
SCUT Referendum
Great controversy over our membership in SCUT began after the Emperor of the organization, Morriband, gave orders to all members of our military to stop all military operations ran by Force from happening and move them to SCUT. After this continued to go on, much of it behind the scenes, Renegalle decided to hold a referendum. At the time the controversy broke out elections for Prime Minister were ongoing so the referendum didn't start until elections were over. Based on debate of the topic and discussion of it on the RMB and Discord; it is looking increasingly likely that Force will vote to leave SCUT when voting starts on January 30th.
Dunkar Re-Elected Prime Minister
After another exciting election; Dunkar was re-elected Prime Minister. There were 3 candidates: Dunkar, the incumbent; and Seoul-Pyongyang and Harkhirchluvo, both newcomers. Dunkar received 9 votes, Seoul Pyongyang got 2 votes, and 2 voters abstained. Dunkar is looking forward to another successful term with many new challenges to face.
Enormous Population Growth
Last month when we came out with the Force Flyer our main region had a population of 82 nations and our colony, The New Kingdom, had 25 nations - a total of 107 nations. Now, our main region has a population of 113 and our main colony continues to have a population of 25; making for a total of 138 nations. That means our region has grown by 31 nations in a single month and is going above our record population virtually every day. It also means Force as a region will be more active and be able to have more serious foreign relations with other regions. Quite a few new members have also become involved and we hope to continue to see this happen.
New Ministries; New Ministers
Back in December a bill was unanimously passed by The Assembly to among other things, create a Judicial Affairs Ministry. The following month, another bill was passed to create a Culture Ministry. Then just a week or so ago, Dunkar appointed Harkhirchluvo as the Minister of Judicial Affairs and Arrow Dynamics as the Minister of Culture. The Judicial Affairs Ministry is designed to be a safeguard in place to oversee the Prosecutor and ensure that all Court rulings are fair and based on fact. They also help maintain the records of the Court in case they need to be referenced in the future. The Ministry of Culture is designed to plan and come up with events and holidays for members of Force to participate in. With the addition of these Ministries with their respective Ministers; it is our hope that Force can become an even more interesting, fun, and fair place for nations to call home.
Colony of Heart Created
In the past few weeks, Force got a new colony. Heart. In order to make Force a place worth living in for all; we have 3 very different regions. Force is more of a neutral region and the home for nations who prefer to be in the presence of those with different ideas and interests. The New Kingdom was designed to serve as a place for people interested in medieval life, kingdoms, and the like to reside. Finally, the newest addition, Heart, is designed to be a place for nations with high political and civil freedoms and for regions who are strong supporters of democracy. In the next few months we hope Heart will grow and eventually be fully functional and active.
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