The Sil Dorsettian Embassy

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation

The Dorsettian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the command of Their Royal Highnesses the Princesses of Sil Dorsett and the Honourable Prime Minister, hereby establishes this unitary all-purpose Embassy and diplomatic channel for Ambassadors of all nations to submit correspondence to the Government of The Principality of Sil Dorsett.

We invite all nations to raise questions or submit requests to our leaders as well as provide periodic updates of happenings within your borders which are significant to the Principality. Questions are guaranteed a response from, at a minimum, the Minister of Foreign Affairs William Bowers up to and including Their Royal Highnesses Princess Claidie, Princess Alice, and the Honourable Prime Minister Madeline Ellison, or any appropriate government official depending on the matter presented. Questions to specific members of the government are also permitted and will be replied to.

[[ OOC: This is an experimental thread to reform embassies. Rather than sign up for an embassy, simply submit your ambassador's questions to the Sil Dorsettian government and get a response! ]]
[[ OOC: Unless your question/statement/request is a spoiler to another RP thread, don't spoiler it. Put it in a quote block. ]]
A request is submitted by e-mail to the Minister of Foreign Affairs from the Skandan "Commissar of Foreign Affairs" (which is just a fancy term for Minister of Foreign Affairs), Hiroshi Masada.
An Official Request from the Democratic People's Republic of Skanda:
Mr. Bowers,

This question is of the utmost importance, for both your sake and my sake. A wrong response may place your nation on the "do-not-associate with" list. Of course I exaggerate a bit, but it is still very important. The Democratic People's Republic of Skanda has formally requested that international embassies of Skanda are to be checked and cleared of those who are not loyal, and the non-loyal are to be shipped back to Skanda. We request the same from your nation as well. We ask that you simply comply with our request, as to avoid conflict and tension between our two nations. Please respond as soon as possible.

Alo'a, the Commissar of Foreign Affairs,

Mr. Masada,

The Principality of Sil Dorsett recognizes without question the reformation of the government from its previously multi-party democratic system to the single-party system it now holds, and we have no issues stemming from that change. We do, however, recognize that some citizens of Skanda are perhaps afraid of what that change entails, and we are willing to permit temporary asylum until such time that we can confirm that said citizens will be well cared for by the new government. Once we have confirmed that the transition to a single-party system is harmless to Skandan citizens, we will rescind the inbound travel notice and repatriate all temporary asylum seekers.


William Bowers
Minister of Foreign Affairs
An Official Response from the Democratic People's Republic of Skanda:
Mr. Bowers,

We thank you for your quick response. I have been authorized by our gracious Premier, Misaka Tawanoa, to let you know that all citizens will be well cared for. We simply need to teach them the proper ways of behaving while at and away from home. No harm will come to our own citizens, as they are all apart of our glorious nation. To avoid you being suspicious, our courteous Premier has read this message, and included her own signature below my own to confirm that this message is true.

Alo'a, the Commissar of Foreign Affairs, and the glorious Premier of the Democratic People's Republic of Skanda

Message from Minister of Defense Genter Leidr:
To whom it may concern:

Goyanes and its Imperial Navy wish to inquire on the Dorsettian Navy's thoughts after an initial period of about 3 years. We hope that the ship has served your navy well, and that it suits the tactical requirements of your nation. If there are any concerns with the operation of the ship, please reach out to us and we would be more than happy to assist your servicemen and women.

Genter Leidr
Minister of Defense, Imperial Goyanean Federation
Mr. Leidr,

Though the frigate, which we have named the Solidarity, mostly stayed within our contiguous zone for the first couple years of service, the Solidarity was recently deployed to the Phoenix Strait and performed admirably under tough conditions including an interception by Cogorian aircraft. Fuel consumption is currently our primary concern, but this is more of a government financial issue than a ship performance issue. We are satisfied with the vessel's performance at this time.

Emma Bettencourt
Minister of Defense
Ms. Tawanoa and Mr. Masada,

The ministry wishes to inquire as to the status of any temporary asylum seekers that may be in the Principality within the Skandan legal system. While we are willing to terminate the temporary asylum order for new entrants, we are concerned with potential legal penalties existing asylum seekers may take upon reentry. If the conditions are agreeable with our government, namely the Regency Council upon the advice of the foreign affairs ministry, we are willing to invoke the 90-day mandatory repatriation order.


