As One
As the gray sky turns to blue, the sun rises on the small city of Konar. Its residents stir and prepare to welcome a new day. The breadwinners are already up and about, getting to their day-to-day jobs. Of particular note here is Bikfurg, who can be seen kissing his wife as he leaves their modest home. Outfitted in the bright yellow construction vest of END, the tanned man catches a bus to his workplace. However, his morning was about to take a turn for the worse. Why, you may ask? For their job this particular day was to remove the statue of Josephtan from the city’s park. Erected to commemorate Josephtan’s sacrifice, the statue is a popular landmark as a meeting point by most people. In fact, it was there where he and his wife used to meet when they were dating, usually to go roam around the park proper. However, the government hired END to remove it, stating that it was too big and was an eyesore. With a disgruntled sigh, Bikfurg had no choice but to melancholically follow orders.
Yet, it seems that there is still a ray of hope, for when Bikfurg arrived, a small crowd had already gathered upon the base of the monument. Apparently catching wind of what was going on, people are starting to block the workers from getting any heavy equipment near the statue. He could see on his fellow workers that they are conflicted; on one hand, they had to do their job; on the other, they also didn’t want Josephtan’s statue to get removed. As more people join the throng, apparently called by their friends and family, he knew what he had to do. Steeling himself, with the thoughts of his wife and their unborn child on his mind, Bikfurg stepped forward, tossed his helmet and vest, and shouted, “Save Josephtan!” With a roar, the crowd began chanting their new mantra. Looking at each other, Bikfurg’s coworkers also removed their helmets and stood as one with the crowd.
Word reached the mayor’s office, and he personally went to oversee the situation. A playful glint appeared in his wise eyes as he saw everyone, man and woman, young and old, stand in solidarity. As he steps forward, the gathered crowd quiets down and waits anxiously. But they need not worry, as the mayor professes his own personal fondness with the monument, and declares that it is there to stay. A resounding cheer emanates, as everyone celebrates their victory.