house plant here or there. That's pretty much it. The room isn't ostentatious like the Parliament Chamber, and doesn't need to be, since meetings are held in secret, and aren't technically official business. The Cabinet makes decisions here, and take them to King give them legal force. Only there meeting as members of the Executive Council. Of course, not all of them go, only three are required. They present their decisions the King, he says "approved," and they all go home.

The Cabinet was up late today. They were hashing out the last details of their economic stimulus package. They were tired, bored, and some of them hungry.

Minister for Defense was wondering why he needed to be here. The Minister for Foreign Affairs was fighting dozing off. The Minister for Customs & Trade had dozed off. Only the Prime Minister was fully alert. The Minister for Finance was the one talking, but talking as if he had rehearsed so many times, that he could switch off his brain, and keep saying what he was saying.

Suddenly someone barged into the room. It was an intern. "What is the meaning of this?" inquired the PM. Customs & Trade woke up dazed. The intern swallowed before answering.

"McMasterdonia declared war on us." The entire cabinet said there dumbfounded. There was absolute silence in the room for at least five minutes. The intern just stood there holding the declaration in her hands. Finally Darren Crowly, the Minister of Defense rose and took the paper. "You're excused," he said gravely.

He took the declaration of war, and began reading aloud. "Whereas the Kingdom of Plembobria has committed the following acts against the people of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia: Carrying out acts of espionage within the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, The murder of more than 100 Royal McMasterdonian Forces personnel, The destruction of an official Royal McMasterdonian Military encampment." Darren stopped. "What does he mean by this?" he mumbled.

It was now that it dawned on the Minister that the King must have been privately up to something. What was it? "I'm afraid only His Majesty can brief us on these accusations." In the mean time, I'll have my office issue a press release. Does that please the Cabinet. A few members nodded. Everyone was silent. "Rudoph, I need your help. Let's go."



Today the Kingdom of McMasterdonia has announced a that they have declared war on Plembobria. There is little need to be alarmed.

The accusations in the declarations are a fabrication. The Ministry of Defense is entirely unsure of the motives the the King-Regent. More information is will be released as intelligence becomes available.

The Defense Level has been raised to 3. (1 being the highest, 6 being the lowest.) The Plembobrian Royal Airforce is on high alert, and will be on regular patrol. Civilian aircraft travel has been limited to a small section of air highways. Additionally, the 2nd fleet will be on patrol off the coast. The Xentheridan navy has offered to their naval forces to help with the patrol and their offer has been accepted.

We will not be attacking McMasterdonia. We did not commit any acts of war, nor will we do so now, unless provoked. We strongly believe that this Declaration is a diplomatic tactic. No state of emergency has been declared at this time.

The NPTOPF has been alerted, and is considering using their forces as a deterrent.

The Cabinet would like to inform member nations that it does not support any military action against McMasterdonian territory by many of our allies. We are also discussing invoking the DU collective defense agreement.

We believe diplomatic pressure on McMasterdonia will end these tensions before they secalate further.

Thank you.
The King trembled. He must inform the people of Plembobria of the truth. Not a single good citizen knew why a trusted ally would spontaneously declare war on them. They should know.

He sat at his desk, looked into his teleprompter. A technician counted down from five. Tozian took a deep breath, and spoke,

"People of Plembobria, I am addressing you today regarding the McMasterdonia's declaration of war against our people.

King Albert stated in his declaration of war that our government was complicit in a plot against his life. That statement is false.

He stated that the agents of our government murdered over 100 Royal Troops. That statement is false.

He stated that we participated in the destruction of an official military camp. That statement is false.

He state that the we sponsored terrorist activities in McMasterdonia. That statement is false.

I must confess to you, that I sent agents into the northern part of McMasterdonia. They undertook none of the activities purported by King Albert. The reasons for which this was done is a matter of national security, and I cannot discuss it at this time. I plead with you for your trust that actions taken by me and my agents are in the best interest of the Kingdom of Plembobria.

I guarantee that you will be safe. Our allies have rushed to our aid. Now, more than ever, we need to work together for the security of our nation. Thank you."
Royal Palace, Intelligentsia
"You held our mother captive??" asked the High Priestess Wilhelmina "What on earth were you thinking?"
"She would never have supported us Wilhelmina, you know that. She was always so predisposed against us. She hated us as children" Albert replied.

The pair, along with Princess-Consort Madeline and Sharifa had been debating the best path forward. They were confident that their allies in Lord Ravenclaw, Naizerre, and Añola would come to support the war effort. They surely had no intention of actually launching a full scale invasion, however supporting assassinations within Plembobria would be part of their plan. That and the systematic attacks of key infrastructure within the Kingdom of Plembobria - the power-grid, central station in the capital, and cultural icons such as Parliament House and the Royal Palace.

The Democratic Union - while respected in academic institutions in Intelligentsia - was mostly an irrelevancy. The Kingdom was confident they could keep them focused on their accusations at Plembobria, and that no offensive would be mounted against the Kingdom. Better yet - Tozian would abdicate, leaving Nara, a young and immature ruler in charge of a nation that faced the same problems McMasterdonia did in 2013. With luck, a full scale revolution would occur in Plembobria - and the entire royal family there would be dead.

"That may be true" Wilhelmina said "However now she is in the hands of the Plembobrians! She could do anything. Why didn't you kill her when you had the chance?"
"Kill our own Mother, dear Wilhelmina, even I would not commit matricide. Well, I might do that now. She is an old woman. She cannot reach us even if she wanted to." Albert replied with a smirk.
"I think you underestimate the cultural power she has in McMasterdonia. People will rally to her cause."
"Then Sharifa will see that she is dead, long before she reaches us"
"Yes Master" Sharifa replied.

