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The West Pacific Foreign Update - March 2018
Delegate: Davelands
Guardians: Big Bad Badger, Neenee, The Holy Principality of Saint Mark, Mediobogdum, Rigels Light, Bran Astor
Ministers: Recruitment and Citizenry: Big Bad Badger Foreign Affairs: Saint Mark Internal Affairs: Bran Astor World Assembly Affairs: Aleister II
TWPAF Commander: Overthinkers
Speaker of the Hall of Nations: Overthinkers
Deputy Ministers: Sergeant-At-Arms: Kawaii Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ark
(pictured: Election Night, the one night of the year Bran Astor can be seen wearing a suit as he anxiously awaits the results of the Internal Affairs Minister Election.)
The West Pacific Holds Its 4th Regional Elections
Delegate: Davelands
Guardians: Big Bad Badger, Neenee, The Holy Principality of Saint Mark, Mediobogdum, Rigels Light, Bran Astor
Ministers: Recruitment and Citizenry: Big Bad Badger Foreign Affairs: Saint Mark Internal Affairs: Bran Astor World Assembly Affairs: Aleister II
TWPAF Commander: Overthinkers
Speaker of the Hall of Nations: Overthinkers
Deputy Ministers: Sergeant-At-Arms: Kawaii Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ark

(pictured: Election Night, the one night of the year Bran Astor can be seen wearing a suit as he anxiously awaits the results of the Internal Affairs Minister Election.)
The West Pacific Holds Its 4th Regional Elections
The West Pacific held it's 4th cycle of regional elections last month, starting with the vote for Speaker of the Hall of Nations on the 5th through the 8th. Incumbent Speaker Overthinkers won out over Candidate Atlae Isles, with 63.64% of the vote. The West then held the votes for the ministries of Recruitment & Citizenry, Internal Affairs, and World Assembly Affairs on the 12th through the 18th. TWP Guardian Badger ran for Recruitment & Citizenry unopposed, with the only vote for abstention being his own. Bran Astor ran for Internal Affairs unopposed as well, winning with 100% of the vote. Aleister II, also known as Lamb, ran against States of Glory for World Assembly Affairs. Aleister won the election with 65% of the vote. The last round of voting commenced for Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Sergeant-At-Arms on the 18th and ended on the 21st. Ark won out over candidate Calradia and incumbent Wyvern for DMoFA with 69.57% of the vote. Kawaii ran unopposed for Sergeant-at-Arms and won with 100% of the vote. The West Pacific looks forward to seeing these new incumbents in action, and early projections suggest that this will be the West Pacific's most active elected government cycle yet!
(pictured: TWPAF Pirate Flag flown under Altino's Command.)
Altino Resigns As Commander of TWPAF
The West saw a bittersweet moment late in February, with the resignation of Altino as Commander of the Armed Forces. In a heartfelt letter to her troops, Altino gave a brief overview of her time as commander, beginning with the collective "oh no" moment that came about after the resignation of tenured TWPAF Commander Yuno. When she first assumed command, Altino found the prospect of rebuilding TWPAF to be daunting. She notes in her letter that making the military work was due in large part to her closest officers: Overthinkers and Bedebao. In only six months, this crew of ragtag privateers developed TWPAF into a formidable Pirate Fleet, one that would make its presence known to natives and Nazis the world over. Altino then noted that she was needed elsewhere - specifically, Osiris. The former Pirate Captain proceeded to name her successor: Overthinkers. Alt had this to say about the new Commander:
"I've had my eye on him as my replacement since Day 1 and have tested and trained him in every way I could think of since then. He's come up with some of our most organized and helpful procedures behind the scenes, he wrote the WFE that we use on tags, he's been leading you despite being locked for a good while now, and I know that he's got what it takes to be the greatest Captain there ever was!"
Quite a prediction to live up to, but we at the West Pacific are confident that Overthinkers will prove Altino right. Overthinkers has served admirably in TWP in various positions, most notably Speaker of the Hall of Nations (x2) and officer to Commander Altino. We echo Altino's high hopes for both Overthinkers and for TWPAF overall, and our allies can be assured that the Armed Forces will continue being the Scourge of the High Seas. We would also like to congratulate Altino on her appointment as Heiress Apparent of Osiris, and we look forward to working with her to make both our regions the best that they can be.
(pictured: a flag representing the joining of TWP and Lazarus through their treaty.)
The West Pacific and Lazarus Sign Historical Treaty of Friendship
The West Pacific and Lazarus made history on February 8th, with the signing of the Chol Covenant. The Covenant is a treaty which came about as a result of rapidly strengthening diplomatic relations between the two regions. In a joint announcement made on TWP's News & Info thread on the NationStates forum, TWP Foreign Affairs Minister Saint Mark opened with this:
"Our regions pursued this treaty with a desire to strengthen both the friendship between each other, as well as bolster our positions in the world at large. The West Pacific and Lazarus have supported each other in crucial moments of NationStates history and this treaty will stand as a monument to that cooperation moving forward. We seek to provide a foundation upon which we may create a stronger bond between our respective communities and we hope to stand together as a voice for sovereign ideals throughout the World."
Residents of both regions were proud to see this sign of friendship. Moving forward, the West Pacific hopes to hold cultural events with Lazarus, wherein the two regions can further strengthen their bond and learn more about the unique characteristics of each region. It is our belief that this diffusion of cultures will make both regions better than they would be separately.
(pictured: The Westphalian flag, with some added flair.)
The Red Sun Sets on Westphalia
NationStates history was made on January 27th, when the region of Westphalia was invaded by a massive group of raiders headed by The Black Hawks. Westphalia was a thriving region, and strongly defender-aligned. Prior to the raid, Westphalia had just joined the reformed version of FORGE: SWORD. SWORD failed to protect Westphalia as a massive swarm of updaters invaded. What was once a thriving region soon became a wasteland, flowing with rivers of Native Tears. While most raiders targeted the region both for its defender alignment and its membership in SWORD, the West had additional reasons for doing so. Most notably, the Founder of Westphalia was a noted rule-breaker and enemy of the West Pacific.
We at The West Pacific do not take kindly to rule breakers, nor to regions that align themselves with rule breakers. As such, this invasion will go down as one with which TWP is most proud.

