The Galactic Order is a Raider Region with a strong hand in government and role-play through the leadership of our Sovereign, Empress Rachael Arche-VerinGuard and with the help of her husband, Emperor William VerinGuard. The past month has been rather successful for the region of The Galactic Order. The Galactic Order continues to stand strong at between 220 and 230 nations and more active than it has ever been before!
The Sovereign has ruled with greatness and kindness throughout the past month. Empress Rach has assented a number of acts of legislation to ensure more growth within the community. Most recently she enacted an Imperial Decree nullifying the Decree made by Empress Consort Bunny which required members of The Galactic Order to hold their World Assembly within the region, join the military and participate, or get a voucher to gain the status of citizenship which allows for individuals to vote in elections, be elected into positions, and most importantly apply to be involved in the various departments throughout the region. The Empress, as a test, allowed for the Emperor Consort William Arche-VerinGuard a chance to be “Sovereign for the Day”. This entailed allowing the Emperor to make any changes he wished within the regional discord, our main hub of communication and activity. Additionally, both the Empress and the Emperor have appointed Acolytes which exist to essentially learn the ways of the position they are shadowing.
Lady Rikki Arche is the new Acolyte of the Empress while Algerone VerinGuard is the new Acolyte of the Emperor.
Before the end of the Senatorial term, several things have been passed through the Senate which includes various things from adjusting term lengths, regulation of Force Cults, Constitutional Amendments galore, and an official regional anthem! The first major Senate election occurred from March 1st to March 7th!
With 12 citizens running in hopes of attaining one of the 8 available seats, the following citizens are the Senators for the term!
Lady Rikki Arche (Supreme Chancellor)
Princess Amber Arche-VerinHall
Arcana Arche-Mountbatten
Algerone VerinGuard
James Arche
Alec VerinGuard
Matan Arche-VerinGuard
Zee VerinGuard
Vac Mercer
The above are not the only accomplishments of the Senate, the voting turnout for this Senatorial election was approximately 25 total as citizens were allowed to pick up to 8 and not everyone picked 8. This has been the biggest turnout in elections we have ever had and it is extremely exciting!
The Judiciary has updated the Criminal Code to ensure clarity in the results if certain laws are broken and what is to be expected if a conviction is found in a court case. While arguably complicated to read, the Criminal Code is an art in it of itself and the Order is proud of the Judiciary for establishing a more detailed code to ensure there is no question of what is and is not allowed beyond admin and moderator interpretations.
The Moff Council recompleted itself with the appointment of Chiiinnna VerinGuard as Moff of Recruitment and appointment of Karr VerinHall as Moff of Culture. Several factbooks are in the works to be used as reference for both citizens and visitors to better understand the inner and outer working of The Galactic Order!
Over the past month, the Order closed two embassies with two regions, Enadia and The Versutian Federation, and opened one in-game embassy with The Galactic Federacy while also opening forum embassies with Dythinia, The North Pacific, Lazarus, Szabor, The East Pacific, Union of Confederate Regions, and The Angirsian Empire.
The closure of Enadia was due to the conflicting interests in the Raiding/Defending gameplay as well as other reasons. As Enadia is Independent but aligned with defenders, this caused a strain in relations due to citizens of Enadia being disallowed from participating in the Order’s military as well as the question of trust due to Enadia’s spy organization.
Additionally, Enadia’s accusation onto Crown Prince Smith, yet no case and conviction, for leaking information to DUAS’s founder as well as the very private vote of no confidence within their discord led the Order to close embassies after failed attempts to get to the bottom of the accusations. Furthermore, the blatant lies of their Founder and Minister of Interior Latrovia continue to run rampant.
Latrovia is a danger to the communities which oppose his strange methods of diplomacy, where personal bias leads to false accusations upon false accusations and blaming everyone else but himself. The Order have no qualms with their Minister of Foreign Affairs or their President, who both did their best despite their tyrant of a founder running amuck within Enadia.