William Bowers
Minister of Foreign Affairs

TO: William Bowers, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Principality of Sil Dorsett
SUBJECT: Conference Proposal

Mr. Bowers:

I write you now in great urgency. It is clear that tension is rising between the members of the Phoenix Union. The once powerful alliance is now subject to argumentation between its members, and, possibly in the future, distaste. Maloria seems to be quite bitter with the other members for forgetting Arrandal's plight due to the Cogorian situation, and the debate on the matter of the apology to Cogoria did significant damage as well.

To some degree, the Empire itself has contributed to this, and due to this, as well as the Empire being a founding member of the Union, we come to you now in hopes of making the first step in fixing the problems that have beset the Union. The Empire's delegation once held the position that yours does now. Two leading nations, together, must unite to solve this point and restore the Union to strength, prestige, and glory.

This problem must be solved before it worsens. It is in this capacity that I, on behalf of the Empire, must request a conference be held between the delegations of our two nations. I am willing to come to Norvalle or for it to be hosted here in Pataliputra- the choice is yours, should the Principality choose to accept this proposal.

I hope greatly that you may respond with all haste.

Best Regards,
Hiran Faucheux
Ambassador of the Syrixian Empire to the Principality of Sil Dorsett

From: Bowers, William A.
To: Hiran Faucheux
Cc: Dorsett, Alice M.; Allen, Malorie S.
Subject: RE: Conference Proposal

Mr. Faucheux,

It will depend on how far up the chain of command conference attendees need to be. I don't see the value in involving HIM Rajesh III or Princess Claidie in this discussion for now if that's what you intended, but the two of us can meet face-to-face, one-on-one, to discuss your concerns if you think that's necessary. I think this can be dealt with over e-mail. Let me address the elephants in the room now, and then you can decide whether a face-to-face meeting is still necessary.

Regarding the tensions between union nations over the Cogorian matter, that matter should be closed and not addressed in another meeting. Minister Ellison was very clear in her instructions on how to handle Cogoria: No provocations and everyone will be fine. Member nations can move on to other less combative and controversial topics, and the tension will go away.

Regarding Arrandal, the fact that the matter wasn't brought up until the debate period ended and voting began tells me that we weren't the only ones to forget to bring the subject up for discussion at the appropriate time. It was an oversight caused by the fact that we wanted the Cogorian matter handled above all else. This can be addressed at the next meeting, but in all honesty, it shouldn't wait for another Phoenix Union session. Reaching out and providing assistance to Arrandal is something individual nations can do themselves and should.

Regarding Maloria itself, the tension between us may require Phoenix Union intervention. I don't think this is going to be resolved by us talking. The problem is the fact that the views and personalities of high ranking officials between our two nations are incompatible with each other, and it was made worse by mistakes made by two people in our government.

The first was then-Speaker Alice's unprofessional conduct at the ANU conference which offended all the other delegations and quite honestly derailed the meeting and permanently damaged our standing. The other was Miss Allen's rebuke of Markos's speech and her cutting off the discussion, a screw-up that further ruined relations between our two nations by making our government appear untrustworthy in the eyes of the Malorian imperial family. (Full disclosure for transparency: both of them have been CCed to this letter. They'll know exactly what I've written.)

However, I think the root cause in both instances was each of them attempting to act outside of the role they're familiar with. Princess Alice is a politician, but at the ANU meeting, she tried to cast herself into a diplomat's role, something she's not experienced with and wasn't prepared for. What she said would have been passable in one of our legislative sessions, but not an international conference. Miss Allen attempted to play a politician's and a parliamentary speaker's roles, being forceful in controlling the flow of the session. But, she messed up and exceeded the boundaries of decorum.

Miss Allen resigned from the Phoenix Union delegation and will be replaced by former IAN ambassador Regis Giquel, a far more experienced politician and diplomat. She's also been placed on administrative leave while we sort out where we can place her to put her back in a position that is better aligned with her skillset.

Princess Alice, on the other hand, is impossible to regulate with her being at the top of the chain of command. All we can do is advise her, but ultimately she's in complete control of her views and positions, and she can only be checked by her sister and Minister Ellison. However, she decided to take some time away from the government and her royal duties to rest and reflect, to get her bearings straightened out again. I don't know when this self-declared disability will end, but I hope she comes back with a clear and calm mind, willing to give diplomacy another chance.