(pictured: TWPAF Pirate Flag flown under Altino's Command.)
Altino Resigns As Commander of TWPAF
The West saw a bittersweet moment late in February, with the resignation of Altino as Commander of the Armed Forces. In a heartfelt letter to her troops, Altino gave a brief overview of her time as commander, beginning with the collective "oh no" moment that came about after the resignation of tenured TWPAF Commander Yuno. When she first assumed command, Altino found the prospect of rebuilding TWPAF to be daunting. She notes in her letter that making the military work was due in large part to her closest officers: Overthinkers and Bedebao. In only six months, this crew of ragtag privateers developed TWPAF into a formidable Pirate Fleet, one that would make its presence known to natives and Nazis the world over. Altino then noted that she was needed elsewhere - specifically, Osiris. The former Pirate Captain proceeded to name her successor: Overthinkers. Alt had this to say about the new Commander:
"I've had my eye on him as my replacement since Day 1 and have tested and trained him in every way I could think of since then. He's come up with some of our most organized and helpful procedures behind the scenes, he wrote the WFE that we use on tags, he's been leading you despite being locked for a good while now, and I know that he's got what it takes to be the greatest Captain there ever was!"
Quite a prediction to live up to, but we at the West Pacific are confident that Overthinkers will prove Altino right. Overthinkers has served admirably in TWP in various positions, most notably Speaker of the Hall of Nations (x2) and officer to Commander Altino. We echo Altino's high hopes for both Overthinkers and for TWPAF overall, and our allies can be assured that the Armed Forces will continue being the Scourge of the High Seas. We would also like to congratulate Altino on her appointment as Heiress Apparent of Osiris, and we look forward to working with her to make both our regions the best that they can be.

(pictured: a flag representing the joining of TWP and Lazarus through their treaty.)
The West Pacific and Lazarus Sign Historical Treaty of Friendship
The West Pacific and Lazarus made history on February 8th, with the signing of the Chol Covenant. The Covenant is a treaty which came about as a result of rapidly strengthening diplomatic relations between the two regions. In a joint announcement made on TWP's News & Info thread on the NationStates forum, TWP Foreign Affairs Minister Saint Mark opened with this:
"Our regions pursued this treaty with a desire to strengthen both the friendship between each other, as well as bolster our positions in the world at large. The West Pacific and Lazarus have supported each other in crucial moments of NationStates history and this treaty will stand as a monument to that cooperation moving forward. We seek to provide a foundation upon which we may create a stronger bond between our respective communities and we hope to stand together as a voice for sovereign ideals throughout the World."
Residents of both regions were proud to see this sign of friendship. Moving forward, the West Pacific hopes to hold cultural events with Lazarus, wherein the two regions can further strengthen their bond and learn more about the unique characteristics of each region. It is our belief that this diffusion of cultures will make both regions better than they would be separately.

(pictured: The Westphalian flag, with some added flair.)
The Red Sun Sets on Westphalia
NationStates history was made on January 27th, when the region of Westphalia was invaded by a massive group of raiders headed by The Black Hawks. Westphalia was a thriving region, and strongly defender-aligned. Prior to the raid, Westphalia had just joined the reformed version of FORGE: SWORD. SWORD failed to protect Westphalia as a massive swarm of updaters invaded. What was once a thriving region soon became a wasteland, flowing with rivers of Native Tears. While most raiders targeted the region both for its defender alignment and its membership in SWORD, the West had additional reasons for doing so. Most notably, the Founder of Westphalia was a noted rule-breaker and enemy of the West Pacific.
We at The West Pacific do not take kindly to rule breakers, nor to regions that align themselves with rule breakers. As such, this invasion will go down as one with which TWP is most proud.
Remember TRR Friend: You are welcome at any time in our RMB for the Pun Monday and Karaoke Friday, and to the TWP Book Club Organized by NeeNee and Rigel!