Hello Comrades I am David Benjamin Netanyahu IV the leader of The Holy Empire Of Saint David-IV on Nation States and hopefully here my country was founded by refugees who escaped from Iraelia when the Shaivans invaded our country was built on the principle of our original homeland. Our great nations main religion is Shaddaism which dates back to when my ancestor Saint David I was born in Ancient Iraelia and was spoken to by the lord to teach the once tribal nation the way of the Shaddaists over time he turned the country around for the better what started off as a land where all could kill and steal turned to a land where peace love and education are valued. Our Currency is the Shreble a currency backed by gold in todays standards. Our country's economy consists of mining, industry, agriculture, tourism, and arms manufacturing. In our country it is required for all 18 year olds to serve at least 1 year in our military. our nations military is a force to be reckoned with backed by our home land and allied with a few other nations we form S.A.P States of the Allied Pacific. our land is gorgeous with hills and fields of green smoothly rolling green plains and crystal clear waters all mines and industrial sights are located in a remote vicinity of our country following our country's rules of anti pollution by using eco friendly tech windmills hydro electric turbines geothermal turbines and our favorite mass fusion where take nuclear materials and with the highest caution and years of training turn the power of atom into the power for all our law enforcement is quick and swift to crackdown on crime our prisons treat the inmates convicted of drug possession like normal people but they have to go through a 4 year rehab and a 6 year term all murders and rapists are put to death that is why in our great nation our crime rate is very low. our marriage laws are tough as we allow trans genders and or Homosexual tourists to come visit but they are not allowed to marry or take up residency in our land in fear of our religious peoples driving them out a problem I have yet to solve our education and national IQ is above genius as we fund our schools military and law enforcement and scientific think tanks to the extreme our country has hardly any problem with poverty as our government has enough funds to make medical and educational institutions free (this does not apply to the costs of the appointment with the doctor and or the costs of supplies used to treat you when we say free medical we me heath insurance which in our terms fall under if your injured at work or on the road your insurance company will take care for that) our country excels in I.T. one of our country's most popular subjects in the university's. If I have anymore lore to add Ill add it here