
The Federal Union of Africa
The North Pacific Army (NPA) together with our allies from Balder and Europeia successfully took the fascist region of The Federal Union of Africa held It for over a week, kicked out all the fascist and successfully refounded It. 18 NPAers took part In this op. While The NPA was dealing with the fascist In The Federal Union of Africa, TNP was experiencing a un-endorsement campaign so part of the NPAers that were deployed In Africa returned to TNP and successfully assisted with dealing with that threat.
I would like to award this ribbon to all the NPAers that took part In this operation, feel free to use It In your signatures

1. Darcania
2. Gladio
3. QuietDad
4. BMWSurfer
5. Zeek
6. Synnaraka
7. Arstotzka1
8. Brend0g
9. Malphe
10. BluieGamer
11. Zazumo
12. Lozinak
13. Agadir
14. Goyanes
15. Lovaraia
16. Sergio86
17. Cimmerien
18. Egalotir
Synnaraka and Arstotzka1 are promoted to the rank of Private First Class (PFC)

BMWSurfer Is promoted to the rank of Sergeant (SGT)

Well done everyone, keep It up

Minister of Defense
You can join The North Pacific Army (NPA) by applying here!