Embassy of the Kingdom of Arrandal


Factbook Addict
TNP Nation

By Royal Decree in Effect,
27th December, 2017
By the Authority of Her Royal Highness and the Kingdom of Arrandal hereby establishes this first unitary diplomatic mission and opens channels for Ambassadors of all nations to submit correspondence with the Government of Arrandal.

Her Majesty invites all nations to submit their official communications, requests, and questions for our leaders and officials as well as all other communiques and periodic updates of happenings within your borders which are significant to the Government of the Kingdom. All communications will be treated with utmost importance and a response is guaranteed from, at the minimum, the Commissar of Foreign Affairs, and up to and including Her Majesty Jadzia III.

Matters or questions addressed to, or pertaining to, specific government officials or their offices are permitted and will be forwarded to the specified recipient where a reply will also be guaranteed.

In addition, the Kingdom of Arrandal will also use this channel to communicate travel advisories, notices, warnings, and all new agreements and laws signed by the King which could affect diplomatic relations or travel to and from the country.

Jadzia Serafina Agata
Message- January 1st 2018:

TO: Her Majesty, King Jadzia III of the Kingdom of Arrandal
SUBJECT: Offer of Assistance

Your Majesty:

Firstly, on behalf of the Syrixian Empire, I wish you a very happy New Year's. I know, however- as does our government- of the Arrandalian government's continued struggle against Iskaya Bathory and her followers. As you may or may not know, the Imperial Congress, a few days ago, recently passed the Aid to Troubled States on Craviter Act, in the hopes of further promoting peace and development in the Northeast.

The states in question are Prydania, recovering from its brutal civil war and dealing with syndicalist holdouts; Norsia, due to its ongoing civil war; and Arrandal, with your nation's ongoing crisis in the wake of an attack on Bravondy. Therefore, in the spirit of good will, and in the hopes of forging better relations with Arrandal for the future, we have prepared possible shipments, and the Empire stands ready to offer Arrandal medical supplies, any needed military assistance, and any other forms of aid which you may require.

I should also note that we have proposed, before the Phoenix Union, the Unionwide Foreign Aid Act, though you may know this already. This Act authorizes the Union to assist Arrandal and encourages its nations to assist Norsia and Prydania. I sincerely hope for its passage, so that the neglection by the Union for your country's plight may be corrected.

Best Regards,
A. S. Daltovic
Ambassador of the Syrixian Empire to the Kingdom of Arrandal

To: A. S. Daltovic
Subject: Re: Offer of Assistance


Apologies for a late reply but with the Arrandalian elections this office has been in some disarray and a response was slow in coming. We thank you for the offer of assistance and hope that you can forward our gratitude to His Imperial Magnificence and to the people of the Syrixian Empire.

We are greatful to receive the aid shipments you've prepared and will begin distributing them to the places that are in the most dire need. May our two nations grow closer in mutual friendship.

Best Wishes,
Sabesh Kataras
Commissar of Foreign Affairs​
To: Sabesh Kataras, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Arrandal

Minister Kataras,

The Kingdom of Prydania extends its hand in the spirit of friendship and cooperation. Prydania, like Arrandal, has suffered from internal strife. Like Arrandal we find our nation facing an uncertain future. I write you in the hope that Her Majesty's government will view strengthening ties with Prydania favourably. Together, along with our neighbours, we can help rebuild Craviter for the benefit of all.

Harold Daaé
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Prydania​
To: Harold Daaé


The Kingdom of Arrandal is greatful for your offer of friendship and cooperation. In these times of uncertainty it is important to join together with those who can understand the plight of our people, and their drive to rebuild and work for a better future. Arrandal understands the hopes and dreams of the Prydanian people and we will work together to create a brighter future for us all. We waccept your offer of friendship and offer our own in return.

In Fellowship,
Sabesh Kataras
Commissar of Foreign Affairs​
To: All Nation’s of Eras

The Kingdom of Arrandal would like to reaffirm that all werewolves are granted full and unalienable rights under he Charter of Unification as citizens and human beings, including the right to travel abroad to places which accept Arrandalians. We respectfully ask all nations to accept these travelers as they would any other and not discriminate against them based on an affliction over which they have no control. Neither should you detain them without probable cause, nor arrest them without granting them the same rights and privileges as afforded to them as subjects of the Crown of Arrandal.

Her Royal Majesty
Jadzia III
King and Sovereign of Arrandal​
To: All Nation’s of Eras

Travel up the Dangour River east of Glazpolst is strictly advised against due to pirate activity along the north bank as well as continued warfare in Chii Mara. The Arrandalian Navy has been unable to subdue these potential threats and therefore cannot guarantee the safety of any who choose to travel further up the river. As we work to bring an end to the pirate threat, and hope for an end to the conflict within the borders of our southern neighbor, we ask that travelers remain patient and safe until the area is secure.

Her Royal Majesty
Jadzia III
King and Sovereign of Arrandal​
To: All Subjects of Arrandal

It is with a deep consternation of the events transpiring in Mintoria over the Tristaini independence referendum that I must hereby order and recall the military of Arrandal. After the end of the bloodshed of our civil war, I had chosen to disband the majority of our armed forces, to put them to work in field and factory to restore our economy and save our nation from privation. As our nation has begun the long process of recovery I have wrestled with the ost of rebuilding our armed forces against the need for workers, and for craftsmen. There has been fears of growing threats all around us, and yet I have been reluctant to remilitarize, choosing instead to rely on the goodwill of our neighbors, and the loyalty of our allies. But with yet another threat of conflict, one very likely to spill over into our borders, I have made the difficult decision to recall all previously dismissed military personnel, to reactivate the veterans of our long war, and also to call for the recruitment of any new volunteers. Arrandal will stand firm . As always, We Endure.

Her Royal Majesty
Jadzia III
King and Sovereign of Arrandal​