Changes to Roleplay Moderators & Calling for New Applications


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Changes to the RolePlay Moderation Team & Calling for New Applications​

The North Pacific Administration team is announcing a number of changes to Roleplay Moderators, in particular the method of appointment and the duration of appointment, in light of a number of issues that have been raised with the team. The Senior RP Moderator St George will be unaffected by these changes and will carry on in his current position.

All other Role Play Moderator positions will be declared vacant and we will be seeking applications to fill 5 Role Play Moderator Positions. We would like to thank the current role play moderation team for their service to the region.

The call for applications will be handled in similar manner to previous calls for applications for Administrators or Global Moderators. Both new and current of the RP moderation team are welcome to apply. Applications will be assessed by the Administration team and the Senior RP Moderator. All new appointments will be subject to a 3 month probationary period and assuming all goes well a cumulative term of 1 year (ending around this time in 2018). After which, we will call for new applications for RP moderators.

This is being done to address:
  • The ability of RP moderators to continue to contribute both to the RP community and to moderation on an ongoing basis;
  • Complacency amongst members who believe the appointment is for life and irrevocable; and
  • To ensure the RP moderation team continues to operate effectively and efficiently.

To express your interest in serving in the Role Play Moderation Team please complete the following application and post it in this area of the forum. You may be required to answer questions or address feedback on your application. No members other than the Admin team or St George will be able to read or comment on your application.

Have you been a Moderator of any web forum before? If so, where, for how long, and with what results?

How do you think others would describe your temperament? Your trustworthiness?

Have you participated actively in roleplay in the North Pacific recently? Provide links or examples.

Have you ever moderated in TNP before? Been moderated? How do you think others saw things?

Do you think you can be around consistently and carry out RP Moderation duties for the next year?

What role do you envisage an RP Moderator playing in managing competing interests and disputes between different RP groups?

Additional information that you think is relevant:

Canvassing for support amongst members of the Administrative Team or the Senior Moderator will result in immediate disqualification.

If you have any questions, let us know, otherwise we encourage you to apply.
[class=administrator]Please do not post your applications in this thread, we have a special forum linked in the OP just for that.[/class]