Mr. Faucheux, I hope this addresses most of your concerns, but if you still want to have a meeting, let me know, and we can make arrangements.

William Bowers
Minister of Foreign Affairs
From the Desk of Her Majesty,
the High Regent,
the Lord-High Princess,
the Supreme Lord-General of the Imperial Yukkirian Guard,
the Mother of the Children of the Principality,
of the Most Glorious Principality of the State of Yukkira,
the Empress Yuki Kirin,

To the Most Illustrious and Esteemed Regency of the Principality of Sil Dorsett,

For more than ten generations, my predecessors have looked upon your domain and wondered, "Who art thou?" For more than ten generations, my predecessors have wondered, "What might our brothers and sisters across the blue sea think of us?" For more than ten generations, my predecessors wondered, "What lessons could we teach each other? And how might we wash the other's feet?"

For centuries, those who have walked before me questioned and wondered without ever having the impetus to act upon their desires and wonders. But today, the questioning ends...

And let my actions finally speak for the unspoken desires, unspoken truths, the unspoken respect that I was privileged to inherit. To the most respected sisters across the sea, let this correspondence mark the end to almost seven-hundred years of separation, and instead, let it mark the beginning of a new era.

An era, built upon the question...

"What if?"

With your permission, the Court of the Most Glorious Principality of the State of Yukkira, wishes to finally meet our other counterparts across the sea. Let us begin relations between our two great countries, with a celebration seen seldom. Let us celebrate this occasion with a ceremony marked by the pomp and fair of the days of yore.

Let all the world bear witness to the glory that is ours and ours alone as Principalities of this region rightfully should.

Would you have us? And fulfill the wishes of my forefathers?

I look forward to your correspondence.

Yuki Kirin
From: Bowers, William A.
To: Empress Yuki Kirin
Cc: Ellison, Madeline E.
Subject: RE: State Visit Proposal

To Her Majesty Yuki Kirin, Empress of the Most Glorious Principality of the State of Yukkira, greetings,

It has always been the mission of the Dorsettian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to seek out good and friendly relationships, on behalf of Their Royal Highnesses, with foreign governments. Our goal is not only to ensure the safety and security of the Principality but to encourage and promote peace amongst the nations of the world. It is for this reason that we are open to a meeting with a delegation from the Most Glorious Principality of the State of Yukkira.

However, I do not feel a visit incorporating the highest echelons of protocol and ceremony would be advisable given the recent history and activities of our royal and noble families, which have considerably impacted the mental state of both Their Royal Highnesses. The last thing I want is for them to cause you offense. I am certainly willing to bear the burden should my suggestion not be well received. May it please Her Majesty for me to explain in detail.

The preceding prince, Stéphane II, held a strained relationship with his eldest daughter and our now-17th Princess, Claidie, during his nine-year reign before his unexpected death. Claidie has gone on record in saying that she felt her father prioritized the well-being of a select thirteen families over the remainder of the populace, in her opinion placing the monarchy at risk of being overthrown. Additionally, several years ago, Stéphane attempted to arranged for Claidie to marry the eldest son of Viscount Thomas Whittemore as compensation for the Whittemore family's contributions to the purchase of our flagship, the SDS Solidarity, a deal that Claidie objected to and left the royal court as a result. Claidie had all but thrown away her royal life and was three years away, per Stéphane's decree, from being able to live out her life as an ordinary commoner, had it not been for her father's untimely demise. Even to this day, the thought of abdication weighs heavily over Her Highness, as the burden of power and her conflict with the nobility impress themselves upon her in ways that have been detrimental to her health.

Princess Alice's story is very different, as she was more open to the allure of Silien high society. While her sister shied away from the noble culture, Alice frequented the balls and soirées hosted by the upper class in her adolescent and young adult years; that was until she learned of what her father had subjected her sister to and also learning of being designated as the backup plan in the marriage arrangement. While Alice still strives to maintain the support of the thirteen noble families and their votes in Parliament, the agreement left her wary of the motives of those taking comfort in their guaranteed hereditary seats.

