List #3 Issue Answeres for RP


A rocket has landed. A dog is inside.
TNP Nation
Please refer to this guide on how to create a manual TG template, and feel free to ask any questions if you aren't sure how to do something.

Hello there!

First of all, I hope that you're finding NationStates to be an entertaining game so far. I have noticed that you have been answering your national issues consistently. One of the cool things about NationStates is that you get to shape your nation however you want, and the issues serve as a way of doing that. But that is not all there is to NationStates when it comes to nation building.

The North Pacific has an active role-play department where players can interact with each others nations. In addition to claiming land on the The North Pacific regional map, you could sign treaties, declare wars, exchange ambassadors, and do many other things. You could build up a specific type of government, and then go on to develop its national leaders. You could create a culture for your citizens, write the history of how your nation was founded, and/or cover current events in your nation as they happen. Simply put, there are endless possibilities and many things that you can do when it comes role-playing.

You can easily establish a profile for your nation and start role-playing today by registering on our forums at:

While you are it, feel free to apply for TNP citizenship here:

And most importantly, once registered feel free to view the role-play section of our forum here:

If you have any questions about joining our forums or anything else, please do let me know. 

Thank you,

[Your Name]
