13. The thirteenth of November shall be Creation Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the establishment of NationStates; and provide an opportunity to extend fellowship throughout the NationStates communities.
So, as I mentioned on Discord, I really wish I'd paid a little more attention to the timing of the Friendship Fair, because it would have been perfect overlapped with this holiday.

I have a couple ideas on how to celebrate this one, so I would like feedback on them please! They are not mutually exclusive
1) Start a thread in the NS Gameplay forum to mark the event, and encourage people from all regions to come and participate. I also propose a mini-challenge where a little award (and kudos) would go to the oldest nation who posts in the thread. Obviously the real goal would be to get Testlandia to post.

Could use some help coming up with an overall theme for this thread.
2) To help foster an atmosphere of fellowship, encourage TNP nations to post nice things on the RMBs of our allies (those of whom that allow cross-RMB posting, anyway), and invite them to come chat on our RMB as well. Also, probably have an "RMB topic" in our WFE relating to the holiday.
Pls opine!