It is because of this event that enthusiasm for royal and noble pomp and circumstance has waned in the minds of the two Dorsett sisters, Claidie especially. A past state visit with another nation proved only to be disastrous, and the sisters have not held another one since. For this reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends that either a lower level delegation be sent to gauge the compatibility of our two governments and cultures, and to perhaps prepare the Dorsett sisters before a potential formal state visit. Should this option be selected, I can assure you that your delegation will meet the Dorsett sisters and have the opportunity to discuss matters with them. The alternative would be for your court to visit but without the expectation of proper formalities and protocol, a visit we would approve.

We hope that The Principality of Sil Dorsett can enter into a favorable relationship with The Most Glorious Principality of the State of Yukkira. I await your response with your suggestion on how best to approach our initial visit, given the current condition of the Dorsett sisters, and to make arrangements accordingly.


William Bowers
Minister of Foreign Affairs
To: William A. Bowers, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Principality of Sil Dorsett

Minister Bowers,

I write to you in the hopes that our Kingdom and your Principality may re-establish relations now that the Civil War that tore our nation apart is over.
We feel that with the fighting finally behind us? The time has come to reach out to our regional neighbours.
We hope your government will be receptive to establishing friendly relations.

William Aubyn
Rt. Honourable Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Prydania​
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From: Ellison, Madeline E.
To: William Aubyn
Cc: Bowers, William A.
Subject: RE:

To Prime Minister William Aubyn, greetings,

Minister Bowers has forwarded your letter to me so that I may give my input, as he feels that I should take the lead in the restoration of diplomatic relations with Prydania.

I can assure you that the Principality and its government is open to establishing friendly diplomatic relationships wherever possible, and The Kingdom of Prydania is no exception. I look forward to a continued exchange of correspondence at all times, and I am indeed willing to entertain working visits when desired or deemed necessary. I do not doubt in my mind that Princesses Claidie and Alice are also willing to engage in good faith diplomacy regardless of its demands.

Feel free to contact me regarding desired in-person interactions of any kind and I will attempt to work it into the schedules of appropriate government officials. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


To: Madeline E. Ellison, Prime Minister of the Principality of Sil Dorsett

Prime Minister Ellison,

I am glad to hear that the Principality views extending diplomatic relations with our government positively. It is the position of the Prydanian government that the Principality is a much-needed source of stability on Craviter, and we feel positive relations can only further the cause of peace on this troubled corner of the world.
I am extending an invitation, on behalf of His Majesty King Tobias III, towards Their Highnesses Princesses Alice and Claidie as well as yourself, to Prydania. In the name of furthering diplomatic ties between our nations and in the name of furthering peace on Craviter.

William Aubyn
Rt. Honourable Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Prydania​
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From: Ellison, Madeline E.
To: William Aubyn
Cc: Dorsett, Claidie I; Dorsett, Alice M.
Subject: RE: Invitation to Prydania

Prime Minister Aubyn,

After consultation with Their Highnesses, I am pleased to announce on behalf of the regency council that we accept His Majesty's invitation, and that all three of us will be in attendance. We look forward to our meeting in Beaconsfield and we welcome the advent of a new and strong relationship between our nations.


A Most Friendly Letter:
The Wings of the Order of Sutherland

To the Esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs William A. Bowers:

Greetings and salutations, Minister. I am Raymond Hybin, Servant of the Committee of Heart here in The Sutherland Federation. I contact you today as chief diplomat of my nation, and I hope this letter finds you well. It is the wish of my Arc-Wonderess and the Core General of our nation to create warm relations with all nations of Eras that govern in the good will of their people. In admiration from afar, we consider the Principality among them. With this in mind, we would like to establish relations with the good nations of Craviter in which we are not well acquainted. Our culture is by no means continentalist where we only have pride or interest in establishing friendships with the Meterran world. We wish to be a true part of the entire community that is Eras. With this in mind I present an invitation. I have been authorized by the consensus of the Sutherland dominions to host a representative of your diplomatic corps here in ArchCentre. It is our hope that you come to accept in our capital a space very near our Core General to construct an embassy as a symbol of a new and flourishing friendship. Sutherland as she emerges from youth has come to cherish and see the good in aligning herself with other great nations of Eras, and we would be so filled with gratitude and national joy to count Sil Dorsett as one of the greatest. May God be with you, Minister. The Arc-Wonderess and I, the Servant of the Committee of Heart, look forward to your response. May God be with Sil Dorsett and Sutherland no matter what the future holds.

