Analysis of Gameside Poll 1
Are you happy about the results of the general election?
Of the 82/147 (~56%) who answered that they didn't know there was an election, 48/82 (~59%) had resided in The North Pacific during and before the election.
This data shows that though about 35% of the respondents are happy about the election, the other 65% either didn't care or didn't know about the election.
This goes on to say that around 33% of respondents residing in The North Pacific before and during the election didn't know there was an election and an almost equal percentage of respondents did.
Of the respondents who knew about the election, 30% are happy about the results of the election while 5% are not.
Though the fact that the majority of the respondents who knew about the election are happy about the results, it is still troubling that 33% of respondents who resided in The North Pacific during and before the election didn't know an election was going on.
What can be grasped from this is that more needs to be done to alert TNP residents about the election. Doing so will make it possible for the elections to have a higher voter turnout and help make residents more informed of the happenings of the region.