Afterwards, the Grand Moff and Empress were kicked from the server. After some time, the information was relayed to the Kingdom of Great Britain, who houses many people who are citizens in both the Order and KoGB. Regardless of the affiliation, Latrovia’s conduct was out of line and entirely inappropriate for a representative of a known region to act.[/center]
To conclude, the Order wishes no ill will on Enadia and only hope they are able to control their founder to prevent future fiascos and to prevent his twisted sense of reality from being shared with the NationStates community.
The closure of The Versutian Federation was one out of the blue, and completely unwarranted by the Order. At the end of January, when the new Embassy policy was established, the Order contacted all embassies to be in compliance by March 1st or face discussion as to why closure is imminent. The Order, upon reassigning a citizen of the Order to The Versutian Federation, implored The Versutian Federation to once again be in compliance by sending us a diplomat to allow for positive relations. Due to it being the middle of elections in TVF, the previous Minister of Foreign Affairs was hesitant to send an ambassador.
The President of TVF, Asairia, as a result stepped up to fulfill the position. Asairia had acted as a model representative of his region by providing two updates for the month of February. One was a “makeup” for the many updates missed during the 240 day embassy. The second was the “official” update due to elections coming to an end, where a different citizen became the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Unfortunately, no less than 3 hours after the update was provided, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Valturus or others known him as Daniel Prime, ordered closure of the embassy immediately after being given the proper permissions on the NationStates site.
The only information given was the update provided by the ambassador as well as a vague telegram from their vice Minister of Foreign Affairs who happens to also be the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Social Liberal Union region. Their reasoning were as follows:
The reasoning provided by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Versutian Federation, who did not deem it necessary to contact or personally post the reasoning for closure despite his residing in the regional discord and despite the Order allowing members of embassy regions to post on our RMB is below (check that spelling error on the word blatant), making it even more clear little thought was put into informing the Order in their decision:
“The Galactic Order is, to some, the most important of these closures. It has been closed pending a review by Falling Skies [our Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs], which was completed fairly quickly due to TGO's simply blatent allegiance towards raiding. This is seen in their few region tags, which include 'Invader' and 'Imperialist' as well as the fact that they have a series of regions they have conquered described in a regional factbook which is pinned to their World Factbook Entry, with their connections with The Kingdom of Great Britain and The Roman Empire. This is an especially important reason, due to The Kingdom of Great Britain's role in helping in a prior raid of the Social Liberal Union, a region which will still remain in a 'defence pact' with. While The Galactic Order may be a big region and, to some, a influential one. This Ministry takes the position that continued allegiance with them, in face of this information, to be damaging to a longstanding foreign policy agenda which has us more purely associate with regions which do not partake in heavy R/D politics and do not firmly place themselves in the sphere of aggressive raider communities.”
Additionally, while the Order does in fact use the Invader and Imperialist tags, this is not all that The Galactic Order had to offer. We contain a Star Wars Old Republic roleplay open for anyone from members of the Order to even Fendas to participate in. Additionally, our regional government has more autonomy than the Imperial Tag leads it to be. As we are a Meritocratic Constitutional Monarchy, all three branches of our Government work together to better the Order and to work with our Sovereign to ensure regional success. Had the vice Minister of Foreign Affairs taken the time to get to know the Order and not allow their bias to cloud their judgement, the closure would never have occurred.
It is extremely saddening to the Order as ever since the founding of our proud region, we have always worked with The Versutian Federation by sharing through our embassy lifetime 15+ dual citizens. After a long silence between the two regions, the Order wanted to try and rekindle the flame through their ambassador, yet the ambassador before Asairia showed no interest after the first week in participating with the Order in anything.
After much discussion on The Versutian Federation’s RMB, it became clear the Minister of Foreign Affairs had no intention to discuss closure and simply let his bias against anyone who calls themselves raider ruin a bond deeper than many regions contain. The situation was poorly handled on both sides, however, an error in The Versutian Federations “democracy” was made clear as the Minister of Foreign Affairs contains no check for opening or closing embassies, a dangerous power to have for a position elected monthly. As a result, the Order’s final plea to the administration is to ensure a check is established soon to prevent potentially more damaging results with more deeply rooted relations in the future.
The Order wishes no ill will of Enadia or The Versutian Federation, only wishing the best of luck to both regions for regional success, hoping one day relations may be reestablished with due time.
