Owenstacey for Speaker


TNP Nation
Owenstacey for Speaker of the Regional Assembly - September 2017

Hello and welcome to everyone choosing to take some time to read this. For those who do not know me, I am Owenstacey and I am standing for re-election as Speaker of the Regional Assembly.

My platform for this term is very simple. I want to keep the Office as active and consistent as possible. For this I will be looking on having two very active deputies that can help me run the Office as active and as up to date as possible. With this, I will look to actively develop my chosen deputies to carry out all duties required of a Speaker to a high level consistently because, to me, they are the future of the Office and they should be able to learn everything to a very high level.

I will also look to publish high quality RA Digests on a weekly basis. This is something that I let slip last term, so I want to start producing them more regularly because they the way that many citizens find out what is going on in the RA.

To show how active I want this Office to be, I will be setting myself and my Deputies a target for replying to Citizenship Applications. This will be to reply to them within a day of them being posted. This will allow for much faster completion of Citizenship applications so new members to the forum can get involved much quicker.

Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to say. I welcome any comments or questions about my campaign or anything that I have said and I hope I can count on your support in the upcoming election.


P.S Thank you abc for creating the Campaign badge.
Hey Owen. Couple questions.

TNP's laws and legislative system can seem rather imposing at times to those who don't have prior NS legislative experience or aren't law students IRL, would you consider preparing further educational material similar to COE's How a Bill Becomes a Law (http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7092407/1/) to aid in Assembly accessibility?

Are you taking/will you take any steps to train up capable new Speaker candidates for when you don't want the job anymore? COE and Zyvet are great, but in my opinion we could use a deeper pool of active and capable candidates for the job.
Hey Owen. Couple questions.

TNP's laws and legislative system can seem rather imposing at times to those who don't have prior NS legislative experience or aren't law students IRL, would you consider preparing further educational material similar to COE's How a Bill Becomes a Law (http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7092407/1/) to aid in Assembly accessibility?

Are you taking/will you take any steps to train up capable new Speaker candidates for when you don't want the job anymore? COE and Zyvet are great, but in my opinion we could use a deeper pool of active and capable candidates for the job?
Thank you for you questions Altmoras

With the educational material, I would consider and have considered creating further material and if I am re-elected, I would work with my Deputies to create more material to help understand the TNP legal system to help newer members and find other ways to make it more accessible to newer citizens. This is becoming increasingly important because it is becoming increasingly noticeable that most people presenting legislation are the more experienced citizens that have been around for a long time.

And to your second question, yes I am starting to look to train up new Speaker candidates for when me and other experienced citizens stand aside. This can be seen by my appointment for abc at the end of last term. With this, next term I will be looking to bring more 'new' people to the Speaker Office to train them up.
Owen, I am pleased with the work you have put in the Speaker's office so far. You still have my support (for what it's worth in this election :P ) but I would still like to hear more about your plans for the Speaker staff. I don't believe that really took shape and I am still obviously a little biased about it.
Owen, I am pleased with the work you have put in the Speaker's office so far. You still have my support (for what it's worth in this election :P ) but I would still like to hear more about your plans for the Speaker staff. I don't believe that really took shape and I am still obviously a little biased about it.
After conversation with my Deputies last term, I came to the conclusion that at this time there is not enough in terms of jobs to do for me to think that bringing it back is a good idea.