Letter of Resignation
A little over one month ago, I was honored to be asked to serve as the Minister of Culture for the North Pacific by Delegate Gladio. I had many plans and ideas to continue the good work laid out by my predecessor McMasterdonia, and plans for new and exciting things. We began implementation of changes to the University making it more regional focuses, planning of new holiday events centered around our regional religion of Flemingovianism, and the continuation of the Lennart Awards.
But alas, this is where my journey within the Executive Council and the Ministry of Culture comes to a close as Minister of Culture. Effective immediately I shall be resigning as Minister of Culture. At the beginning of the term, real life had me working a steady job with reasonable(ish) hours, but recently I was offered the opportunity to take on more responsibility and duties which I gladly took as those are opportunities that rarely happen at my job. Due to the commitment that I must make to my job, I cannot offer what is required to continue to serve as Minister of Culture to my own expectations and the level that TNP deserves.
I would like to thank Gladio for honoring me with the appointment as Minister of Culture and I would also like to thank McMasterdonia for being a wonderful mentor and friend. Thank you all and it has truly been a pleasure serving as Minister of Culture.