At 22/03/2018, at the minor update, The North Pacific Army (NPA) conducted a detag training op, it was organized and lead by Zazumo with 6/8 targets hit.
1. Zazumo
2. Kasch
3. Malphe
4. Darcania
5. BluieGamer
The following regions have been de-tagged:
Just a Region
Mao Zedong Fanfic
East Asires
Darcania Is promoted to the rank of Colonel (COL) for extensive service in the NPA and exceptional performance in operations.

Been meaning to promote Darc for a while. Now that we've got a Colonel again, we'll need a new Major to fill in the gap. Also, I finally hit 100 ops

Minister of Defense
You can join The North Pacific Army (NPA) by applying here!