Name of your region: The Kingdom of Great Britain
Link to your region's forums: http://w11.zetaboards.com/The_Great_Britain/
Head of Government: Prime Minister (Leopold Mountbatten)
Head of State: The King (John Mountbatten)
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Foreign Secretary (Owen Bonaparte)
Short description of your region: The Kingdom of Great Britain is a British themed region with 373 nations residing. Recently, there has been a large reform in the region, including a new constitution and more power invested in the Prime Minister.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: Yes, in fact I have one ready for you right now.
Regional Forum
[img=50,50]http://i.imgur.com/ZeofvbC.png[/img] NationStates Page [img=50,50]http://i.imgur.com/ZeofvbC.png[/img] Regional IRC
Prime Minister: Leopold Mountbatten
Deputy Prime Minister: Arthur K. Vasentius
Home Secretary: Francis A. Thomas
Foreign Secretary: Bunny
Culture Secretary: Vac
Education Secretary: Wilhelm von Churchill
Attorney General: Arthur K. Vasentius
WA Delegate: Wesstmoorland
Associate Justice: Jay Dee Bonaparte
Associate Justice: Louis Mountbatten
Associate Justice: Dwayne Molchaniye
His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales
Her Royal Highness, the Queen Mother
His Britannic Highness, the Prince Royal
His Grace, The Duke of Clarence and Aquitaine
His Lordship, The Marquess of Westminster
His Lordship, The Baron Chepstow
His Lordship, The Baron Monaghan
The House Of Commons
Arthur K. Vasentius (Ind.) of Northern England
Francis A. Thomas (UNA) of Southern England
Edward Pierce (UNA) of The Midlands
Khanter W. Molchaniye (UNA) of Scotland
Vac (UNA) of Wales
Leopold Mountbatten (UNA) of Ireland
Owen Bonaparte (UNA) of France
The first week of September was a big one for the Kingdom of Great Britain. Two monarchs abdicated a seventy-two hour period, leaving the throne to John Stuart-Mountbatten, formerly the Prince Royal. Taking the regnal name Henry IX Stuart, the new king set about the process of regional reformation. This included a reform of the Royal Titles, Once several sentences long, King Henry has shortened the official list of Royal Titles to those that were traditionally held by the British Monarch, as well as the changing of all regional flags, oaths, and stylings. “The work is, of course, ongoing,” said His Majesty, “but it is essential, and we must pull together as a region to build something new.”
As soon as the Succession was announced, King Henry announced that there would be a Constitutional Convention, the first in our region’s history. Led by the Lord High Chancellor and the Rt. Honourable Speaker of the House of Commons, Wilhelm von Churchill, it was decided by the assembled MPs and Lords to start the work by dividing up into committees consisting of four members, two from each house, who would write the bulk of the constitution before coming back together to debate amendments and refine wording. The biggest focus of attention was the Monarchy, wherein all those gathered expressed their interest in establishing a more regulated, constitutional form of government. After recent controversy and interregional incidents, Parliament went about the process of decentralizing power from the Monarchy and back to the Government and Parliament. A significantly reformed Monarchy saw itself only retaining command of the Military, with advice from the Prime Minister, and the ability to issue Imperial Decrees with Parliamentary consent. Further judicial checks were introduced on monarchical authority, and the judiciary of the region was restructured and further separated from the other branches of government. The new Constitution was approved by the Joint Session of Parliament and was unanimously ratified by a referendum of the region's citizens with a vote of eighteen to zero.
After the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, King Henry IX called for new elections. In an election dominated by the United National Alliance led by Leopold Mountbatten, though well fought by the Royal Traditionalist Party, eventually a majority was won by the UNA, who won six out of the seven seats in Parliament. Regardless of the dominance, there were some heated moments through the campaign mostly centred around candidate Asce de Vitre, whose controversial views throughout the Constitutional Convention and followed him further into his campaign eventually only garnered him six votes in the final result. In the spoiler below are the results of our elections.
Immediately after the conclusion of the election, Parliament then went on to elect the Prime Minister for the coming term. The UNA dominated House of Commons unanimously selected Leopold Mountbatten to be the Prime Minister, a candidate who was then easily confirmed by the Lords and then formerly appointed by the King. As soon as he was formerly appointed, Prime Minister Mountbatten went on to select his Cabinet. Arthur Vasentius was selected to be Deputy Prime Minister and Attorney General, Bunny Coniglietto was selected to be Foreign Secretary, Vac was selected to be Culture Secretary, Francis Thomas was selected to be Home Secretary, and Winston von Churchill was selected as Education Secretary.
