Monthly Memoirs for December


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation
Monthly Memoirs for December
Regional Assembly Edition
If you're wondering why this month isn't Christmas themed, not everyone in the world, or on NationStates, celebrates Christmas, and I can't really ask questions pertinent to NationStates in line with the holiday, which is something celebrated personally, not quite regionally.

Nevertheless, along with this month's round of questions! Some of them are about the Speaker's Office and some of them are about the RA.

  1. How well do you think the Speaker's Office has performed this term?
  2. How well do believe the current Speaker is performing?
  3. In your opinion, who has been the best performing Speaker in previous terms, and why?
  4. Who would you like to see run for Speaker in the next General Election?
  5. What do you believe to be the most bizarre bill ever proposed to the Regional Assembly?
  6. Who, in your opinion, was/is the best legislator in the RA?
  7. What's been the most controversial proposal, in your opinion?
  8. What would you change about the Regional Assembly?
1. How well do you think the Speaker's Office has performed this term?
Well, it was kinda slow before Darc became speaker.

2. How well do believe the current Speaker is performing?
Excellent! Darc's very active in doing Speaker + Admin tasks! I'd give Darc a 10/10!

3. In your opinion, who has been the best performing Speaker in previous terms, and why?

4. Who would you like to see run for Speaker in the next General Election?

5. What do you believe to be the most bizarre bill ever proposed to the Regional Assembly?
The Emergency Bill where Pallaith was forced to dress up as santa, or something like that.

6. Who, in your opinion, was/is the best legislator in the RA?

7. What's been the most controversial proposal, in your opinion?
See number 5

8. What would you change about the Regional Assembly?
Can residents vote too? >^'u'^<
  1. How well do you think the Speaker's Office has performed this term?
    No comment, since I'm the current Speaker.
  2. How well do believe the current Speaker is performing?
    Also no comment.
  3. In your opinion, who has been the best performing Speaker in previous terms, and why?
    Pallaith, who attempted to open up the Speaker's office and attempt several reforms while remaining very effective in the day-to-day tasks.
  4. Who would you like to see run for Speaker in the next General Election?
    No comment.
  5. What do you believe to be the most bizarre bill ever proposed to the Regional Assembly?
    A motion relating to porridge. For what it's worth, it passed.
  6. Who, in your opinion, was/is the best legislator in the RA?
    SillyString. She's quite happy to lend her legal knowledge to proposals that seem common-sense but have troubling legal side effects that should be considered. I consider this quite important to RA discussions.
  7. What's been the most controversial proposal, in your opinion?
    The obvious answer. Mall's Motion to Declare an Emergency Situation.
  8. What would you change about the Regional Assembly?
    I'd love to see more engagement from non-voting Residents, perhaps a subscription service to the RA Digest. This one's in my power to implement so keep an eye out. :)