Opening Address January 2018


You dirty rat, you killed my brother!
TNP Nation
The Office of the Minister of Defense
January 13, 2018

Hello, I'm Malphe! I've been around TNP since June of 2016 and in that time I've attended eighty-two NPA operations, and now I've ended up as MoD, something that I never would've anticipated. I'd like to thank Gladio for approaching me last month about becoming MoD, I never would've considered myself material for the job prior and it inspired me to lead operations in the NPA as practice for becoming MoD, something I was prior very nervous about and that I now enjoy.

As far as my goals are concerned, I am very happy with the current state of the NPA and I want to sustain the current activity and officer involvement of the NPA going into the future. Ensuring activity is chief among my goals, so I will make sure that training operations are regular without pauses of more than a few days between each one, with the obvious exception of when NPA WAs are grounded, such as in Delegacy Transitions.

As per Deputy Ministers, I've only one to appoint; Lozinak. There are a few remarkably reliable and capable faces in the NPA- Quietdad and Zazumo spring to mind- but Lozinak has went the extra mile by consistently and successfully organizing and leading their own operations, behavior I would encourage wholeheartedly. It helps train Officers for times when such leading skills would be necessary, as well as expanding the pool of potential future MoDs.

Here's to a good term!

Minister of Defense
Thank you Malphe, it is an honor. I will do my utmost for this ministry, and for the soldiers of the NPA.
Very good post, I'm looking forward to NPA under your leadership Malphe. And Loz is a great choice for deputy MoD. This will be a very exciting term indeed! :tnp: