Enadia Embassy Request

Name of your region: Enadia
Link to your region's forums: http://enadia.eu/forum/index.php
Head of Government: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=neo-modig_ny_verden
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): https://www.nationstates.net/nation=fbh_fbh (me)
Short description of your region: A democratic region with a constitutional parliament and a citizenship focused agenda of making Enadia the best user experience out there. Defender alligned principles.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: Yes, Absolutely.
You seem really nice, and I actually think your region is quite impressive. I am intrigued and open to further dialogue with you and your region. However, your region has repeatedly violated our recruitment policy, and is currently sanctioned as a result. With this in mind, I cannot approve this request at this time. Please see to it you take care in this area and down the road some we can revisit this application.