Royal Palace, The Kingdom of Plembobria

The Queen Mother, Amira of McMaterdonia, or Meghan of Malvad, was fairly fit and agile for a woman in her early 70s. She had served as the Queen-Consort to King Kian XIV of McMasterdonia, and she had ruled in his stead on many occasion when he was too sick to lead. He suffered terribly from cancer in the early 1990s, but eventually recovered, and as he had his descent into dementia and old age, she had been required on more than one occasion to lead the country in secret. The flight from Great Bights Mum to The Kingdom of Plembobria had been a rough ride - they were constantly concerned that they could be observed by the McMasterdonian airforce and shot down, or worse, shot down by flemingovianist rebels. How Gunrei would love to hold her head up for the cameras and claim the defeat of the monarchy.

Her children had never listened to her when they became of age. She knew now that she was not a good parent - certainly not as good as she thought she was. She had allowed her husband to control every aspect of their lives, and worse, when they were younger she had allowed her children to live apart from their parents - often in Plembobria - or in Issabella, and the children were only presented to them on special occassions or in the evening. Very different to how Gregor and Nara had raised their children in Plembobria. Now her son had held her hostage, presumably murdered the Queen, and then ordered the murder of her other son and her youngest daughter. She could not stand for it. She had many failings in her past - but now she must stand up for the people of McMasterdonia. She did not care for her place in history - history is almost never the story of what actually happened.

She had arrived at Rethel Palace, The Kingdom of Plembobria, and was quickly escorted into the throne room. Covered by a black veil so that nobody could see her, she was ushered into the Throne Room where only King Tozian I, Princess Nara, and the Duke of Flithendale - her brother in law, Gregor were standing.

"Your majesty" the three of them said in unison, and fell to their knees. The Queen Mother strode towards them extending her hand, all three kissed the emerald ring on her right hand - a gift from her mother, the Czarina of Malvad.

"I pledge our loyalty to you, your majesty" Tozian said "We swear that we will not stop until you sit upon the throne of McMasterdonia as regent, until Albert is defeated, and until order is restored in our ally - the Kingdom of McMasterdonia."

"I fear such an engagement will take a long time, and be very costly, your majesty" Gregor said "Do you think other nations will offer us your support"

"I must see Queen-Empress Amelia, of the Lancerian Empire. She and her Mother will not abandon me" Amira said.

The Royal Palace, Intelligentsia
"Your Majesty, I have received reports from spies within Plembobria that the Queen mother has arrived at Rethel Palace, as expected" Sharifa said
"What do you plan to do?" Madeline asked
Sharifa ignored Madeline's question and instead directly spoke to Albert "I have ordered the positioning of truck bombs within the regular delivery trucks. The drivers are McMasterdonian, and believe they are supporting the war effort. In return, we have promised to provide their families with lands and protection within Intelligentsia."
"Good, Sharifa. See that it be done" Albert replied.

Rethel, The Kingdom of Plembobria

Isaiah, Esther, and Bassam, were regular delivery drivers in the Kingdom of Plembobria. They had lived here for five years because the employment options were better than in McMasterdonia, but they hated the Plembobrians. They were rude, and even racist at times, many of them still held stereotypes of McMasterdonia based on the biased perspective of the empire days, and they had never been welcome in the Kingdom. Now they had an opportunity to support the war effort, and guarantee the protection of their families and their wealth in Intelligentsia.

The three trucks had been loaded full of explosives. Their lives were a small price to pay for what their families would receive, and for the damage this would have to Plembobria, it's government, and the economy of the nation. It would cripple their war effort and the great and powerful McMasterdonia would be allowed to resume it's rightful place within the region.

The trucks pulled into the underground carpark, located beneath the kitchens, the throne room, and the ball room. It had been confirmed that Tozian, his sister, and his father, were all located within the throne room. At the switch of a button, the bomb would go off, killing everyone inside and ensuring McMasterdonian victory.

1 Minute. All would be well for their families. They could be safe and well fed within Intelligentsia.
30 seconds. Nobody would doubt the power of the McMasterdonian state. Even the Flemingovianists would quiver in their boots.
20 seconds. The King of Plembobria would be dead. A vacuum of power would engulf Plembobria, and nothing would allow them to continue their war effort.
10 seconds. Would McMasterdonia claim responsibility?
1 second.....
Hanseau and his brother were big on politics. They followed world events religiously. The 2nd year Poli-Sci student at the University Of Saint-Cyr had read the newspaper article of the declaration of war by McMasterdonia on Plembobria a dozen times throughout the day. He had just finished his 13th when he walked in the front door of his family's house.

"Hanseau! Come quick, the Prime Minister's on the news, he's making a statement." Yelled his brother.

Hanseau dropped his bag and rushed into the living room just in time to catch the end of the Prime Minister Isaac Oudinot's statement.

" there are a great deal of factors at play and at this time, The Lancerian Empire will not be engaging in the hostilities between the Kingdom of McMasterdonia and the Kingdom Of Plembobria. As per protocol for any nation at war, I encourage all those remaining Lancerians within the Kingdom Of McMasterdonia or the Kingdom of Plembobria to return home to the Empire at the earliest available oppourtunity. More information can be found at the Lancerian embassy in Intelligentsia for those in McMasterdonia and Lancerian embassy in Plembobria. I again encourage those in these nations to act promptly as the Lancerian embassies there will be operating on reduced staff by the end of the week and Ambassador to McMasterdonia, Marshal Jean Leval, will be temporarily recalled to the Empire. At this time we have no further comments and we will not be entertaining questions. Thank you"
She heard the explosions. She cursed. She pressed on.

