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- Salvarity#9967

Imperator Noster
Ten years ago he first ascended, eight years ago he rebuilt us, seven years ago he ascended and never descended. That is until today. December 20th shall forever be remembered in the history of The Land of Kings and Emperors and NationStates. For it is the day our Emperor Onder Kelkia has announced his intention to abdicate the throne of the LKE. The Emperor will abdicate during January 2018 and assume the position of Emperor Emeritus.
Emperor Onder has faithfully served the LKE in the greatest capacity since time immemorial. His Supreme Majesty has served in countless positions within our government ranging from the premiership to ambassadorships to his current position as our glorious Emperor. The Emperor is the only individual to hold the Conquest Medal among his countless awards for service, and we will never forget what he has done for us.
The Imperial Family has planned the abdication of our Emperor for nearly a year now. Our Crown Prince Theoden Sebastian has been prepared and he is an individual of notable distinction in his own right. His Supreme Highness possesses a decorated history in our executive, serving as Prime Minister eight times, and an even more dedicated history in the Imperial Army where he is the Chief of the Imperial General Staff. He has faithfully served the LKE for over six years and we place the utmost faith in him as our Emperor’s successor. Behind him sits our Prince Imperial Linkin Talleyrand, a respected and talented individual, and the Guardian Council of the LKE.
The Emperor announced his impending abdication to the general public in a fantastic speech delivered from his palace. In this speech, His Supreme Majesty reaffirmed everything we hold true about The Land of Kings and Emperors. Our fantastic and storied history. Our glorious military exploits throughout NationStates. He placed special emphasis on the status of the LKE as the premier imperialist region of NationStates. Our commitment to our military, to our history, and our refusal to abandon our foundations has allowed us to conquer our enemies in the past and will grant us the ability to conquer our enemies in the future. May they tremble before us.
When you first told me of your intention to abdicate and retire from NationStates politics in general, it was great sadness and worry that enveloped me. One would think that the heir of the most powerful and well known imperialist region in all of NS history will smile with glee, at the thought of now being able to take the most coveted place in all of the Imperialist world. But such was not my feeling. Even now.
Do not mistake me, for I am extremely grateful for this unique privilege to serve The Land of Kings and Emperors. And when I was told of the things that will be set in motion, I have tried with my utmost best to prepare myself for the new role that I am to play. Nor has my faith in our future faltered. In fact, I am confident that some of our best years are still ahead of us, that the LKE will see a revival and growth worthy of its distinction as leader and bastion of the Imperialist sphere.
Still, there is sadness. A great era will be coming to an end. When I first joined NS Gameplay in late 2011, you were a towering figure in the Imperialist world for many years already. You were the champion of Imperialism, leading the LKE as Emperor and The New Inquisition as Crown Prince. You still are. In the latter region, you also served as Commander of The New Inquisition Armed Forces where you masterfully orchestrated the invasion of Belgium and of The Rejected Realms, victories that in my view remain unmatched in tactical genius and skillful execution. Of course, this is just two of your countless military achievements. But, they are easily my favorite. As a young imperialist then, I felt great pride because I was part of a movement that was unstoppable. As was the man leading it.
There are of course, countless more to mention, and in other regions you have been part of. But of all the regions you called home, it is your time as Emperor of the LKE which will forever be remembered. You stood watch as the Empire grew, declined and survived. You held so many positions in our government, serving in the legislative, executive and judicial branches and in them you crafted policies and implemented projects which allowed the Empire to grow not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of substance. You vigorously fought our enemies, in the public arena and the fields of battle, no matter who they were, how many their numbers. Indeed, at times you were the lone voice that countered their lies, their fabrications, their hypocrisy. Yet it was your voice, that drowned theirs, silencing them to humiliating defeat. You have maintained our forums, and with them, our shared history and traditions. We are able to embrace and take pride in our heritage because you saw fit to teach the many generations of where we have been. Our traditions, forged years ago, continue to enliven our political and cultural scene because of your faithfulness to them.
And that is why I worry. While I mean not to disregard nor deny the equally important contributions of other LKE leaders and members through the years, I realize that in many respects, the LKE of today is Onder. And Onder is the LKE. What will become of us if the Emperor Onder is no more? But then, here you are, as you have always done, reminding us that the LKE is and will always be more than just one person. Bigger than you. Bigger than me. Bigger than any one of us. That the LKE will continue to do as it has always done, prevail. That while we face new enemies, while we struggle with new challenges at home and abroad, our quest remains the same.
As you prepare to serve the LKE in a new capacity, I join our electors and other players around the NS world in praising your many years of service as a Monarch, Government Leader, Politican, Lawmaker, Military Commander and Intelligence Director. Few individuals have the singular distinction of being so associated with renowned regions, even fewer may claim the honor of having truly changed the game. You are both. Your achievements not only helped the regions you became part of, but more so drastically defined how we see and approach NS gameplay. Indeed, your greatest legacy will be having shaped and embodied Imperialism in the form we know it today. Trust that we will guard this legacy you have bequeathed us and continue to fight for it.
