World Assembly Proposal Sponsorship Program


Peasant Wizard
TNP Nation
Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
February 20th, 2018​
World Assembly Sponsorship Program

One of the major responsibilities of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs is engaging the region on World Assembly matters, assist new World Assembly members on navigating the organization, and through the WALL assisting authors in drafting their proposals.

Realizing that running a campaign, both for approvals to reach quorum and for the support of delegates once voting begins, can be a daunting task for authors and believing that the Ministry should support authors at all stages of resolution development I am pleased to announce the implementation of the World Assembly Sponsorship Program.

Through this program the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs will support authors through the voting process by utilizing The North Pacific's existing telegramming infrastructure to assist in campaigning for their proposal.

It is my hope that through this program we can encourage our World Assembly membership to become more actively involved in the organization and have a positive effect on World Assembly legislation.

Further details can be found in the World Assembly Sponsorship Application thread.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Discord or by replying to this thread.
