The Winner: Lennart for Favourite Government Official


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

The Lennarts 2017

Good evening, I'd like to present to you our Favourite Government Official. Everyone tries to be neutral with Government Officials and not trying to say who is the nicest because they all work so hard. However, everyone has their favourite for some reason. Maybe they got you into the executive or they are the one you look up to the most. If there is anyone who you think is the Favourite Government Official of 2017 it will be this person.

And the winner is.....

Lord Ravenclaw

As the winner of the Lennart for Favourite Government Official, Lord Ravenclaw may display the following Lennart designed by Deputy Minister Artemis in their forum signature, NS factbooks, or anywhere else:


Congratulations Lord Ravenclaw! I now invite you to make your acceptance speech.