Greetings from Eleutheriat!
Let me start off by saying that I am totally new this type of game, but I'm thoroughly impressed. This website sat in my bookmarks for who knows how long before I took a peak during some cleaning. I have years of experience role playing, however forum stuff will be a learning curve. Reading comprehension isn't my strong suit, so I hope to use this pass time to sharpen those skills with all this glorious text! Making friends would be a bonus. With all the political nonsense going on in the world today it felt really good to play world leader and experiment with various decisions. The unintentional outcomes are pretty humorous. I'd love to go on about myself for hours but I decided to use the cookie cutter approach to speed this up a bit (thanks Kingborough).
Nickname(s)?: CremeFreege
Main Nation?: Eleutheriat
RL Country?: Canada
Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue
Do you use Discord? Occasionally, but I don't like the interface.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Ever changing to suit the needs of the greater good (er what I think is the greater good).
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Roleplay is always fun, forum stuff is starting to rub off on me.
Hope to open up more as days pass, feel free to drop me a line.
SoiledDeeply - The Chosen Voice of Eleuthriat
Let me start off by saying that I am totally new this type of game, but I'm thoroughly impressed. This website sat in my bookmarks for who knows how long before I took a peak during some cleaning. I have years of experience role playing, however forum stuff will be a learning curve. Reading comprehension isn't my strong suit, so I hope to use this pass time to sharpen those skills with all this glorious text! Making friends would be a bonus. With all the political nonsense going on in the world today it felt really good to play world leader and experiment with various decisions. The unintentional outcomes are pretty humorous. I'd love to go on about myself for hours but I decided to use the cookie cutter approach to speed this up a bit (thanks Kingborough).
Nickname(s)?: CremeFreege
Main Nation?: Eleutheriat
RL Country?: Canada
Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue
Do you use Discord? Occasionally, but I don't like the interface.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Ever changing to suit the needs of the greater good (er what I think is the greater good).
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Roleplay is always fun, forum stuff is starting to rub off on me.
Hope to open up more as days pass, feel free to drop me a line.
SoiledDeeply - The Chosen Voice of Eleuthriat