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Foreign Update: August 2017
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Prince of Wales: HIBH Prince Victor
His Majesty's Executive Government
Prime Minister: Edward Windsor
Deputy Prime Minister: Jay Dee Bonaparte
Home Secretary: Leopold Mountbatten
Foreign Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
Culture Secretary: Nat
Attorney General: Asce de Vitre
WA Delegate: Wesstmoorland
Court of Session
Lord President: JJ NorfolkSenator of the College of Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
Senator of the College of Justice: Cornelius Talleyrand
27th Imperial Parliament
The House Of LordsHBH The Prince Royal
His Royal Highness, The Prince of England
His Royal Highness, The Prince of Normandy
His Grace, The Duke of Suffolk
His Lordship, The Marquess of Liverpool
His Lordship, The Earl of Sutherland
His Lordship, The Viscount Tredegar
The House Of Commons
Edward Windsor (UNA) of Northern England
Leopold Mountbatten (UNA) of Southern England
Albert Phillips (BUP) of The Midlands
Louis Mountbatten (BUP) of Scotland
Jay Dee Bonaparte (Ind) of Wales
Wilhelm von Churchill (RTP) of Northern Ireland
Khanter Winters (UNA) of Ireland
[c]The August 2017 General Election produced one of the most divided Parliaments in a while. The United National Alliance picked up three seats, the British Unionist Party picked up two, while one MP for the Royal Traditionalist Party and one Independent were also elected, leaving no party with an overall majority and the vote for Prime Minister unclear.
Behind the scenes, intense negotiations were underway, with three candidates having campaign for Prime Minister; Edward Windsor (UNA), Louis Mountbatten (BUP) and Jay Dee Bonaparte (IND).
Edward Windsor - United National Alliance 12 (12.5%)
Leopold Mountbatten - United National Alliance 13 (13.5%)
Albert Philips - British Unionist Party 11 (11.5%)
Arthur K. Vasentius - Royal Traditionalist Party 5 (5.2%)
Louis Mountbatten - British Unionist Party 13 (13.5%)
Asce de Vitre - Royal Traditionalist Party 9 (9.4%)
Jay Dee Bonaparte - Independent 12 (12.5%)
KhanterWinters - United National Alliance 11 (11.5%)
Wilhelm von Churchill - Royal Traditionalist Party 10 (10.4%)
In the end, Edward Windsor of the United National Alliance secured the support of a majority of Parliament and was confirmed by both Houses of Parliament.
[c]Following his confirmation, the Prime Minister assembled his cabinet and laid out his objectives to the region in his Opening Address. Prime Minister Windsor, who previously served a term as Prime Minister, appointed a mix of experienced members and newcomers to the region.
Prime Ministers Opening Address:Yesterday, after securing the confidence of both Houses of Parliament, His Royal Highness the Prince-Regent asked me to form a Government in the name of His Majesty the King, and I accepted.
Before I talk to you about the term ahead, I would first like to talk briefly about our outgoing Prime Minister. Owen Bonaparte is one of Great Britain's most dedicated public servants who has devoted both time and effort to the wellbeing and advancement of the Empire. It was an honour to serve him as his Deputy Prime Minister and an even greater honour to succeed him as Prime Minister.
Our great Empire has withstood the tests of time for almost four years now, and with each challenge it faces, each storm it weathers, the Empire continues to grow, to learn and to prosper. I hope that in the days, weeks and months ahead, I can help ensure that Great Britain continues to stand up to the challenges that come at us and against the forces of inactivity and division so that we can secure a brighter, more prosperous and more active future. To do this, I will require the help of the Cabinet, both Houses of Parliament, the Crown and yourselves. I believe that together we can truly make Great Britain the greatest region in NationStates and ensure its place at the top for years to come. Together we have the potential to make great strides in opening up our political scene, diversifying our culture and expanding the range of opportunities that we can give to our citizens. We have come so far and it continues to excite me when I look to the future and see how much further we can go.
However, let us not forget the situation that we find ourselves in at the moment. Our society has some divisions which must be healed if we are to move forward and prosper. We must face harsh realities and swallow bitter truths, but in the end, like always, Great Britain will come out standing stronger and taller than ever before, because no matter how great our divisions are, there is more that unites us than divides us.
This term I hope to expand our integration system to ensure more citizens stay with us and to bring in more nations onto the forum. I also hope to expand our diplomatic reach with a renewed push for opening up new diplomatic channels with new regions and old friends. With our fourth year anniversary on the horizon, the Government will also be pushing to create a once in a life time festival to celebrate our glorious past and our exciting future, it will be open to all citizens and our friends and allies from across NationStates. There is much to do this term and I cannot wait to get started!
Now, it is with great pride and joy that I announce to you my Cabinet:
Deputy Prime Minister: Jay Dee Bonaparte
Secretary of State for the Home Office: Leopold Mountbatten
Secretary of State for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office: Akillian Talleyrand
Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport: Nat
Attorney General: Asce de Vitre
[c]This term Parliament has been dealing with Constitutional Amendments to clear up all outdated clauses presently in the Constitution. Proposals on amending the Standing Orders have also been discussed in the House of Commons and both Houses of Parliament have passed the World Assembly Delegate Act of 2017.
The biggest controversy so far has occurred in the House of Commons, in which the opposition leaders and the Government have clashed on proposed changes to the schedule of Prime Ministers Questions.
[c]His Majesty, King George Mountbatten and Queen Isabella recently announced their intention to seek divorce. In an amicable announcement, the two expressed friendly regards and Isabella was named Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. Later His Majesty announced he would marry, Her Grace, Duchess Asriel Cat Mountbatten, who ascends to become Queen of the Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, France, Scotland, Wales, Canada, and of Terra, Empress of India, Holy Roman Empress.

This Update has been brought to you by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under the authority of the Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
We, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Thank you.
We, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Thank you.