The Winner: The Lennart for Miss TNP of 2017


An Actual Walrus#6526

The Lennarts 2017

Good evening, I'd like to present to you our Miss TNP! What would you do if you could change one thing about the North Pacific? "Regional Peace". What TNPer embodies the beauty and spirit of the North Pacific enough to compete against all other TNPers and win? Who is going to be the next Mr or Miss TNP?
And the winner is.....

The Syca

As the winner of the Lennart for Miss TNP, The Syca may display the following Lennart designed by former Minister Artemis in their forum signature, NS factbooks, or anywhere else:


Congratulations Syca! I now invite you to make your acceptance speech.
The South Falls:
Congratulations. Now you are Miss TNP, Miss Warsaw Pact, and Miss... um... I dunno.
Miss [whatever her surname is]. Or just Miss Syca?
Citizens of the North Pacific!

Hi! I would like to thank you all for voting for me in the Miss/Mr TNP 2017 that ended a few days ago with my victory. It feels great to know that my existance here is appreciated by so many people, and I hope that this will inspire more people to do good for the TNP community. Now I am really bad at these kinds of speeches, and I wouldn't be making one were it not for Yukkira, who told me to do it. I simply don't like doing victory speeches because it feels like I am bragging, and now I am rambling. Back to the point, I express my utmost gratitude to both those who nominated me, which also happens to be Yukkira, and to all those 44 people who voted for me. Thank you so very much for this oportunity, it means a lot to me, and I hope it means a lot to the RMB community to have an RMBer win this

Thank you again

Miss Syca, holder of the titles Miss TNP 2017 and Miss Warsaw Pact