
The North Pacific Army (NPA) for the past week was deployed In the region of Christmas as part of a defensive op led by The West Pacific. The operation was a success and 14 NPAers took part.
I would like to award this ribbon to all the NPAers that took part In this operation, feel free to use It In your signatures

1. QuietDad
2. Synnaraka
3. Zazumo
4. Darcania
5. Lozinak
6. Malphe
7. Sergio86
8. Arstotzka1
9. Aber639
10. BluieGamer
11. Cimmerien
12. Deropia
13. Agadir
14. BMWSurfer
Synnaraka, Sergio86 and Aber639 are promoted to the rank of Corporal (CPL)

Deropia Is promoted to the rank of Private First Class (PFC)

Zazumo and Malphe are promoted to the rank of Captain (CPT)

Well done everyone, keep It up

Minister of Defense
You can join The North Pacific Army (NPA) by applying here!