What was your favourite NS moment of 2017?
For me it was moving to TNP and joining WA Affairs.
What are your new years NS resolutions?
I only have one, and that is to become more active on the WA forums and be more involved in helping draft resolutions over the coming year.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Honestly I'm looking forward to seeing what comes through the World Assembly in the coming months, from what I've seen on the gameside forum, it's going to be an interesting year!
How do you feel about the January General Election?
Absolutely fantastic! Gladio was my candidate of choice, his long history of service and dedication to TNP made it easy to back him. As for the other government officials, I think that the voters made the right choices. Siwale, Goy and Darc have done an excellent job in their respective offices since they were elected and definitely earned another term in office.
Where do you want to see yourself in NationStates and our community one year from now?
One year from now? I'm not really too sure aha, wherever it is, as long as I'm doing what I can to be of service to the community, I'll be satisfied.