Main Nation?: Courelli, World Assembly Delegate of Social Liberal Union
RL Country?: The United States
Nickname(s)?: Relli
Favourite Colour(s)?: Black, Blue, Green
Do you use Discord? Yes! I've joined TNP's server as well.
Political Ideology? Liberal -- more specifically, Social Democrat
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games? I like forum games more than roleplay, but that stems from my general lack of creativity, not any internalized dislike of roleplay.
I don't know if Foreign Envoys need to introduce themselves here (I hope I'm not committing some sort of social taboo), but I'm glad to be here. Thanks for having me!
RL Country?: The United States
Nickname(s)?: Relli
Favourite Colour(s)?: Black, Blue, Green
Do you use Discord? Yes! I've joined TNP's server as well.

Political Ideology? Liberal -- more specifically, Social Democrat
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games? I like forum games more than roleplay, but that stems from my general lack of creativity, not any internalized dislike of roleplay.

I don't know if Foreign Envoys need to introduce themselves here (I hope I'm not committing some sort of social taboo), but I'm glad to be here. Thanks for having me!