Our nation count has remained constant since the beginning of February due to the efforts of our Moff of Recruitment and his team to combat the plague of inactive nations who CTE the month after they join.
The Culture Department wishes to personally invite anyone and everyone to participate in our main roleplay which is a character roleplay. It is themed around Star Wars Old Republic and occurs in a discord server which can be found here:
We plan to have our bot up and running for currency fun within the next week, stay tuned!
The Order takes pride in her citizens who are currently participating in the Iran piling!
The above are not the only accomplishments of the Senate, the voting turnout for this Senatorial election was approximately 25 total as citizens were allowed to pick up to 8 and not everyone picked 8. This has been the biggest turnout in elections we have ever had and it is extremely exciting!
The Judiciary has updated the Criminal Code to ensure clarity in the results if certain laws are broken and what is to be expected if a conviction is found in a court case. While arguably complicated to read, the Criminal Code is an art in it of itself and the Order is proud of the Judiciary for establishing a more detailed code to ensure there is no question of what is and is not allowed beyond admin and moderator interpretations.
The Moff Council recompleted itself with the appointment of Chiiinnna VerinGuard as Moff of Recruitment and appointment of Karr VerinHall as Moff of Culture. Several factbooks are in the works to be used as reference for both citizens and visitors to better understand the inner and outer working of The Galactic Order!
Over the past month, the Order closed two embassies with two regions, Enadia and The Versutian Federation, and opened one in-game embassy with The Galactic Federacy while also opening forum embassies with Dythinia, The North Pacific, Lazarus, Szabor, The East Pacific, Union of Confederate Regions, and The Angirsian Empire.
The closure of Enadia was due to the conflicting interests in the Raiding/Defending gameplay as well as other reasons. As Enadia is Independent but aligned with defenders, this caused a strain in relations due to citizens of Enadia being disallowed from participating in the Order’s military as well as the question of trust due to Enadia’s spy organization.
Additionally, Enadia’s accusation onto Crown Prince Smith, yet no case and conviction, for leaking information to DUAS’s founder as well as the very private vote of no confidence within their discord led the Order to close embassies after failed attempts to get to the bottom of the accusations. Furthermore, the blatant lies of their Founder and Minister of Interior Latrovia continue to run rampant.
Latrovia is a danger to the communities which oppose his strange methods of diplomacy, where personal bias leads to false accusations upon false accusations and blaming everyone else but himself. The Order have no qualms with their Minister of Foreign Affairs or their President, who both did their best despite their tyrant of a founder running amuck within Enadia.
For anyone who received an update from Enadia, let the Order be clear. Death threats were NEVER issued. Grand Moff Lady Madeline VerinGuard of The Galactic Order is NOT the Nationstates Daughter of Prime Minister Louis Mountbatten of the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Grand Moff and former diplomat to Enadia did NOT attack the citizens of Enadia, she, along with the Empress Rachael Arche-VerinGuard of The Galactic Order, made clear their disapproval of the closure but made it clear it was necessary. After their Founder attempted to make a scene, blaming the Order for their “unethical” behavior, the following screenshot was posted:
To conclude, the Order wishes no ill will on Enadia and only hope they are able to control their founder to prevent future fiascos and to prevent his twisted sense of reality from being shared with the NationStates community.
The closure of The Versutian Federation was one out of the blue, and completely unwarranted by the Order. At the end of January, when the new Embassy policy was established, the Order contacted all embassies to be in compliance by March 1st or face discussion as to why closure is imminent. The Order, upon reassigning a citizen of the Order to The Versutian Federation, implored The Versutian Federation to once again be in compliance by sending us a diplomat to allow for positive relations. Due to it being the middle of elections in TVF, the previous Minister of Foreign Affairs was hesitant to send an ambassador.
The President of TVF, Asairia, as a result stepped up to fulfill the position. Asairia had acted as a model representative of his region by providing two updates for the month of February. One was a “makeup” for the many updates missed during the 240 day embassy. The second was the “official” update due to elections coming to an end, where a different citizen became the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Unfortunately, no less than 3 hours after the update was provided, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Valturus or others known him as Daniel Prime, ordered closure of the embassy immediately after being given the proper permissions on the NationStates site.