The Royal Estate, 50km from Saint-Cyr, Lannes, The Lancerian Empire
Later that day...

Prime Minister Isaac Oudinot was thankful for the break called by Amelia. Not unlike a judge's room attached to some courtrooms, Queen-Empress Amelia had an office attached to the throne room. For several hours, Queen-Empress Amelia, Foreign Affairs Minister Henri Roudan, and himself were all seated here debating courses of action. Marshal François Havilland, once a long-time personal advisor to Amelia on Foreign Affairs and one of those who had helped bring together the Kingdom in the early 2000s, was on speakerphone in the room via a secure connection. Earlier on they had received word from McMasterdonia claiming the demise of Tozian and the others and of Albert's ascension to the throne of Plembobria. Nothing had been decided. He brushed some dust from his suit jacket and felt the revolver underneath it. In peacetime he wore one. At the moment he wore the pair. He watched Amelia signal for the Queen-Mother, Catherine to enter.

The once Princess Catherine of McMasterdonia had married the King of the Old Kingdom Of Lancers in 1960. Ever since Amelia was born in 1976, she had raised her without misinformation. She had never shielded her from the truth, nor told white lies to preserve innocence. She had to understand what was happening. Amelia had been just 11 years old and she had known every important detail when the Old Kingdom fell and they fled to McMasterdonia. Richard was only a year older than that now. He would have to understand what had happened to Tozian in Plembobria. She entered the room with Richard close by her side. Amelia hugged her mother. Catherine pulled up two chairs, one for Richard and one for herself. Amelia began to explain what had likely happened to his relatives in Plembobria.

Marshal François Havilland sat in his office at the Lancerian Embassy in Avalon and half-listened to them explain to Richard. Only those in that office, himself, and a few selected guards knew of Richard's existence. For a moment, he reflected. He was still a personal advisor to Amelia on the day of Richard's rescue. There had been rumors that then Prince Albert sought to "remove" the Queen-Mother Amira and the heir-apparent Richard. When the Marshal had gone to Amelia to council her to act he found that she was already preparing to do so. Lancerian agents had been ready. During the attack they had managed to get away with Richard alive and secretly return him to the Empire, where Catherine had become his warden. What became of Queen-Mother Amira was unknown. More rumors had it that the Queen-Mother was the reason Plembobrian agents had attacked the McMasterdonian camp near the GBM border. Even if that had been true, and the Queen-Mother had been alive, it was almost certain she had been whisked to Tozian in Plembobria and may very well have been there for the bombings. If she had been rescued alive she may already be deceased. Not even the diplomatically gifted Marshal could predict the future for Richard either. At the moment it was very uncertain whether he'd ever see the throne of McMasterdonia, or for that matter, if there would even be a Kingdom of McMasterdonia by the end of this mess.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Henri Roudan was still thinking about the situation at hand during the explanation to Richard. He did not trust the King-Regent Albert at all. Of those in the room, his voice had been the loudest in support of going to war in favour of Plembobria when McMasterdonia had declared war. The others had exercised more restraint, for better or worse. He returned to reality when Amelia was just finishing her speech to Richard. There was a rushed knock at the door. As he was the closest, he rose and answered. The voice of an aide he recognized came through. He opened the door and the aide quickly entered.

"Queen-Empress, the Queen Of McMasterdonia is here to see you."

Madeline? thought Queen-Empress Amelia. Was she here to call the Empire to war? By now Amelia detested Albert, no Lancerians would die fighting for his cause. She would reinforce the announced neutrality. If Albert took this as a sign of betrayal and declared war she would gladly side with Plembobria. Amelia rose from her seat, told the others to remain quiet in the room, and entered the Throne Room. It was rarely used, mostly for ceremonial events, but foreign Heads Of State were always welcomed through it as a matter of tradition. She signaled an aide to allow the Queen to enter. Two Royal Guardsmen opened the doors at the end of the room. The Queen-Mother Amira of The Kingdom Of McMasterdonia entered. For just a moment Amelia allowed her shock to show through.
The Royal Estate, 50km from Saint-Cyr, Lannes, The Lancerian Empire

"Amelia" Amira said "It is wonderful to see you again. You look radiant." Amira pulled Amelia close to her and hugged her tightly. It had been years since they had seen each other last.
"... What... I thought you must be dead?" Amelia replied taken aback,
"If my son had his way, perhaps, but here I am. Didn't they tell you I was here? I told your secretary who I was"
"He said the Queen of McMasterdonia was here, I was expecting Madeline"
"I am the Queen Mother, not the Queen. Surely Madeline was not crowned Queen? An awful woman!"

Amelia gestured towards a set of chairs, and the pair sat down to discuss what had happened recently. Amira filled Amelia in on the kidnapping and the attack on the train. How she had ordered the body guards to take Richard to the drop site for the Alunyan forces, and how she had remained behind to face the Whent attackers. How she had been whisked away into a van, and woke up looking at her son Albert. There were many pauses, tears, and hugs, as she told the story to the Queen-Empress Amelia. It was almost unbelievable that so much could have happened - that she had been imprisoned for nearly two years, and then had managed to flee the country.

