The Boss Arrives

Hear ye, Hear ye.. I have arrived to show everyone how to get a nation sanctioned by every country in under three months.

Kidding partially but I just wanted to say hello, and I hope to be able to have a great time roleplaying with you all.
Welcome to the forum, a place for everything TNP!

You may feel slightly bewildered at the moment, but that is completely normal. There are so many areas of the forums that we use on a regular basis, so it may be hard for you to fully explore them all right now. I am here to make it a little easier for you to find your way around this area of the community.

Simply by posting your introduction thread, you have won a ticket on Kasch's Fabulous Forum Tour! We end our voyage on the vast waters of NationStates and begin our journey in the wonderful Port Thel. Here we go.

Port Thel

At the top of the forums, you'll see the Docks. This is where you'll do all of your signings up for different things! Think of it as a place where you can properly begin your journey in the North Pacific. You can sign up for the North Pacific Army, you can apply for citizenship, you can get to know other members of the forums better and you can apply to join the Executive Staff. These are all very important stepping stones that can lead you through many different playing styles!

Next, you'll see the North Pacific University! A place for discussions and debates on anything ranging from history to sports. It has admittedly collected dust over the last few months, but maybe you could be the one to start a new debate on something or offer your experience in other things. If you have opinions that you want us to hear, go on over and start a conversation.

Next up is the Out of Character area. The wackiest, funniest and most likely to run circles around you with their lightning fast post speed! Prepare yourself because the spammers are relentless. This is the place for you if you want to instantly make some great friends, talk with people through cool games or just generally goof off.

The last place on our tour of Port Thel is the Roleplay subforum. Home to some of the best writers in the North Pacific, the RPers are imaginative, helpful and very welcoming! If you enjoy world building, creative writing, and storytelling, then this is where you'll feel most at home. Pop in, join in with one of the ongoing RPs and get yourself acquainted.

Magicality City

Our first point of interest here in the wonderful Magicality City is the Agora. This is where we all meet and discuss things casually. We celebrate birthdays, run events, hold elections and organize political parties! If you like to socialize and instantly get yourself in with the community, then visit the Agora and make a name for yourself.

Up next we have the grand halls of the Regional Assembly, a lawmaker's paradise. Do you fancy yourself to be an avidly interested author of laws and rules? Do you want to have a direct impact on the community and how it functions? If so, sign up for citizenship and show us all what you can do. But be aware, there are certain members of the Regional Assembly who will know a lot more than you, so think rationally about our laws and how they work and you will be fine.

We now come to the Delegate's Government. This is where our ministries operate and our Executive Staff do all of the work. This is another great way of getting to know new people, making a name for yourself, doing your bit for the community and seeing real results from your actions in the game. We have six ministries: Foreign Affairs (FA), Home Affairs (HA), Defense, Culture, World Assembly Affairs (WAA) and Communications. To find out more about how the government and the Executive Staff works, you can read this thread, created by r3naissanc3r, one of our Administrators.

Tucked away nearby, you'll see the Security Council. I can tell you, they do not mess around. If you happen to break the rules, threaten the Delegacy or just do anything shady, they will know about it. We have the SC for one main purpose, and that is to maintain a legal and safe Delegacy. They always put the region first and will stop at nothing to ensure that we, as a region, are safe from foreign or domestic threats.

More prominently you will see the magnificent, yet underwhelmingly active, Court of the North Pacific. This is where guilty people get proven guilty and innocent people are proven innocent. Although it is never as black and white as it may seem, it is good that we have not seen many criminal cases as of late.

Right beside the Court is Embassy Row. There are over 40 different embassies for you to explore. You'll find news from other regions, updates on events going on in them and invitations to cultural events. There is much more to Embassy Row than is often acknowledged, but that depends on how you see it. Poke around, see what you can find and we'll move on when you are ready to explore more of the forum.


There isn't a lot to see in TresVille.

In fact, there is only one thing for you to see if you're only starting out, and that is the World Assembly Legislative League. If you're interested in the mechanics and operation of the World Assembly, then you'll find that this place has a lot of useful lessons on different aspects of it. This is the best place to start if you want to breakthrough onto the proposal writing scene.


Our penultimate stop on the tour of the forums is Hersfoldton. A lot of the technical, forum-oriented matters are discussed here. If you have a suggestion for an improvement to the forums or a request for the admins, then the Forum Operations area is what you're looking for. There are also many useful threads and resources here for you to use.

And our final stop on the forum tour is the Archives. It is good that this is our last stop because you don't want to spend too long in there! Thousands and thousands of dusty documents laid to rest in the endless, inescapable depths of history's murky waters. Take the plunge, if you dare.