The only information given was the update provided by the ambassador as well as a vague telegram from their vice Minister of Foreign Affairs who happens to also be the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Social Liberal Union region. Their reasoning were as follows:
Screenshot of the telegram sent by the vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
“The Galactic Order is, to some, the most important of these closures. It has been closed pending a review by Falling Skies [our Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs], which was completed fairly quickly due to TGO's simply blatent allegiance towards raiding. This is seen in their few region tags, which include 'Invader' and 'Imperialist' as well as the fact that they have a series of regions they have conquered described in a regional factbook which is pinned to their World Factbook Entry, with their connections with The Kingdom of Great Britain and The Roman Empire. This is an especially important reason, due to The Kingdom of Great Britain's role in helping in a prior raid of the Social Liberal Union, a region which will still remain in a 'defence pact' with. While The Galactic Order may be a big region and, to some, a influential one. This Ministry takes the position that continued allegiance with them, in face of this information, to be damaging to a longstanding foreign policy agenda which has us more purely associate with regions which do not partake in heavy R/D politics and do not firmly place themselves in the sphere of aggressive raider communities.”
First of all, The Order is not an aggressive raider community, but we appreciate the compliment! Maybe someday we will live up to that label! Second of all, we never told TVF they had to raid with us and it has been a very long time since raiding had been mentioned in their discord due to many of their citizens expressing toxic detest for raiders of any type.
It is important to note that this raid which occured onto Social Liberal Union occurred in October of 2016 (1 year 155 days ago) which was LONG before The Galactic Order and The Kingdom of Great Britain established relations (91 days ago) and even LONGER before The Galactic Order was founded (321 days ago) after The New Galactic Empire was closed due to the loss of the founder (338 days ago). The Order was unaware of this situation, as was the majority of The Versutian Federation when relations were established.Additionally, while the Order does in fact use the Invader and Imperialist tags, this is not all that The Galactic Order had to offer. We contain a Star Wars Old Republic roleplay open for anyone from members of the Order to even Fendas to participate in. Additionally, our regional government has more autonomy than the Imperial Tag leads it to be. As we are a Meritocratic Constitutional Monarchy, all three branches of our Government work together to better the Order and to work with our Sovereign to ensure regional success. Had the vice Minister of Foreign Affairs taken the time to get to know the Order and not allow their bias to cloud their judgement, the closure would never have occurred.
It is extremely saddening to the Order as ever since the founding of our proud region, we have always worked with The Versutian Federation by sharing through our embassy lifetime 15+ dual citizens. After a long silence between the two regions, the Order wanted to try and rekindle the flame through their ambassador, yet the ambassador before Asairia showed no interest after the first week in participating with the Order in anything.
After much discussion on The Versutian Federation’s RMB, it became clear the Minister of Foreign Affairs had no intention to discuss closure and simply let his bias against anyone who calls themselves raider ruin a bond deeper than many regions contain. The situation was poorly handled on both sides, however, an error in The Versutian Federations “democracy” was made clear as the Minister of Foreign Affairs contains no check for opening or closing embassies, a dangerous power to have for a position elected monthly. As a result, the Order’s final plea to the administration is to ensure a check is established soon to prevent potentially more damaging results with more deeply rooted relations in the future.
The Order wishes no ill will of Enadia or The Versutian Federation, only wishing the best of luck to both regions for regional success, hoping one day relations may be reestablished with due time.
Our nation count has remained constant since the beginning of February due to the efforts of our Moff of Recruitment and his team to combat the plague of inactive nations who CTE the month after they join.
The Culture Department wishes to personally invite anyone and everyone to participate in our main roleplay which is a character roleplay. It is themed around Star Wars Old Republic and occurs in a discord server which can be found here:
We plan to have our bot up and running for currency fun within the next week, stay tuned!
The Galactic Fleet has been quiet in operations as the higher ranked officers dip their heads into the world of triggering! Within the next couple weeks, independent operations should be underway soon.The Order takes pride in her citizens who are currently participating in the Iran piling!