"What happened in Plembobria?" Queen-Empress Amelia asked "I am not sure if you have heard. There has been a terrible attack against the Royal Palace. It is said that the King Tozian, Princess Nara, and the Duke of Flithendale are all dead."
Amira was silent for a second and said "I am afraid that deception was necessary."
"Tozian?" Amira called.

The door to the throne room was eclipsed by the shadow of Tozian as he strode into the room.
"Not dead yet, my dear Amelia" he said, and Princess Nara and the Duke of Flithendale followed closely behind him.
"We needed Albert to think we were dead" the Duke said "We feared that he would take us from the air if he knew we were coming here"
"Or worse that he would declare war on you as well" Nara said.

"I have come here, not just to reminisce, Amelia. I need your help." Amira said
"I am not sure what I can do for you, your majesty. We have limited resources - and the cabinet is largely discussing supporting a neutral movement" Amelia replied
"You mean to tell me you cannot do anything. While my people are being slaughtered in a civil war, that my son will never be able to win."

Amelia turned to face the throne room, and the portrait of her father. She had known that Amira was here for more than just a catch up, but she was unsure that she was prepared to commit The Lancerian Empire to what Amira was asking for.

"There is something you must know Amira" Amelia said "Your grandson is here. You may not be aware but the nation of Alunya collapsed shortly after they rescued him. His guards brought him here and swore him to safety. Only a handful of my most loyal friends know of his place here"
"He is here? Can I see him? Who has been looking after him?"
"My mother, Catherine has served as his warden. He is safe and well. Of course you may see him." Amelia replied.
"It is wonderful to hear that your Mother still lives, she is a fine woman, a far better Mother than I" Amira said.
"Before you see Richard" Amelia said "You must realize what the cost is of failure."
"I understand the risk."
"If we fail, we die. Your grandson dies. My Mother dies. Gunrei may still win the civil war, even if we manage to unseat Albert."
"I am afraid it is a risk we cannot afford not to take" Amira said.
"Very well, enough of that for now" Amelia said "Mother! Bring Richard out will you".

The Queen Mother of the Lancerian Empire, Catherine of McMasterdonia emerged from the office with her ward - Richard closely behind her. Catherine was slightly older than Amira, but certainly, of better health given the recent conditions that were forced upon Amira.

"Your majesty" Amira replied formally; "Sister. Wonderful to see you again"
"And it is wonderful to see you" Catherine said " I am so glad to see you alive. I was beginning to think you weren't coming for Richard, I am pleased to see that I was wrong."

The pair conversed briefly in the native tongue of McMasterdonia - Amira inquired about Richard's studies and thanked Catherine for her good care of him. Then she hugged Richard and told him how wonderful it was to see him again. She informed him of how she had prayed for him everyday, and how she was thankful that he was proving to be strong, fair, and intelligent just like his Mother was.

"It has been a tough time for you Richard" She said "But you must be mindful of the suffering of your people. They are why we must continue to fight"

Royal Palace, Intelligentsia

The King-Regent, Sharifa, Madline, and Wilhelmina were still in the War Room. They were unsurprised by the vitriolic attacks directed at them by the Democratic Union - however they had expected a stronger showing of support from nations like the Imperium and Naizerre.

"This is getting out of hand" Madeline said "We should push for a peace conference between Plembobria and McMasterdonia. Then we can inisist on DU support for crushing the flemingovianists"
"The Democratic Union is full of failed military police states masquerading as democratic nations" Wilhelmina said "They will offer us nothing more than neutrality. The lives of easterners like us do not matter to them"
"We had better do something soon" Albert said "the Intelligentsians may well rise up against us before the Flemingovianists do"

The Royal Estate, 50km from Saint-Cyr, Lannes, The Lancerian Empire

Amira had gathered with Tozian, Amelia, Catherine, and the assembled Ministers of the Lancerian Empire to discuss the ongoing crisis between McMasterdonia and Plembobria. With the appearance of Amira, many of the Ministers who had been in favour of neutrality quickly changed their minds. It was agreed that the Kingdom of Plembobria and the Lancerian Empire could no longer support Albert.

"I would like the two of you to join me to make a statement" Amira said "We must come clean about what has happened and what we are asking for"
"I need to come clean as soon as possible" Tozian said "The Prime Minister was aware, but I cannot leave my people grieving for their royal family for much longer."
"Its settled then." Amelia said.

Live: Broadcast from the Royal Estate, the Lancerian Empire.

Susan: Rumours are a fly today that the Queen-Empress Amelia has made the decision to declare her support for the Kingdom of McMasterdonia's attacks against the Kingdom of Plembobria. This would be a shocking blow to the morale of DU forces who have attempted to portray McMasterdonia's assassination of the Plembobrian Royal Family as violating the rules of war. The support of the young Queen Empress could be crucial in securing the swing votes in the Democratic Union on the latest catastrophe within Eras.
We cross live to the Royal Estate now, where we can see the Queen Empress Amelia emerging.. and is that --- Tozian and the Queen Mother of McMasterdonia???? Cut to it now.

Amelia: Ladies and gentleman, thanks for joining us all here this afternoon, in what has been a tumulteous few days in world politics. I will invite the Queen Mother of McMasterdonia, Amira to make a statement. Followed by a few words from Tozian and myself. We will not be taking any questions at this time.

Amira: Thank you, Amelia.