At the Start of the term Prime Minister Mountbatten selected his nominations to the Supreme Court to join Chief Justice Nathaniel Juris on the bench. JayDee Bonaparte, Louis Mountbatten, and newcomer to the region Dwayne Overbey were nominated by the Prime Minister. The House of Lords are now in the process of confirming what many consider to be an all-star group of Justices.
The House of Commons got immediately to work after Parliament was opened. Along with selecting Leopold Mountbatten as Prime Minister, Owen Bonaparte was also selected as the Speaker unanimously.
Member of Parliament for Wales Vac is currently in the process of putting Parliament to the test with two rapid fire pieces of legislation. One amending the Criminal Code making lying on military and government applications illegal, and the other a Constitutional Amendment adding the right to competent legal counsel during a trial to our region's version of the “Bill of Rights”.
Member of Parliament for The Midlands, Edward Pierce who is also a newcomer to both the region and Parliament, has put before the House of Commons a revision to the Criminal Code attempting to provide full coverage to corruption amongst government officials, providing further checks on any greedy or self serving individuals in government.
Alongside his Cabinet choices, Prime Minister Mountbatten also announced two Executive Orders. One of these orders, Executive Order XI, create the Department of Education. The purpose of the Department of Education is to create educational material on how to pass our region’s Bar Exam, a guide to being an ambassador, a set of general introductory guides for newcomers, and a guide on how to manually recruit for the region. The department will also be responsible for managing the Regional Message Board and assisting other Cabinet Ministers in their duties.
The other, Executive Order XII, created The Executive Foreign Affairs Advisory Committee, or the EFAAC. The EFAAC will always be made up of The King, The Prince of Wales, The Deputy Prime Minister, and The Foreign Secretary plus any additional members of the Prime Minister's choosing. Currently the only two additions are Member of Parliament and Cabinet Secretaries Francis Thomas and Vac, two NationStates veterans, with close to a decade of game experience between the two of them.
Link to your region's forums: http://w11.zetaboards.com/The_Great_Britain/
Head of Government: Prime Minister (Leopold Mountbatten)
Head of State: The King (John Mountbatten)
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Foreign Secretary (Owen Bonaparte)
Short description of your region: The Kingdom of Great Britain is a British themed region with 373 nations residing. Recently, there has been a large reform in the region, including a new constitution and more power invested in the Prime Minister.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: Yes, in fact I have one ready for you right now.
Regional Forum
[img=50,50]http://i.imgur.com/ZeofvbC.png[/img] NationStates Page [img=50,50]http://i.imgur.com/ZeofvbC.png[/img] Regional IRC
Foreign Update: October 2017
Monarch: HRBM Henry IX | Prince of Wales: HRH Prince Charles
His Majesty's Executive Government
Prime Minister: Leopold Mountbatten
Deputy Prime Minister: Arthur K. Vasentius
Home Secretary: Francis A. Thomas
Foreign Secretary: Bunny
Culture Secretary: Vac
Education Secretary: Wilhelm von Churchill
Attorney General: Arthur K. Vasentius
WA Delegate: Wesstmoorland
Supreme Court
Chief Justice: Nathaniel LancasterAssociate Justice: Jay Dee Bonaparte
Associate Justice: Louis Mountbatten
Associate Justice: Dwayne Molchaniye
28th Imperial Parliament
The House Of LordsHis Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales
Her Royal Highness, the Queen Mother
His Britannic Highness, the Prince Royal
His Grace, The Duke of Clarence and Aquitaine
His Lordship, The Marquess of Westminster
His Lordship, The Baron Chepstow
His Lordship, The Baron Monaghan
The House Of Commons
Arthur K. Vasentius (Ind.) of Northern England
Francis A. Thomas (UNA) of Southern England
Edward Pierce (UNA) of The Midlands
Khanter W. Molchaniye (UNA) of Scotland
Vac (UNA) of Wales
Leopold Mountbatten (UNA) of Ireland
Owen Bonaparte (UNA) of France
[c]The first week of September was a big one for the Kingdom of Great Britain. Two monarchs abdicated a seventy-two hour period, leaving the throne to John Stuart-Mountbatten, formerly the Prince Royal. Taking the regnal name Henry IX Stuart, the new king set about the process of regional reformation. This included a reform of the Royal Titles, Once several sentences long, King Henry has shortened the official list of Royal Titles to those that were traditionally held by the British Monarch, as well as the changing of all regional flags, oaths, and stylings. “The work is, of course, ongoing,” said His Majesty, “but it is essential, and we must pull together as a region to build something new.”