I find solace in knowing that while you step down, you will not really be gone. I and future generations of LKE leaders will still rely on you for your wisdom and assistance.
Hail Emperor Onder, who shall forever be known and celebrated by the epithet Onder the Conqueror!
I will be asking the government to establish a committee that will organize activities to formally recognize the Emperor's achievements as well as the program for my coronation next year. Other announcements relative to the future direction of the monarchy and the region will also be made later on as we go into the formal transition process. The region can rest assured that the Emperor, the Prince Imperial, Lord High Steward and myself will be in close coordination during this period to iron out details for the abdication of the Emperor and my accession to the imperial office.
Lastly, I wish to thank everyone who voiced their support for me. I offer myself to the LKE, to serve honor and protect it as the Emperor Onder had done through the many many years. Please join me, help me, as we lead the LKE to its next great chapter. We are all successors to imperialism. May we prove ourselves worthy.
Do not mistake me, for I am extremely grateful for this unique privilege to serve The Land of Kings and Emperors. And when I was told of the things that will be set in motion, I have tried with my utmost best to prepare myself for the new role that I am to play. Nor has my faith in our future faltered. In fact, I am confident that some of our best years are still ahead of us, that the LKE will see a revival and growth worthy of its distinction as leader and bastion of the Imperialist sphere.
Still, there is sadness. A great era will be coming to an end. When I first joined NS Gameplay in late 2011, you were a towering figure in the Imperialist world for many years already. You were the champion of Imperialism, leading the LKE as Emperor and The New Inquisition as Crown Prince. You still are. In the latter region, you also served as Commander of The New Inquisition Armed Forces where you masterfully orchestrated the invasion of Belgium and of The Rejected Realms, victories that in my view remain unmatched in tactical genius and skillful execution. Of course, this is just two of your countless military achievements. But, they are easily my favorite. As a young imperialist then, I felt great pride because I was part of a movement that was unstoppable. As was the man leading it.
There are of course, countless more to mention, and in other regions you have been part of. But of all the regions you called home, it is your time as Emperor of the LKE which will forever be remembered. You stood watch as the Empire grew, declined and survived. You held so many positions in our government, serving in the legislative, executive and judicial branches and in them you crafted policies and implemented projects which allowed the Empire to grow not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of substance. You vigorously fought our enemies, in the public arena and the fields of battle, no matter who they were, how many their numbers. Indeed, at times you were the lone voice that countered their lies, their fabrications, their hypocrisy. Yet it was your voice, that drowned theirs, silencing them to humiliating defeat. You have maintained our forums, and with them, our shared history and traditions. We are able to embrace and take pride in our heritage because you saw fit to teach the many generations of where we have been. Our traditions, forged years ago, continue to enliven our political and cultural scene because of your faithfulness to them.
And that is why I worry. While I mean not to disregard nor deny the equally important contributions of other LKE leaders and members through the years, I realize that in many respects, the LKE of today is Onder. And Onder is the LKE. What will become of us if the Emperor Onder is no more? But then, here you are, as you have always done, reminding us that the LKE is and will always be more than just one person. Bigger than you. Bigger than me. Bigger than any one of us. That the LKE will continue to do as it has always done, prevail. That while we face new enemies, while we struggle with new challenges at home and abroad, our quest remains the same.
As you prepare to serve the LKE in a new capacity, I join our electors and other players around the NS world in praising your many years of service as a Monarch, Government Leader, Politican, Lawmaker, Military Commander and Intelligence Director. Few individuals have the singular distinction of being so associated with renowned regions, even fewer may claim the honor of having truly changed the game. You are both. Your achievements not only helped the regions you became part of, but more so drastically defined how we see and approach NS gameplay. Indeed, your greatest legacy will be having shaped and embodied Imperialism in the form we know it today. Trust that we will guard this legacy you have bequeathed us and continue to fight for it.
I find solace in knowing that while you step down, you will not really be gone. I and future generations of LKE leaders will still rely on you for your wisdom and assistance.
Hail Emperor Onder, who shall forever be known and celebrated by the epithet Onder the Conqueror!
I will be asking the government to establish a committee that will organize activities to formally recognize the Emperor's achievements as well as the program for my coronation next year. Other announcements relative to the future direction of the monarchy and the region will also be made later on as we go into the formal transition process. The region can rest assured that the Emperor, the Prince Imperial, Lord High Steward and myself will be in close coordination during this period to iron out details for the abdication of the Emperor and my accession to the imperial office.
Lastly, I wish to thank everyone who voiced their support for me. I offer myself to the LKE, to serve honor and protect it as the Emperor Onder had done through the many many years. Please join me, help me, as we lead the LKE to its next great chapter. We are all successors to imperialism. May we prove ourselves worthy.