At minor update 20/02/2018 - minor update 24/02/2018, The North Pacific Army (NPA) successfully raided Yorkshire and held the delegacy for four days with Europeia, The Land of Kings and Emperors , the United Kingdom, Balder and the West Pacific. 15 NPAers took part, the delegate at their peak had 47 endorsements. So that's something like 32% NPA endorsements.
1. Malphe
2. Dinoium
3. Zazumo
4. Darcania
5. Almacs
6. BluieGamer
7. Vyazmas
8. Quietdad
9. Lozinak
10. BMWSurfer
11. Lotion
12. aber639
13. Cimmerien
14. Deropia
15. Sergio86
The below ribbon, this time actually made by me, is hereby awarded to all attendants of the operation.

Dinonium Is promoted to the rank of Private First Class (PFC) for activity in the NPA.

Vyazmas Is promoted to the rank of Private First Class (PFC) for activity in the NPA.

Deropia Is promoted to the rank of Sergeant (SGT) for activity in the NPA (13 operations attended).

Well done everybody, this OP went very smoothly!

Minister of Defense
Avid Rodent
You can join The North Pacific Army (NPA) by applying here!