Ladies and Gentleman of Eras, the good and gracious people of The Lancerian Empire, and to my national family at home in McMasterdonia. I say this. I have recently been freed from imprisonment within McMasterdonia. I would not be alive today if it were not for the brave acts of the good and honourable servants of His Majesty, King Tozian, who risked their lives to enter the Kingdom of McMasterdonia - to find me, and to ensure my safe passage out of McMasterdonia.

It will come as a shock to many that I was not, as they were led to believe, simply hiding away in the Palace in Intelligentsia held hostage by by own grief. In fact, I was held hostage by my own son.

In 2013, I was asked by my daughter - Matilda - to deliver her son to safety in Alunya. During this journey, our train came under attack. This attack was later blamed on the Whent Rebels. That was a lie. The train was attacked by forces loyal to the King-Regent Albert, my own son, who had attempted to murder the heir apparent so as to ensure his own succession to the throne of McMasterdonia.

I was then held captive in the mountains bordering Great Bights Mum for nearly two years. With my freedom only being secured during the state funeral for my daughter, who at that point, I had no idea had already been murdered. During this time, the nation of Alunya became defunct - and the Prince was taken into the care of the Queen Mother of the Lancerian Empire, Catherine, a McMasterdonian by birth.

I have reason to believe that Albert himself was directly involved in the assassination, and that through his cooperation with Eumenor - together they murdered the ruling sovereign of Mcmasterdonia. That is a strong accusation, and I fully intend to support it by evidence when the time comes for Albert's criminal trial. However, we have much more pressing matters at hand.

The Kingdom of McMasterdonia cannot survive with the King-Regent Albert as the sovereign. He does not act for Richard, who has been kept safely here for the past two years. He cannot rule a Kingdom that has suffered so much by his own doing. Albert not only murdered his sister, but he has used chemical weapons to punish civilians who have stood up against his oppression. He frequently meets with provincial warlords to ensure that they are prepared to help rig any future election that is held with Albert as King.

I call upon all loyal citizens of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia - all loyal allies of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia - to immediately demand that Albert abdicate the throne peacefully. That all royal armed forces refuse to act out his orders, and that they help rise up against him, to ensure the safe passage of myself to the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, where I will serve as regent until the Prince Richard comes of age.

Albert is unfit to be a ruler. He murdered his own sister. He has poisoned his own people. Under Albert's leadership, a good government has lost it's way. He rules using fear, extortion, and murder. He must be stopped. Albert is still my son, and a Mother will always love her children - no matter what they do. I ask that the people peacefully protest against Albert, that they demand his abdication, and that they ensure that he will face a full, impartial, criminal trial for his past actions.

I stand here today in unity with the King of Plembobria and the Queen-Empress of Amelia in calling for Albert's immediate abdication and the peaceful transfer of power to myself as regent. We will then immediately work towards a constitutional convention, and the defeat of the flemingovianist insurgency. The time for neutrality is over. We call upon the nations of Erastide to support us in our quest for Albert to cede power.

This is a regional matter - not a world one- as such I have asked the Lancerian Empire and the Kingdom of Plembobria for their support. I will not support a full scale foreign invasion by any international organisation. They do not understand McMasterdonian culture, and it will to put it simply end up terribly messy. Any resolution must be handled regionally, and I fully intend to appeal to other allies of McMasterdonia directly for their support in this endeavor.

Together we can ensure that McMasterdonia returns to the path of righteousness, that the blood spilt by the enemies of McMasterdonia can be wiped clean, and that the poison that has taken root in our great Kingdom will find it's antidote with the removal of Albert.

Tozian: I echo the words of the Queen-Mother, and I demand that Albert immediately abdicate the throne of McMasterdonia. I apologise to my people for the grief caused by the attack on the Royal Palace - we believed that Albert would attack us, and were very determined to meet with the Queen-Empress unhindered. It appears we were correct. I will make a full statement in due course, when I return home to Plembobria.

Amelia: That is all for now, the Prime Minister will issue a statement shortly. The Queen-Mother, Amira, shall now have the full support of the Lancerian Empire. We echo the calls for Albert to immediately abdicate, so that we may see a smooth transition of power.

Susan: And with that bombshell... the three of them return to the Royal Estate. This is quite the newstory. We will be extending our coverage of the event and will keep you updated as we know more.
Capricornia City
Whent Private Residence

It was late. Exceedingly late.

The night itself mocked the time of day, and of year. How unfortunate for a woman to have a staff as incompetent as hers - unable to mount an offensive without being hand-held through it? That her allies in Cape-El should be devoid of strategic capacity, merely steamrolling through McMasterdonia with their superior support from the uneducated masses, the farmhands and labourers brainwashed by dead religion.

Uh-uh. You're a nun now, or something. Stiff upper lip Rosemary.

There was nothing for it. There was only one region that could stand against the ever-growing tide of the inanities of the Archbishop's congregation. One that could provide the riches she needed to prove her dominance of the public, as its elected leader.

So that she could finally have her party.

The moonlight glinted off a rifle barrel, trained on a lamppost on the other side of the road. There had been less specific commands issued by some police officer, but Whent had overridden them. Sure, it was a bit of a risk - Rosemary wasn't an idiot. She knew that this was an entirely futile placement. But what are the odds of the McMasterdonians marching through Capricornia in a weekend, and taking her life by virtue of a single out-of-place greenhorn police sniper? No, enforcing her ownership over her force was more important.

They all had entirely irrelevant tasks to fulfill, carrying out the security theatre, from stage left to stage right.