In your service,

Raymond Hybin
Servant of the Committee of Heart
From: Bowers, William A.
To: Raymond Hybin
Cc: Dorsett, Alice M.; Ellison, Madeline E.
Subject: RE: Diplomatic Corps Request

Mr. Hybin,

I apologize for taking this long to reply, but I've allowed what I think was sufficient time to address this request with the Regency. Unfortunately, Princess Claidie is adamant about not opening an embassy in ArchCentre, and we have tried for a couple of weeks to get her to explain her reasoning. So far, she's refused to answer our inquiries, and without her support the ministry does not have the authorization necessary to carry out this request.

I assure you that her position is in contravention of our ordinary diplomatic protocol and uncharacteristic of not only current policy but her own past stance regarding the opening of diplomatic channels. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister will continue to pressure Princess Claidie into either permitting the opening of an embassy or to at least explain herself. Until then, the ministry considers this request to be "on hold".


William Bowers
Minister of Foreign Affairs
An letter made by the Cimmerian imperial government is sent to the Dorsettian foreign ministry by fax.

From: Bowers, William A.
To: Frederich von Portales (@Cimmerien)
Cc: Dorsett, Claidie I.; Dorsett, Alice M.; Ellison, Madeline E.
Subject: RE: Trade Request

Mr. Von Portales,

Upon consultation with our Minister of Commerce, I can state the following to answer your request:

The current request to initiate trade between our two countries is too vague to act upon as it does not specify a specific need that the Cimmerian Realm has for Sil Dorsettian products. Additionally, it is not the responsibility of the Sil Dorsettian government to directly facilitate trade between Sil Dorsettian and foreign businesses and corporations. The most we can do is facilitate the ease of trade through the relaxation of export duties. If this is of interest, we are willing to hear the Cimmerian Realm's case for doing so.

William Bowers
Minister of Foreign Affairs
From: Asili Polat
To: William A. Bowers
Subject: Electrification Concerns

Mr. Bowers,

As of late, the Imperial government has taken notice of the increasing electrification of the motorsport industry and has become concerned as the Royal Aydin Oil Company is one of the largest suppliers of fuel to Sil Dorsett's and would prefer that they are not cut out by the electrification. So the Sultan and the Representatives of RAO request that the government of Sil Dorsett minimizes the electrification as not to cause any further issues over the topic. We would hate to witness a negative impact on our business relations with local distributors as we deeply value their business.

Asili Polat
Minister of Foreign Affairs
From: Dorsett, Claidie I.
To: Asili Polat (@Greater Ale Permars)
Cc: Bowers, William A.
Subject: RE: FW: Electrification Concerns

Minister Polat,

When Minister Bowers notified me of this message, I was pleased to know that interest in Sil Dorsettian motorsport continues to have the attention of governments abroad. As one who is passionate about the sport, I felt it was appropriate for me to respond.

I must point out, however, that the activities of the Automotive Club dé Sil Dorsett are not governed by the Principality. We have no say over the rules and regulations, technical directives, sporting codes, et cetera. If the ACSD deems it to be a worthy venture to put together a series that highlights electric powertrains, then it is a venture the ACSD can pursue without government interference. My personal involvement in such activities should not be taken as an official endorsement by the government.

Motorsport is the perfect laboratory for manufacturers to develop their technology for implementation in road vehicles, and electric powertrains are seeing an increase in market share. It is wise of our companies to invest in the future and stay ahead of new developments in the industry. After all, it is better to be the disruptor in an industry than to be the one disrupted. This does not, however, mean that the internal combustion engine is going away anytime soon, as there is certainly still improvements that can be made there, from raw power output to fuel efficiency, the latter of which should be of special interest to Royal Aydin Oil. There is also much to be said about the spectacle itself, the roar of the pistons and the thrill of raw speed matched with the bravery and skill of our drivers. There are some things that the E-Series cannot replace, and I can tell you that the ACSD is quite aware of that. I work very closely alongside Mr. Théo Beauvilliers, COO of Aventeur Automotive Group and Chairman of the ACSD, and in my discussions with him, I have not heard of any plans to discontinue any national championship using internal combustion engines.

I look forward to many more years of Sil Dorsettian motorsport powered in part by Royal Aydin Oil.
