Citizenship Security Evaluations Amendment


TNP Nation
Currently, the Legal Code only allows the Acting Chair of the Security Council to perform the duties listed under Chapter 5 if the Vice Delegate is temporarily unavailable. Citizenship checks are an important duty of the Vice Delegate, however, these are listed in Chapter 6. With there only being 3 days before the check is waived, it is important that someone remains on top of the applications if the Vice Delegate is temporarily unavailable.

1. Legal Code Section 5.2 will be amended as follows:
Section 5.2: The Delegate and Vice Delegate
8. The serving Delegate is responsible for maintaining an endorsement count that exceeds that of any other nation in The North Pacific.
9. The Vice Delegate is responsible for maintaining a minimum endorsement count at least that of the WA Delegate's endorsement count, minus one-fifth of the total number of WA nations in the region.
10. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate is below this level, they must promptly act to gather sufficient endorsements to meet or exceed the requirement.
11. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate nation ceases to exist, voluntarily departs The North Pacific, or resigns from the World Assembly, their office will be considered vacant.
12. If the Vice Delegate is temporarily unavailable, the Council may task one of its members with performing the duties of the Vice Delegate. The Council may hold a confirmation vote, but is not required to do so.
13. During any period when serving as acting Delegate, the Vice Delegate will be considered absent from the office of Vice Delegate.
Section 5.2: The Delegate and Vice Delegate
8. The serving Delegate is responsible for maintaining an endorsement count that exceeds that of any other nation in The North Pacific.
9. The Vice Delegate is responsible for maintaining a minimum endorsement count at least that of the WA Delegate's endorsement count, minus one-fifth of the total number of WA nations in the region.
10. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate is below this level, they must promptly act to gather sufficient endorsements to meet or exceed the requirement.
11. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate nation ceases to exist, voluntarily departs The North Pacific, or resigns from the World Assembly, their office will be considered vacant.
12. If the Vice Delegate is temporarily unavailable, the Council may task one of its members with performing the duties required under this chapter of the Vice Delegate. The Council may hold a confirmation vote, but is not required to do so.
13. During any period when serving as acting Delegate, the Vice Delegate will be considered absent from the office of Vice Delegate.
Under what conditions would the Vice Delegate be declared temporarily unavailable? Would it take, say, two days of inactivity for the SC to declare the VD unavailable? 1 day? 8 hours? 1 hour? If you're worried about not being able to make security checks within three days, then maybe the right way is to review why a three-day limit was set and determine whether it can be increased.
Sil Dorsett:
Under what conditions would the Vice Delegate be declared temporarily unavailable? Would it take, say, two days of inactivity for the SC to declare the VD unavailable? 1 day? 8 hours? 1 hour? If you're worried about not being able to make security checks within three days, then maybe the right way is to review why a three-day limit was set and determine whether it can be increased.
I have updated my original draft to include a more specific definition of "temporarily unavailable". I am not in favor of extending the time limit for the VD to check citizen apps as it would just result in a buildup of unprocessed applications in the event of the VD being temporarily unavailable. If there is a member of the SC who is willing to perform this duty while the VD is away, why not let them? The quicker we can get applications processed, the more likely we are to see greater retention of new members.
I am in full support of this bill as it would make the citizenship application much more efficient. Though Sil has a point that the limit could be extended, as Siwale said this would make a buildup of applications inevitable.
I disagree - I would much rather the VD check has a unique time limit that is much shorter than the Speaker / Admin check, simply because it is the only check that the RA can override (and in fact a vote on the check legally must begin within two days of failing the VD check). While it could potentially be extended up to say, 10 days, considering the immediacy of upholding or dismissing the failed VD check I think 3 days is perfectly fine.
Wouldn't it be more prudent to extend the time limit for a check in emergency circumstances such as if the Vice Delegate is unable to perform their duties. I recognise I am new here and am not fully conversant with all of the laws of the region though.
Horsley land:
Wouldn't it be more prudent to extend the time limit for a check in emergency circumstances such as if the Vice Delegate is unable to perform their duties. I recognise I am new here and am not fully conversant with all of the laws of the region though.
I take it you missed my post directly above your own.
Horsley land:
Wouldn't it be more prudent to extend the time limit for a check in emergency circumstances such as if the Vice Delegate is unable to perform their duties. I recognise I am new here and am not fully conversant with all of the laws of the region though.
I take it you missed my post directly above you

Well amending when a vote can take place following the failing of the VD check could be done alongside?
Would it make sense instead to leave the details of how availability is determined to the SC Procedures?
You bring up a good point. The circumstances in which the acting chair fills in for the VD are clearly defined in the SC procedures. The point of this bill is to make it clear that the acting chair has the power to perform VD checks which is currently not allowed according to the legal code. I have changed the bill back to its original version.