Underneath them, something of significantly more importance was taking place. Police-Sergeant Lucille Eton, a veteran of the McMasterdonian rapid response service, was to lead a crack team to perform reconnaissance deep into Intelligensia.

They used the typical equipment of the new Party Militia, scrounged from defecting law enforcement and private citizens. The military had, for the most part, defectd to the Flemingovianists or stayed loyal to the royal family, as far as Whent knew. Instead, it was the major law enforcement agencies that quickly moved to the Senate's aid. The ones who wanted to usurp the power of the church, and the royals, and the military, by taking leadership positions in the new party. The military hardly needed what little Whent could offer.

And it was a stroke of luck.

Unlike the Flemingovianists, Whent depended on the veneer of state institutions. Her private residence had been gutted and turned into an office for state affairs. Her senators had been allocated to party committees, meeting intermittently to make decisions, and delegating communications to a Steering Committee chaired by Whent. To use the guerilla warfare of the Flemingovianists would make them nothing but criminals - a gang for the McMasterdonians to detest.

No, this was a democracy. One ruled freely, and fairly, by a volunteer militia armed by the properly appointed officers of the peace.

Still - they had speed and mobility. Hopefully.

Smartly polished police cars stood at the ready.
Susan: It would appear that Prime Minister of The Lancerian Empire, Isaac Oudinot, is coming out onto the balcony now, presumably to make his statement. Let's listen in.

Oudinot: This statement is primarily to the people of The Lancerian Empire and secondly to all nations. The statements issued by Queen-Mother Amira are true and factual. It is the position of parliament that King-Regent Albert no longer rightfully occupies the throne of McMasterdonia and futhermore we recognize his claim to the Kingdom of Plembobria as invalid with Tozian alive and well.

With these facts now known, a clear course of action was brought to light. The Lancerian Empire is declaring a limited war on the rebel groups within McMasterdonia, including the illegitimate Patriarchate of Cape El. To reinforce the Queen-Empress' stance and Queen-Mother Amira's statement, we call for King-Regent Albert to peacefully abdicate the throne and transfer his position to Amira bloodlessly. Should King-Regent Albert refuse to abdicate, The Lancerian Empire will have no choice but to promptly declare a limited war on those forces loyal to the King-Regent. This is in support of our stance that the Queen-Mother Amira and Heir-Apparent Richard are those who should rightfully sit on the throne of McMasterdonia, and in the defense of Plembobria. Those forces of McMasterdonia who chose to side with the rightful regent Amira will not be engaged or otherwise punished by the Empire.

In regards to those nations that have already taken a stance on the conflict in support of Albert's regime, I strongly encourage you to analyse the facts presented today and re-evaluate your position. I do not request military aid, this matter can be resolved at the regional level by those nations currently involved, but I do request that you strongly consider vocally supporting Amira's cause through the upcoming events. As this is an offensive action, we will not be requesting support from the other member nations of Straits Of Archlancer Pact at this time. Thank you."

Susan: More shocking news out of The Lancerian Empire today, a huge turn of events in the struggle for power in McMasterdonia. We'll keep you updated in all events throughout the upcoming days, stay tuned.
Official Dispatch of the Provincial Government of the South West Province

In the last few days, citizens of Eras and the Kingdom of McMasterdonia in particular have seen blatant atrocities come to the light. These acts of great malice and negligent intent have been perpetrated by none other than the dear King-Regent of McMasterdonia. He has seen to the blatant removal of office and murder of legally appointed and elected officials of the McMasterdonian government. In this time of dire crisis, instead of him addressing the issues that have actually been relevant and pressing to this nation, such as the Theocratic Rebels lead by the terrorist Archbishop and their allies in the lunatic Whent, he has instead dragged this nation into an unnecessary and self-destructive war without our former friends and allies in Plemboria. With these decisions and the self-damning nature that this administration has taken, it is time for the abdication of King-Regent Albert.

Albert McMaster has proven himself incapable and negligent in the handling of this countries. He has made enemies of those who seek only the best for this state and has made no motions to rid this nation of those whom only seek to harm this nation. For the betterment of McMasterdonia, King-Regent Albert McMaster should abdicate his throne!

So Hereby Declares,
Renae Clarke, Lady Paramount of Ceduna
Ardashir Khom, Chief Minister of the South West
Legislative Council of the South West

"Prime Pilus calling for Go."

This was not a military base, or even a military tent.

This was a police cruiser, on a long road covered in black, white, and lights. A woman sat on the front passenger seat - one combat boot lodged firmly into the crack between the open door and the chassis, steel cap protecting her toes from any poor decisions. The other sat firmly planted on the ground, ready to push off, and her black tactical gloves took hold of a radio transmitter.

"Praefect responding for Go."

Nineteen vehicles behind her started up, the roar of cheap petrol-fuelled pistons filling the air, and their smell permeating the early morning sea-mist.

This was the border between Imperium Augustum and New Intelligensia - or, within spitting distance of it. A few hundred metres up, the Limitorial Service had an outpost guarding the ferry port to New Intelligensia. Usually an uninteresting affair, it had recently become the headquarters for the border patrols that isolated New Intelligensia from Imperium Augustum, lest the civil war spill over.

But the recent escalation of the McMasterdonian civil war left Imperium a golden opportunity to stick their nose into New Intelligensia. On the one hand, for immediate security, and to support a historic friend - on the other hand, just to confirm the firmly held belief that New Intelligensia would never be used as a military base or quarter combatants capable of hostilities against Imperium.

