The Noblewoman's Yacht (OOC)

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
"The Noblewoman's Yacht" is a boat heist story tied into some of the Northeastern continent's recent struggles with communist uprisings and putdowns. In this story, a left-wing militia wants to seize control of a large yacht in the Norvalle harbor to carry dozens of its soldiers to a coastline in the north, hoping to enter either Thederic Nors or Prydania to commit terrorist attacks on Royalists. It's entirely possible that the militia won't make it, but part of their insurance plan is the presence of a high value target aboard the yacht.

At the present moment, with 2 posts completed, the story is... Closed

The story:
Current progress: 10% complete


So, I got no responses to my first open RP task. Kinda disappointing. As such, I'm going to convert this to a Solo RP. If you have ideas on getting involved, let me know and I can try to work it in, but I think I'm going to do this story alone otherwise.