As soon as the Succession was announced, King Henry announced that there would be a Constitutional Convention, the first in our region’s history. Led by the Lord High Chancellor and the Rt. Honourable Speaker of the House of Commons, Wilhelm von Churchill, it was decided by the assembled MPs and Lords to start the work by dividing up into committees consisting of four members, two from each house, who would write the bulk of the constitution before coming back together to debate amendments and refine wording. The biggest focus of attention was the Monarchy, wherein all those gathered expressed their interest in establishing a more regulated, constitutional form of government. After recent controversy and interregional incidents, Parliament went about the process of decentralizing power from the Monarchy and back to the Government and Parliament. A significantly reformed Monarchy saw itself only retaining command of the Military, with advice from the Prime Minister, and the ability to issue Imperial Decrees with Parliamentary consent. Further judicial checks were introduced on monarchical authority, and the judiciary of the region was restructured and further separated from the other branches of government. The new Constitution was approved by the Joint Session of Parliament and was unanimously ratified by a referendum of the region's citizens with a vote of eighteen to zero.
[c]After the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, King Henry IX called for new elections. In an election dominated by the United National Alliance led by Leopold Mountbatten, though well fought by the Royal Traditionalist Party, eventually a majority was won by the UNA, who won six out of the seven seats in Parliament. Regardless of the dominance, there were some heated moments through the campaign mostly centred around candidate Asce de Vitre, whose controversial views throughout the Constitutional Convention and followed him further into his campaign eventually only garnered him six votes in the final result. In the spoiler below are the results of our elections.
[c]Immediately after the conclusion of the election, Parliament then went on to elect the Prime Minister for the coming term. The UNA dominated House of Commons unanimously selected Leopold Mountbatten to be the Prime Minister, a candidate who was then easily confirmed by the Lords and then formerly appointed by the King. As soon as he was formerly appointed, Prime Minister Mountbatten went on to select his Cabinet. Arthur Vasentius was selected to be Deputy Prime Minister and Attorney General, Bunny Coniglietto was selected to be Foreign Secretary, Vac was selected to be Culture Secretary, Francis Thomas was selected to be Home Secretary, and Winston von Churchill was selected as Education Secretary.
[c]At the Start of the term Prime Minister Mountbatten selected his nominations to the Supreme Court to join Chief Justice Nathaniel Juris on the bench. JayDee Bonaparte, Louis Mountbatten, and newcomer to the region Dwayne Overbey were nominated by the Prime Minister. The House of Lords are now in the process of confirming what many consider to be an all-star group of Justices.
[c]The House of Commons got immediately to work after Parliament was opened. Along with selecting Leopold Mountbatten as Prime Minister, Owen Bonaparte was also selected as the Speaker unanimously.
Member of Parliament for Wales Vac is currently in the process of putting Parliament to the test with two rapid fire pieces of legislation. One amending the Criminal Code making lying on military and government applications illegal, and the other a Constitutional Amendment adding the right to competent legal counsel during a trial to our region's version of the “Bill of Rights”.
Member of Parliament for The Midlands, Edward Pierce who is also a newcomer to both the region and Parliament, has put before the House of Commons a revision to the Criminal Code attempting to provide full coverage to corruption amongst government officials, providing further checks on any greedy or self serving individuals in government.
[c]Alongside his Cabinet choices, Prime Minister Mountbatten also announced two Executive Orders. One of these orders, Executive Order XI, create the Department of Education. The purpose of the Department of Education is to create educational material on how to pass our region’s Bar Exam, a guide to being an ambassador, a set of general introductory guides for newcomers, and a guide on how to manually recruit for the region. The department will also be responsible for managing the Regional Message Board and assisting other Cabinet Ministers in their duties.
The other, Executive Order XII, created The Executive Foreign Affairs Advisory Committee, or the EFAAC. The EFAAC will always be made up of The King, The Prince of Wales, The Deputy Prime Minister, and The Foreign Secretary plus any additional members of the Prime Minister's choosing. Currently the only two additions are Member of Parliament and Cabinet Secretaries Francis Thomas and Vac, two NationStates veterans, with close to a decade of game experience between the two of them.

This Update has been brought to you by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under the authority of the Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
We, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Thank you.
We, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Thank you.