That being said, they remained a non-combatant. It was believed that their administration had, or was prepared to, defect from Albert I's rulership. Hence why this was not being conducted by the Military Services, but by the Auxiliaries - the Urban Service, and the Limitorial Service.

The Limitorial Service stood on guard, with coast defense vessels prepared to launch at any moment, and a borrowed Naval helicopter carrier in port to base aerial support from within a the hour. Armed Urbans were also prepared to deploy. All up, Praefect Hilaria Ignatius led a full Praefecture - 2,000 servicers, split across twenty centuries and four Services. Only one cohort - five centuries - would be deploying into New Intelligensia, including support staff. Two were Urbanes - police officers, one was Limitorial - border control, one was Medical, and one was Vigilatorial - rescue services. The other three cohorts included an armed Urban cohort, and a Naval-Aerial cohort, on stand-by, with a Limitorial cohort on patrol.

The twenty cruisers travelling with Praefect Ignatius comprised a full century, each one containing a full Pentacle of Urbanes.

"Point Alpha responding to Go command. Gates are open."

The Limitorial Service had secured the port, and started loading. By the time the rest of the cohort arrived, they could launch for New Intelligensia.

The following is an authorized transcript of a phonecall made to New Intelligensia, a duplicate of which was sent by e-mail to Albert I of McMasterdonia. The transcript is publically available.

On behalf of the August Services: Regarding Operation Left of Centre (Operation Garibaldi)
Authorised by Praefect Hilarius da Vinci Ignatius
Joined by Caesar Felix Albinus Augustus, Limitor-Magister Dux Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, & Vigilator-Magister Magnus Dux Lauretta Minervus Septembrus

An Ultimatum to the Administration of New Intelligensia

At approximately four-thirty this morning, the First New Intelligensian Occupation Praefecture deployed a force to occupy New Intelligensia. Upon receiving this message, the occupation force will be arriving within visual sight of the New Intelligensian territory.

We wish to inform the Administration of New Intelligensia that surrender will be accepted upon arrival, to facilitate the imposition of an occupation government led by a New Intelligensian individual selected by the office of the Honourable King Richard I. The occupation government shall remain answerable to the military command of Praefect Hilarius da Vinci Ignatius until such time where the government of the Honourable King Richard I, or the regency government of Queen Mother Amira, can supercede the occupation government and stabilize the McMasterdonian state institutions. Surrender will be accepted by any Officer under the command of the Praefect.

At this point, personnel have been instructed not to remove or utilize firearms. Please note that reserve forces are prepared to enter active combat within the Praefecture command structure.

Further correspondence should be directed to FNIOP Command, in Neapolis, through the office of the Vigilator-Magister. Urgent correspondence should be directed to FNIOP Field Command at Port Viprum, addressed to Praefect Hilarius da Vinci Ignatius.
Gunrei had to yell to be heard over the loud hum of machinery in the background.

"Should I be wearing a mask for this?" he said to Benedict.

"The commander here told me the liquid from inside the casings has already been removed and isolated. That will be incinerated by people in protective equipment later on today. You're invited to watch the proceedings, of course."

Gunrei said nothing. He turned to an audio-visual technician near him.

"When will we be ready to record?" he yelled.

"Within minutes, Your Holiness."

Gunrei adjusted his robes - these ones simple, lilac with white piping. He did not want to be ostentatious for this broadcast.

"Do you think this will work?" he asked Benedict.

"I've been assured these furnaces reach more than the required temperature for total incineration."

"I mean this broadcast."

Benedict didn't say anything for a moment; he looked at Gunrei for a few moments. "Bishop-Ordinary Jacobsen says it will be a good PR opportunity."

"'PR'," Gunrei said. "This is quite a time to be concerned about PR."

"We're ready to broadcast, Your Holiness." the technician said. "Please, step on the 'X' marked on the floor."

Gunrei did as he was told and looked into the lens of the camera. He still wasn't used to it. He cleared his throat and prepared to tone down the nasality and sardonicism in his voice. This was not, strictly speaking, a sermon, but he couldn't sound sarcastic while doing this.

"And five, four, three, two..."

"Flem speaks of the war against Constitution," the Patriarch began, shouting over the din of the machinery. "Progressive theologians interpret this as a metaphorical war against petty politics, politics without a god. We interpret this as a literal war against the forces that seek to remove Flem from government. We have interpreted it this way since the beginning of our crusade against the forces of Albert and whoever else stands in our way.

"Flem does have rules of war that are far older than whatever rules secularists came up with."

Gunrei held out his arm and the camera panned along the length of it to a collection of shells, stacked neatly in wooden racks. The Patriarch walked to one rack that was at about chest-height. Revealing a gloved hand, he picked up one of the shells and held it towards the camera. Painted on the olive-drab shell in white were the letters "HD".

"This is HD-type mustard gas, perhaps the same kind that the Royal government used on refugees fleeing violence near their towns, workplaces, shops, homes."

The Patriarch put the shell back in its place and picked up another, this one labeled "GA".

"This is tabun, a nerve agent. It interferes with the body's ability to regulate its muscles and leads to death by asphyxiation."

The Patriarch put the shell back in its place and picked up another labeled "CX".

"This is phosgene oxime. It causes severe skin rash and eye injuries. If breathed in, it causes pulmonary edema. That is a condition where your lungs fill up with fluid."

The Patriarch put the shell back in its place. He stepped to the side to reveal a large conveyor belt behind him and addressed the camera.

