Left Leaning Alliance


TNP Nation



We, the nations of whom share a common political ideology of leftism, hereby form the Left-Leaning Alliance, to preserve and uphold the ideals of peace, democracy, and leftism.

Article I: The Left-Leaning Council

The Left Leaning Council, or LLC, is hereby formed as the legislative body of the Alliance. It shall possess the power to pass legislation upon the LLA to be recognised as international law.

While member nations are required to abide by this Manifest and its legislation, any member nation has the right to opt out of any legislation passed through the LLC that allows such an action. The act of opting out is done by voting “nay” when the legislation comes to vote on whether it will be passed: opting-in is done by voting “yea” on the legislation’s vote.

Legislation will become part of the compendium by a simple majority vote.

Article II: International Law

The Left Leaning Alliance Compendium, or LLALC, is created as a compendium of all the legislation passed by The Left-Leaning Council. In addition to what is already formed through these articles, it forms international law.

If a member state joins after a piece of legislation that allows them to opt-out is passed, they have the right upon joining to decide which pieces of opt-out legislation they will opt-in to and opt-out of.

Article III: Acceptance into the Alliance

Two separate types of member states shall exist in the LLA. Partial-Member States (PMS) are given the power to vote on all legislation, but may not propose legislation of their own, while still being required to abide by all required international law. Full-Member States (FMS) are given the power to vote and propose legislation of their own, and are required to abide by all required international law.

Acceptance into the alliance will have 3 phases; the question period, the review period, and the voting period. During the question period, all members of the LLC will have a chance to ask the applicant nation questions. This period will last for 3 days. The review period will last for a total of 2 days and will be the time in which the LLC reviews the nation's past membership in alliances and comes to a decision of whether they are eligible for election. If this decision is in their favor,
a vote open to the LLC will be held for 5 days. Partial-Member States (PMS) will be accepted with a 2/3 majority, and Full-Member States (FMS) will be accepted with a 3/4 majority.

Full-Member States:


Partial Member States:
