April Update


The Galactic Order is a Star Wars Themed Raider Region with a strong hand in government and role-play through the leadership of our Sovereign, Empress Rachael Arche-VerinGuard and with the major help of her Crown Prince and acting Regent Smith VerinGuard. Our nation count has stagnated to between 230 and 240, but that hasn't stopped our region from growing even further!

The Sovereign is currently on a leave of absence until May. She has appointed Crown Prince Smith as acting Regent. Regent Smith had to take a brief leave due to his phone screen shattering and appointed a Regency Council to act as group regent during Regent Smith's absence. Smith returned a few days later and has been acting Regent since.

The Government has in response been relatively quiet during the Sovereign's absence.
The Senate has been extremely quiet in the new term due to various reasons.
Many Senators who intended to accomplish many things were met with unforeseen IRL circumstances which hindered their in game jobs. These circumstances ranged from time management, to sickness, to schoolwork. As a result, the Supreme Chancellor called a Vote of No Confidence on two Senators while an election was occurring to replace another Senator who resigned. Both of the Votes of No Confidence failed and as a result, one Senator resigned while the other Senator was removed by the Regency Council.
The Regency Council declared they would not be replacing the removed Senator.
The Judiciary then deemed it unnecessary to have elections again to replace the Senators as the Senate was back to an odd number due to the replacement Senator now making the total number of Senators 7.
The Moff Council has been through an interesting turn of events.
Shortly before Zarhurst Stuart replaced Madeline VerinGuard as Grand Moff, the newly appointed Moff of Culture Vania along with former Grand Moff Madeline VerinGuard revamped the culture server to allow for rank ups and interesting bots with fun commands to keep citizens and non-citizens alike interested.
Our Culture Server can be found here: Click Me!
All are welcome to join!
Additionally, the Culture department has successfully been running the revamped regional RP. This time the rp is centered around owning your own planet within a system. With the timeline places in Star Wars Late Republic, and systems already beginning to secede from the Republic, it is only a matter of time before a crisis occurs that will change the face of the story forever. If interested, feel free to pop in and make your own planet and get involved! Link here: Click Me!
In another light, The Kingdom of Great Britain and The Galactic Order have created their joint regional culture server used for game nights, radio nights, and various other activities. In celebration, Vac Mercer, Nathaniel Juris, Caesar VerinGuard, and Madeline VerinGuard joined together on KoGB's radio station to talk about similarities and differences between our two regions. It was wildly successful and even led to a large voice chat once the radio session had ended!
Shortly after Grand Moff Zarhurst Stuart's election win, he resigned due to personal needs which he needed to attend to. As such we always support our citizens when they need to take time for real life.
Ack has been acting as Grand Moff during the Grand Moff replacement election and we are happy to announce he has won!

The Imperial Fleet has been quiet in operations as the higher ranked officers continue to work on triggering and recruitment. The Fleet has been working with fellow raider regions in operations and intends to run their own operations more often starting in May.