"In the Book of Laws, Flem says that weapons which do not discriminate combatant from non-combatant are forbidden. Only men fighting as soldiers may be intentionally killed during war. To attack women, children, the elderly, or those not in combat is a grievous sin. I ask the Royal government that made these weapons - the one that left these weapons behind as the Patriarchate entered its lands - how do you pose as pious, moderate followers of Flem and ignore his most obvious, straightforward directives? How can you ensure that the use of these disgusting weapons of Enlightened Science do not affect those who do not fight?

"You cannot ensure this."

The camera panned out. A forklift carrying racks of shells like the ones Gunrei showed the camera moved into frame and placed its payload on the conveyor belt. At the other end of the belt was a brilliant white-orange square - the open door to a large steel furnace.

"Your weapons of civilian death and destruction will be destroyed. The Patriarchate will not use these devices. For any nation calling itself Flemingovian to use weapons like these is a sin. As Flem-blessed leader of all my flock, I order a general prohibition on chemical weapons. As a practitioner of Flemingovian law, I pronounce this a general fatwa. For any Flemingovian to use chemical weapons is a crime against their brothers and sisters as well as Flem Himself."

The furnace roared as the shell casings fell into it.

"That is all."
The Royal Palace, Intelligentsia

The city square had been quiet at first, but since then was continuing to grow louder as more and more people emerged. At 10 o'clock 5000 people in the square. 11 o'clock 10,000 people. 12 o'clock well over 15000 people. This protest was not going to go away, and no amount of tear gas would ensure Albert's reign could continue. It was over, Madeline knew this day would come, but had not expected it to occur so swiftly.

"Albert, you must abdicate. We cannot control this rebellion any longer" Wilhelmina said
"I will never abdicate. The people won't listen to an old woman and a 12 year old boy. Especially not with the war going on" He replied
"The people are already at the gates. This protest is not going to go away Albert, we must take action. Or they will smash down the palace gates and kill us all"
"I will not allow that to happen" Sharifa snapped - clearly annoyed at the suggestion she could not protect the King "They are poorly armed and will not stand a chance against us"
"Your Majesty" A courtier called "A report has been delivered to us. It says that the Cabinet has voted to support the regency of the Queen Mother, and that the Royal Caucus is meeting in Issabella to vote on a new monarch"
"Sharifa, send the guard to assault the Ministry of Security. Bring me Whitwell's head, without her, the Security apparatus is sure to collapse. We must go to Issabella now. Intelligentsia will be dead within a few weeks - the Plembobrians will see to it now. We will continue the war effort from Issabella."
"Yes master"

As Sharifa left the room, Madeline began to plead with Albert. They had been offered asylum in SillyString - provided they would bring the wealth to pay for it. They needed to leave now. Though admittedly she wasn't sure how much she loved him without his control of power - their relationship had always been like that. Albert refused to accept what she said, and left for the Northern balcony to make a statement.

"Citizens of McMasterdonia, our enemies of the Established Peoples of the East, and our Western brethren: here me on this day.

The accusations lodged by the Queen Mother Amira are false. She is a victim of her own elderly age and dementia, and has been unfortunately manipulated by foreign powers in Plembobria and Syrixia. We cannot trust their intentions with the people of this Great Kingdom. Together we must rise up and defeat the foreign imperialist dogs - all co-conspirators will suffer the same fate.

Today we must continue our glorious march to harmony - we must be united if we are to defeat the flemingogvian warlords, and protect McMasterdonia from the foreign farce. I shall never abdicate the throne of McMasterdonia - this throne is mine by rights, until the Prince Richard achieves majority and is deemed of sane mind. While he is imprisoned by the forces of the Lancerian Empire he cannot be the King of the McMasterdonians!"


In light of conflict with Albert's Regency in McMasterdonia, and an attack on Plembobrian soil. The Emergency Directorate has decided that Mandatory Conscription will introduced.

Males between the ages of 17 and 24 will be chosen at random from the Electoral Roll. They will be contacted through post. They will be required to report to their nearest Draft Officer. Draft Officers will be stationed at public places such as post offices and other government facilities. An initial one thousand persons will be chosen. Further subsequent selections will be made if necessary. Failures to report will be prosecuted.

Selectees may apply for a conscientious objection. An investigation into reasons given will be made. All perpetrators of fraud will be prosecuted.

Thank you.
"Prime Minister, Albert has made a statement."

Oudinot watched the few minute old recording of Albert's statement from a local news station intently.

"Send for Amelia."


"People of The Lancerian Empire," Queen-Empress Amelia looked out into the crowd assembled outside the parliament buildings in Saint-Cyr. The Prime Minister stood a few steps behind and to the left of her and listened. "King-Regent Albert has made a statement regarding his position. He has chosen to remain unjustly on the throne of McMasterdonia. He has chosen terrorism. He has chosen war." she paused. "The Empire has vowed to assist rightful Queen-Mother Amira and the young King Richard II in their quest to return to the throne of McMasterdonia. Today, we follow through on our word. As of 00:00 October 24th 2015, The Lancerian Empire will officially be at a state of war with the forces loyal to King-Regent Albert of McMasterdonia. The Lancerian Empire remains officially at war with all rebel groups in McMasterdonia who do not acknowledge the legitimacy of Queen-Mother Amira and King Richard II, including the illegitimate Patriarchate of Cape El. At this time we are not calling upon any reserves, and active units are being mobilised in preparation. May our soldiers be brave, and our leaders be strong. Thank you."