Opening Address - January 2018


A rocket has landed. A dog is inside.
TNP Nation
Office of the Minister of Home Affairs
January 12th, 2017

Hello! I am your new Minister of Home Affairs! I hope that we can continue the work that previous Ministers have started. First thing, everyone is excited for deputies. I will be gladly reappointing abc and Yukkira and my deputies. As now is now my tradition, one more Deputy is up for grabs so if you are interested in Home Affairs and what we do, feel free to DM me via discord about your interest in this role!

Improvements and Goals:
Manual Recruitment List:
  • Weekly list - potentially biweekly depending on the number of rows generated
  • Encouragement of personalised telegram - adding additional words based on the recruiters experiences

API Recruitment:
  • To continue the previous program, Deputy Ministers will be instructed every week to create new API Template telegrams which will be sent out by the Minister in order to target larger populations much quicker

Forum Mentors
  • This term I would like to redo all the base templates
  • Whilst redoing templates, I would like to add additional sections for our mentors to add their own personalised touch

Gameside Advocates
  • This term under the leadership of Egalotir I will try to make it more effective by engaging the forumside and gameside communities this includes
    • Trying to get the RMB Trivia happening
    • Regular polls that are engaging that promote conversation between both sides of our community
    • Increased presence of GA on the RMB
  • Moreover I would like just normal executive Staff to post on the RMB once in a while and engage with conversations (don't dive into the RP unless you are prepared)

Press Releases
  • Trying to be more consistent